STELR - MAI key concepts – student guide Name______• ask questions, show curiosity, show interest
Key Concept / Vocabulary / Assessment1. Global warming
2. Energy and energy transformations
3. Energy efficiency
4. Renewable energy resources
5. Solar cells
6. Wind turbines
Assumed background understanding:
• The meaning of energy terms, including kinetic energy, potential energy, and energy transformations, electric circuit, current and voltage, atom & molecule / kinetic energy,
potential energy,
energy transformations
electric circuit,
Renewable Energy
Watt / Conductor
Greenhouse effect
Fossil fuels
Solar cell
Resistance / Momentum
DC or Direct Current
Global warming
Fuel cell
PV or Photovoltaic
Wind turbine Generator / Prior to the teaching sequence, students should complete the online pre-program questionnaire that elicits students’ understandings about energy, circuits, global warming and the greenhouse effect. Students will complete the questionnaire by accessing the STELR website.
Practical write up – complete set of notes for all investigations
Research report – student choice from research listed in extension & variation
Reference: STELR manual & Text book pages 174-185 / Done @ School
Teacher Signs / Done @ Home
Priority 1 / Suggested Activities / Extension and Variation
S.1: Introduction: What is Global Warming? / Computer task: pre-test
DVD – global warming and Activity sheet: pg 1
H/W: Student handout: Global warming / Research: Global Warming topic choice x3
S.2: Energy Transformations / H/O: Energy transformation & BUILD a cotton-reel car pg 10, and flicflac pg 11
Investigation 1: Energy transformations spg 12-16 & H/O: Energy Efficiency Q’s pg 18-25
Investigation 2: Bouncing balls spg 32-35 & H/O: Results sheet pg: 36-41
Investigation 3: The pendulum / Research: Hydroelectric Power Stations spg 26 + 27
S.3: Series and Parallel Circuits / H/O: Introduction to series and parallel circuits
Investigation: Circuit training workout: Series & parallel circuits pg 128-131
H/O: Introduction to measuring current
Investigation: Circuit training workout: Measuring current pg 132-135
H/O: Introduction to measuring voltage
Investigation: Circuit training workout: Measuring voltage pg 136-146
S.4: Solar Energy / Investigation 4: The effect of light on a solar cell pg 62-66
Investigation 5: The voltage delivered by a solar panel pg 69-72
Investigation 6: The power and energy delivered by a solar panel pg 73-84
Investigation 7: Power and resistance pg 85-90
Investigation 8: Efficiency of photovoltaic cells pg 91-96 / Research: How many kWh of electrical energy did your household consume per person per day, on average, in your last billing period? Compare this to another household
S.5: Wind Power / Investigation 9: The power of wind turbines pg 97-105 / Research: Wind Turbines and Bird Populations pg 49-50
S.6: Group task: Renewable Energy Resources / Student Designed Investigations pg 106-109 (choice)