- Age 2 Y - 18 Y w/ history of Asthma or 2 or more episodes of lifetime wheeze with response to SABA.
- Age less than 2 years
- Chronic lung disease (e.g. cystic fibrosis, primary ciliary dyskinesia, non-CF bronchiectasis, restrictive lung disease)
- Congenital or acquired heart disease
- Airway issues (e.g. tracheomalacia, laryngomalacia, tracheoesophageal fistula, tracheostomy dependent, vocal cord paralysis)
- Medically complex children with impaired cough or impaired secretion clearance
- Immune disorders
- Alternate diagnosis besides asthma (Bronchiolitis, croup, pneumonia, foreign body)
- History of bronchopulmonary dysplasia who are on diuretic therapy or supplemental oxygen
- Neurologic disorders or Neuromuscular diseasewhich may lead to impaired cough and secretion clearance
Upon arrival
Patients will be triaged those meeting inclusion will have a Pediatric Asthma Score (PAS) assigned
Mild (PAS 0-4)
- Albuterol MDI with Aerochamber x 1 dose
- Oral DEX or PRED if:
History of intermittent asthma requiring more than one dose of SABA
History of persistent asthma on daily controller medications
Moderate (PAS 5-8)
- Albuterol
- MDI with Aerochamber q20 min x 3 doses (preferred)
- Nebulized q20 min x 3 doses (w/ O2 if SpO2 < 95%)
- After 1 hour
- If PAS 0-4, then re-assess after an additional hour
- if PAS remains 0-4 then discharge home with appropriate AAP/education, oral corticosteroids, Albuterol, (daily controller medications as indicated)
- If PAS 5-7
- Administer an additional dose of albuterol, and re-assess after an additional hour.
- If PAS 0-4 then discharge home with appropriate AAP/education, oral corticosteroids, Albuterol, (daily controller medications as indicated).
- If PAS remains 5-8, admitto Gen Peds floor for albuterol q2 h.
Severe (PAS 9-12)
- Albuterol - nebulized q20 min x 3 doses (w/ O2 if SpO2 < 95%) with Ipratropium
- q20 min x 3 doses (alternatively Albuterol may be given as continuous w/
- ipratropium)
- PRED oral or MethylPREDnisolone IV
- After 1 hour
- If not improved (alternative diagnosis?)
- Continuous albuterol x 1 hour
- Magnesium Sulfate IV
- Normal Saline Bolus 20 cc/kg (max 1L)
- Antipyretics if febrile
- Admit PICU
- If PAS 5-8, then administer an additional dose of albuterol
- Re-evaluate after 1 hour
- if improving score then re-evaluate at 2 hours for Gen pedsfloor admission
- if not improving or worsening (alternative diagnosis?)
- Continuous albuterol x 1 hour
- Magnesium Sulfate IV
- Normal Saline Bolus 20 cc/kg (max 1L)
- Antipyretics if febrile
- Admit PICU
Very Severe (PAS >12)
- Albuterol continuous w/ Ipratropium x 3 doses added
- Methylprednisolone IV
- Magnesium Sulfate IV
- Normal Saline Bolus 20 cc/kg (max 1L)
- Antipyretics if febrile
- (Consider Terbutaline SC or Epinephrine SC/IM for for poor air movement or RF)
- (Consider BiPAPwith continuous albuterol for impending RF if alert and maintaining airway)
- (Consider ETCO2 monitoring)
- Admit PICU
Respiratory failure
Prior to RSI
- Contact PICU Attending
- Normal saline bolus 20cc/kg (pre-load compromised)
- Pre-oxygenate NRB +/- NC 5-10L or BVM with PEEP valve (if not on BiPAP)
Medications for RSI
- Ketamine 1.5 mg/kg
- Succinylcholine 1.5 mg/kg (Rocuronium 1 mg/kg if SCh contraindicated)
- Use Cuffed ETT
- Low I:E ratio
- Avoid high tidal volumes
- Permissive hypercapnia
Dexamethasone for Acute Asthma Exacerbations in Children: A Meta-analysis
Grant E.Keeney,Matthew P.Gray,Andrea K.Morrison,Michael N.Levas,Elizabeth A.Kessler,Garick D.Hill,Marc H.Gorelick,Jeffrey L.Jackson
PediatricsFeb 2014,peds.2013-2273;DOI:10.1542/peds.2013-2273
Cates CJ,Welsh EJ,Rowe BH.Holding chambers (spacers) versus nebulisers for beta-agonist treatment of acute asthma.Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews2013, Issue9. Art. No.: CD000052. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD000052.pub3.
*National Asthma Education and Prevention Program. Expert Panel Report 3: Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma (Summary Report 2007). In: Busse W, ed.J Allergy Immunol. 2007;120(5):S94-138. National Institutes of Health-National Heart Lung, and Blood Institute.
Zorc JJ, Pusic MV, Ogborn CJ, et al. Ipratropium bromide added to asthma treatment in the pediatric emergency department.Pediatrics. 1999;103(4 pt 1):748-752.
Dotson, K; Dallman, M; Bowman, CM, et al. Ipratropium Bromide for Acute Asthma Exacerbations in the Emergency Setting: A Literature Review of the Evidence. Pediatric Emergency Care:2009; 25(10): 687-692
Medication dosing References
*Figure 22, Dosages of Drugs for Asthma Exacerbations, page 56.
Lexicomp online