Hampshire and Isle of Wight EA/LA contaminated land Liaison Group 04/09/2013
DATE: 4th September 2013
MINUTES: Fiona Goode
Item / Information / Action1 / Apologies and attendance:
Attendance: Kevin Beer, Fiona Goode, David Reed, Sam Guppy, Paul Slaughter, Paula Awty, Tracey Collins, Nicola Franklin, Simon Downs, Neil Hince,
Jonathan Driver
Apologies: Neil Scott, Wendy Shakespeare, Alison Harker, Steve Guppy,
Laura Grimwood
2 / Minutes from last meeting:
Nothing Arising
3 / EA/ LA updates:
Most LA’s busy with planning some very busy with major planning apps. Majority of authorities have noticed an increase in environmental searches.
EA- No new guidance released. Oil drilling in Balcombe, Surrey has taken over recently. Increased number of oil spills recently so EA are looking into working with parish councils to educate and inform to try and reduce the numbers of spills
4 / Sub-Groups:
i) Contaminated Land Strategy: Simon Downs circulated a copy of the contaminated land strategy template for group to review and comment. EA will look to make sure that they are happy as well.
Once comments are received sub-group to make any necessary changes then release to group as final document.
ii) New Planning Policy/ Developers Guide: Draft developers guide has been sent out to group. There have been a number of changes so need group to review and comment (comments to Simon Downs).
Planning Policy – Neil Scott to lead
iii) Building Control: A document package had been put together for the Building Control Officers Group and we are awaiting a formal response. Neil Scott to update group with response / All 30/09/13
5 / Work Plan 2013/2014:
Draft has been produced, includes the creation of 2 sub-groups, background levels and imported material. Kevin Beer to circulate work plan to group for any comments then work plan can be implemented / KB
6 / Training:
Paula suggested training related to new remediation technologies, using case studies. Will see if any sites come forward that utilise a new technology and look to arrange a site visit. With the recent problems in Surrey with Oil Drilling/ Fracking also suggested that some training be provided so that LA’s know which organisation deals with each aspect.
Training needs have been identified on the new work plan and lead officers assigned.
7 / Website:
Just requires password to be set-up by Southampton’s IT department. Sam Guppy will chase this up and hopefully the password will be sorted by the end of the month / SG
8 / DCLG – National Planning Practise Guidance:
Kevin Beer sent out an email from the CIEH with the new guidance. CIEH are wanting comments as they are willing to supplement the guidance. Agreed that it would be best to comment as a group. Kevin to find out when deadline for comments is and inform group so that individuals can send their comments to Kevin and he can write a group response. / KB
9 / Environmental Enquiries – Charging:
New Forest’s legal team have taken the stance that environmental searches are not EIR and therefore just con-land info which cannot be charged for. Most other authorities are still charging for EIR’s the only exception being if people just want to know if a site is on statutory con-land, then generally no charge.
10 / Inspire:
This has come from the EU and will be a requirement for all LA’s. It relates to making information held by councils more publically available. David Reed will email details including CIEH guidance and timescales. May be worth discussing with GIS officers to see what info they are planning on making available. / DR
11 / AOB:
The dates of upcoming meetings were raised, as some clash with the dates that DEFRA has set for collection of NOx tubes. Will try and avoid this in the future unfortunately next meeting will clash but unable to change as a speaker is booked.
Next Meeting:
Wednesday 4th December 2013 10am-1.30pm at Eastleigh Borough Council
Speaker – John Atkinson (EA) - Waste