
(a) Ho: The means of Y1 and Y2 for the two groups are equal..

Ha: The means of Y1 and Y2 for the two groups are not equal.

(b) The following two tables give the computations for the two data sets.

Data Set 1

X1 = (3.25 6.25) X2 = (7.5 15.75) (X1 - X2) = (-4.25 -9.50)

SSCP1 = 8.750 16.750 SSCP2 = 3.000 23.500

16.750 34.750 23.500 42.750

SSCPw = 21.750 40.250 SSCPt = 57.875 121.000

40.250 77.500 121.000 258.000

SSCPb = 36.174 80.750

80.750 180.500

Multivariate Analysis

·  MD2 = (X1 - X2) * (SSCPw /6) -1 *(X1 - X2)’= 10.300

·  T2 = (4*4)/(4+4) * MD2 = 20.600

·  Eigenvalue of SSCPb SSCPw-1 = 3.435

·  Wilks’ L = .225

·  Pillai’s trace = .775

·  Hotelling’s trace = 3.435

·  Roy’s largest root = 0.805(textbook formula) 3.435(SAS formula)

·  F-ratio = 8.59

·  Effect Size - Partial eta square = .775

Univariate Analysis


Statistic Y1 Y2


(a) Statistical Analysis

MD2 4.983 6.987

T2 = F 9.966 13.974

t 3.157 3.738

(b) Effect Size

Partial eta square 0.624 0.700


Data Set 2

X1=(3.333 3.167) X2=(8.333 7.333) (X1 - X2) = (-5.000 -4.164)

SSCP1 = 13.333 -13.833 SSCP2 = 13.333 -12.167

-13.833 15.973 -12.167 27.473

SSCPw = 26.667 -26 SSCPt = 101.667 36.500

-26 43.446 36.500 95.530

SSCPb = 75 62.5

62.5 52.083

Multivariate Analysis

·  MD2 = (X1 - X2) * (SSCPw /10) -1 *(X1 - X2)’=54.524

·  T2 = (4*4)/(4+4) * MD2 = 65.428

·  Eigenvalue of SSCPb SSCPw-1 = 16.365

·  Wilks’ L = 0.058

·  Pillai’s trace = 0.942

·  Hotelling’s trace = 16.365

·  Roy’s largest root = 0.942 (textbook formula) 16.365 (SAS formula)

·  F-ratio = 73.64

·  Effect Size -- Partial eta square = 0.942

Univariate Analysis


Statistic Y1 Y2


(a) Statistical Analysis

MD2 9.375 3.991

T2 = F 28.125 11.973

t 5.303 3.460

(b) Effect Size

Partial eta square 0.738 0.545


(c) The multivariate significance tests indicate that for both data sets the centroids of the two groups are significantly different. Also, the univariate tests indicate that for both the data sets the two groups are significantly different from each other with respect to each of the variables. The effect size is quite large as indicated by the partial eta squares.

(d) The within-group correlation between Y1 and Y2 for data set 1 is 0.98 and for data set 2 it is equal to 0.018. Consequently, there could be a difference in multivariate and univariate significance for data set 1, but not for data set 2.

(e) The (maximum) eigenvalue would be, respectively, 3.435 and 5.646 for data sets 1 and 2.

(f) The results and the conclusions are the same.