Ethers, Aldehydes and ketones

•  Ether = R-O-R where R can be:

•  They are chemically:

•  They are slightly ______due to the lone pairs on the oxygen, but hydrogen bonds between ether molecules ( can cannot) form as there is no polarised O-H bond.

•  Because of the lack of______they have ______boiling points:

diethyl ether BP = ______°C

dimethyl ether BP = ______°C

–  However the lone pairs on the oxygen allow hydrogen bonding with water and hence they are ______soluble than alkanes and approach alcohols of equivalent weights.

•  Ethers are important as:

•  Diethyl ether was first used in this regard over 150 years ago. But it had the disadvantage that patients:

Ethers – Nomenclature for simple ethers:

•  Draw Chloromethyl cyclohexyl ether.

•  If both groups are the same:

•  Lastly - for more complicated ethers the term______may be used as a prefix.

•  Draw Methoxy butane

•  Draw Diethoxy benzene

•  Draw Phenoxy phenol

•  ______ether is used as a octane enhancer in petrol.

•  It is also used in a:

•  Aldehydes and Ketones: Contain a:

–  The C=O group is the:

•  The C=O group is called a:

•  However the differing electronegativity of O compared to C means the bond is


Aldehydes and Ketones – Properties Draw the formulas

Name Formula MW BP Solubility

(°C) in Water

Butane 58 0 Insol.

Ethyl 60 11 Sol.

methyl ether

Propanal 58 49 Sol.

Acetone 58 56 Sol.

1-Propanol 60 97 Sol.

Ketones - ______is used in nail polish remover

______is used in fake tans

•  Identify the three functional groups in the flavour vanilla:

•  A carbonyl.

•  An ether.

•  A phenol.

Aldehydes and Ketones - Nomenclature

•  Essentially the same naming system is used as ______, except the C=O group has priority.

–  Aldehydes Suffix:______Ketones Suffix:______

•  Hence you must number the chain so that the C=O group is given the lowest number.

•  Aldehydes: (1)


–  Ketones (1)


•  Examples: Draw propanal 3-hexanone 1-bromo-5-hexen-3-one

•  Cyclic systems also follow the same rules as______.
Draw 4-ethyl-3-methoxycyclohexanone

•  This was used in 1893 by BAYER to change: