Prince George Rod & Gun Club

Membership Policy(2018) on Privileges & Obligations


  1. To provide Club membersa safe, clean and enjoyable place to spend recreational time while pursuing various shooting sports.
  2. To promote a true spirit of sportsmanship among its members.
  3. To cultivate and promote a friendly relationship among its members and others.
  4. To encourage and promote organized shooting sports, firearms training and the safe and efficient handling of firearms among its members and the citizens of our community.
  5. To diligently examine and alert members to any law, proposed or enacted, which would impactthe legal ownership of firearms.


  1. Members in good standing:

a)Shall have reasonable use of the Club facilities during the hours of 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. (or dusk) seven days of the week. Shooting shall not commence before 8 a.m.

b)Shall have all membership privileges granted to a member in good standing, including those of voting and holding office, as per the Constitution and Bylaws.

c)May occasionally bring guests to the range. Members are responsible for the conduct and safety of their guests. Members must be at the range with their guest.

d)May participate and volunteer in all Club activities.

e)For a major shooting event or other Club activity, the Section hosting the event may allow participants to use Club facilities for camping,with approval by the Club’s Board of Directors.

  1. A member may make a complaint against another member.

(a)The complaint is to be in writing and must be presented to the Secretary with all supporting materials and evidence.

(b)If the complaint is against a member of the Executive, then the complaint must be submitted to the President.

(c)If the complaint is against the President, then the complaint must be submitted to the Vice President.

(d)A member who has been complained about is entitled to a full hearing before the general membership in accordance with the Bylaws. The member is entitled to know the accuser, know the complaint, and have a true copy of the complaint, supporting materials, and evidence.

  1. Any member or Director may nominate another member, or member of the public, for an award or commendation. The Board of Directors will consider the nomination and decide if such recognition is deserved and what is appropriate.


1.All members are responsible for keeping their dues current.

2.All membership applications must be signed by the applicant, andare subject to approval by the Directors in accordance with the Bbylaws.

3.All members are to treat each other with respect and dignity at ALL times, in ALL situations. A conflict shall be addressed in the following manner:

(a)Voice your concerns to the other party while remaining calm and polite. In cases involving a threat or act of violence, leave the immediate area, call the RCMP immediately, and then call the President, Vice President, or any other Director immediately thereafter.

(b)If the situation is one where your safety or the safety of other persons is not in jeopardy, call the President, Vice President, or any other Director immediately.

(c)If resolution of an issue becomes unlikely, walk away from the situation and inform the President, Vice President, or any other Director so that the issue can be addressed.

(d)Record details such as the person's name, description, vehicle type and license numbers etc.,for future reference.

DO NOT get into a heated confrontation; if the situation gets to this level BOTH parties may face discipline. Remember, you may not be able to control everything that happens around you, but you have the responsibility of controlling how you behave.

4.All members are expected to read the Bylaws, Policies and Rules of the club, and must abide by them.Failure to do so could result in disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from the Club. A copy of the Bylaws is posted on the Club web site and is available on request. This document is intended to give a new member a simplified understanding of the rules that are necessary to get started in Club activities.

5.All members are expected to do at least one workday for the club each year. This may include participation at our annual family heritage event, Gun Show, range clean-up or other work parties. Those exempted are members with disabilities that limit their physical activity. Official work days will be announced on the Club website and other opportunities may be available.

6.All members are to protect and preserve the property and resources of the Club, and to report concerns about theft and vandalism of club property or another member's property to the Club Executive. Lost and found property should be reported to appropriate Club Section Directors.

7.All members of the Club shall conduct themselves in a cordial and business-like manner and practice good sportsmanship at all times when representing the Club, conducting Club business, while using the range facilities.

8.The use of alcohol, marijuana or illicit drugs, or being under the influence of such a mind-altering substance while at the range, is prohibited.

The moderate consumption of alcohol on site is permitted under both of the following conditions:

a)The range is closed to shooting and all firearms are secured;

b)At the conclusion of a special function such as a competition, social event or work party.

Being in a drunken state is not acceptable conduct.

9.All members will practice firearms safety at all times. They will abide by the Safety Rules established by the Club Directors and report willful violators to the Board of Directors.

(a)Additionally, they will follow the instructions of the Designated Range Officer while using the range facility and the Match Director and Range Officers while participating in organized shooting events.

10.Members are not permitted to lend their key to the lock on the range gates, except to those persons authorized to use the facility or as authorized by a Director.

Prince George Rod & Gun Club Membership Policy on Privileges & Obligations

I have read and understand all of the above policy document on “Privileges and Obligations” and the Club Bylaws and agree to follow all Policies, Rules and Bbylaws of the PGRGC.


Print name:______Date:______

This page must be signed, dated and accompany your membership form, new member or renewal, before your card and key will be issued.

Please keep pages 1 – 3 for future reference.