Interest Group…Group Assignment

Assignment: As a interest group you have a certain issue that you want your candidate/politician to pay special attention to when legislating or campaigning. As a group please come up with the following.

1)Name your group. List your 10 concerns ____/5

2)Credo eight paragraphs that a) describe your special interest in detail b) ask the candidate what he/she should do c) what will change if your special interest issue is given importance d) what types of citizens would this affect and why? _____/40

3)Make a brochure that informs the constituency about your issue and what should change. This should be a three fold brochure with the intent of educating the public on your issue. This is different from the credo in that you are not trying to persuade a politician, but the public instead. There should be at least 10 pieces of credible research to support your topic, cited with MLA and A works cited on the back of the brochure.____/20

4)Make a PowerPoint presentation or a movie (commercial) containing your information for the class. The presentation must be at least 5 minutes and not more than 7. All members of the group must help in the presentation. Presentations are Wednesday December 11 ____/20

5)Come up with three ideas/items/promises that represent if you are a positive or negative interest group. ____/15

Total ______/100

Interest Group…Group Assignment

Assignment: As a interest group you have a certain issue that you want your candidate/politician to pay special attention to when legislating or campaigning. As a group please come up with the following.

1)Name your group. List your 10 concerns ____/5

2)Credo eight paragraphs that a) describe your special interest in detail b) ask the candidate what he/she should do c) what will change if your special interest issue is given importance d) what types of citizens would this affect and why? _____/40

3)Make a brochure that informs the constituency about your issue and what should change. This should be a three fold brochure with the intent of educating the public on your issue. This is different from the credo in that you are not trying to persuade a politician, but the public instead. There should be at least 10 pieces of credible research to support your topic, cited with MLA and A works cited on the back of the brochure.____/20

4)Make a PowerPoint presentation or a movie (commercial) containing your information for the class. The presentation must be at least 5 minutes and not more than 7. All members of the group must help in the presentation. Presentations are Wednesday December 11 ____/20

5)Come up with three ideas/items/promises that represent if you are a positive or negative interest group. ____/15

Total ______/100