CSL Funding Application Help Aid
CSL Funding ApplicationHover cursor over input fields for entry tips and instructions.
Project Overview
Project Title / Your title should be short and informative: 100 characters or less.
Type of Grant / Select the Mini or midi level of grant. The mini is a $500 grant award and the Midi is $2,000-$4,000 for established projects that have significant mentor involvement and include a scholarly aspect: research, publication, and/or presentation at an outside conference)
Student Leader / Enter your First and Last Name
Student Leader Discipline / Select your discipline
Faculty Mentor / Select the faculty mentor that will be helping oversee the project. If your mentor is not listed, have them enter themselves as a mentor.
Role of Mentor / Briefly describe the role of your mentor in this project and why the mentor is a good match for this project.
Community Partner Organization / List the organization who you will be partnering with to carry out this project.
Community Partner Organization Website / List the website for the community partner organization
Project Location (City) / List the city where this project will be carried out.
Project Location (County) / List the county where this project will be carried out.
Project Start Date / Enter the start date for the project.
Project End Date / If the Mini-grant application end date is prior to April, then you will present at the current academic year's annual CSL conference. If the Mini-grant application end date is later than April, then you will present at the following academic year's annual CSL conference.
Timeline / Highlight important milestones in your project (i.e. when you are conducting a needs assessment, preparing for your project, conducing the service(s), evaluating it, and presenting it)
Other Student Members Contact Information
List the names of student leaders of this project and their disciplines, if applicable.
First Name Last Name Discipline
Project Details
Project Description / Provide a stand-alone overview of this project, as if you were describing it to a faculty who does not know anything about it. Briefly describe why you are doing this project (how it is based on community-expressed needs), what exactly you will be doing (the service, intervention, etc.) who you will be doing it for (the specific audience), and when (frequency and duration of your intervention) (700 characters or less)
IRB Needed for Project? / If IRB is needed check yes and describe where you are in the IRB process.
Contact the Office of the Institutional Review Board to find out if your project needs to go through the approval submission process: http://research.uthscsa.edu/irb.
Preparation by Students / Describe how will the students participating in this project be prepared for their service? Be specific. This may include class preparation, outside trainings, orientation by the community organization, etc.
Community Needs Assessment
Community Needs Assessment and Impact / Describe how it has been determined there is a need for this project. You may describe the results of a needs assessment that has already been completed. Or, if an assessment has not been completed, then describe the methods you/your team will use to assess the needs of the target community (i.e. focus groups, surveys, interviews, etc.). In both cases, state how the target population will be engaged in your project.
Target Population / Specifically describe your target population for this project. Include demographics.
Number of Community Beneficiaries / State the projected number of people you will reach through this project.
Healthy People 2020 Topic and Objective Addressed / Your overall project goal should be aligned with a Healthy People 2020 topic. You can read about the Healthy People 2020 topics and objectives at http://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topicsobjectives2020/default.aspx Please list 1 topic and 1 objective under that topic that your project will address. Example: "Topic: Family Planning. Objective: FP-8 Reduce pregnancy rates among adolescent females".
Measurable (SMART) Objectives (minimum of two) / Write at least two measureable objectives your proposed project will address. Your project's objectives should be written in the SMART format. Learn about SMART objectives by using the "How to Write Measurable Objectives" from in the Funding Resource Library
Monitoring and Evaluation
Results / Evaluation / Briefly describe what evaluation tools (i.e. pre/post test, survey, data analysis, etc.) you will use to measure your objectives and determine the effectiveness of the proposed service project.
Presentation to Community / Describe how you will present the project results to the targeted community (i.e. presentation at a community meeting, board meeting, etc.)
Reflection / Please describe the mechanism you will use for reflection (i.e. journaling, blogging, discussions with mentor), and the manner in which your Project Mentor will engage with you in the reflection process.
Sustainability / Describe the plan for keeping this project going at your community site after you leave. Will you recruit future students to take over the project? Will the community organization be able to run and fund the project independently?
Works Cited / Please list your references here.
Itemize all anticipated expenses for your project (i.e. supplies, printing costs, fitness equipment, venue cost, etc.) NOTE: Food is not an acceptable budget item unless it is used as a teaching activity directly related to the project objectives. Incentives and capital equipment costs are not allowable budget items.
Item / Qty / Cost per Item / Line Total
Make sure your budget total does not exceed the maximum award amount for mini-grant or midi-grant.
Budget Justification / Use this section to describe why you need each budgeted item to complete your project. For example, if you had itemized 2 voice recorders at $50 each in the budget, here you would state, "2 voice recorders are needed because..." Explain how any purchased equipment will be handled - who is responsible for maintaining it, where will it be stored, etc. Describe any items for this project that will be provided in-kind and therefore not itemized above.
Please have your mentor completely fill out the Transfer of Funds (TOF) document (/Community-Service-Learning-TOF.docx). Once awarded, funds will be transferred to the designated account, provided on the TOF (/Community-Service-Learning-TOF.docx)
I have submitted a letter of support from my Faculty Mentor. / Confirm you have submitted a letter of support from your mentor by checking this box.
I have submitted a letter of support from my Community Partner. / Confirm you have submitted a letter of support from the community partner by checking this box.
I have attended or received the information from a CSL Grant Information Session. / Confirm you have you have attended or received the information from a CSL Grant Information Session by checking this box.
My mentor has reviewed this application / Confirm your mentor has reviewed this application by checking this box.
Transfer of Funds (TOF) Document / Please have your mentor completely fill out the Transfer of Funds (TOF) document found in the Funding Resource Library. Once awarded, funds will be transferred to the designated account, provided on the TOF form. Attach a PDF version of the filled out form here.
Mentor letter of support / Sample Letter of Support (/Sample-Format-for-Letter-of-Support-2013-2014.docx. Attach a PDF version of the filled out form here.
Community partner letter of support / Attach a PDF version of the filled out form here.
I acknowledge that if awarded a CSL Mini-Grant or Midi-Grant I will sign a consent form stating that I will comply with the following conditions:
- Upon receiving my award, I will meet with the Assistant Director of Community Service Learning to go over the grant requirements.
- If awarded a grant, my project funds will be distributed to me via my faculty mentor.
- I will maintain and document regular contact with my mentor throughout my project duration.
- I will submit my initial and final project reports through the online system by the dates that will be specified.
- I will submit an abstract and a poster for inclusion in the Annual Community Service Learning Conference, according to the guidelines released each year.
- I will attend the Annual Community Service Learning Conference, according to the guidelines released each year.
To Save as a Draft you must at least enter Project Title, Student Leader Name, and Project Start Date. To Submit all fields are required except Community Partner Organization Website, Project Location (County), Other Study Members, IRB Needed, Additional Measurable Objectives, and Works Cited.
Once submitted, you will receive notification of your application status within four (4) weeks.
For more information, please email or call Melanie Stone, Assistant Director for Community Service Learning, 210-567-0795.
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