Minutes of a meeting of the Lezant Parish NDP Steering group

7.30 pm 22 June 2017, Trekenner School

Attended: Andrew Hudson (Chairman); Tim Minson (Stand in Secretary);
Caroline Page; David Page; Helen Judge; Peter Cairns; John Davies; Rob Petch
  1. Apologies received from;Liz Whitley.
  2. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed.
  3. Matters arising from the previous meeting:
  4. AH/TM attended the Parish Council meeting to present the current stage of the NDP Plan. AH advised that the meeting was poorly attended by the local residents of Lezant.
  5. Discussions around the best way to word the questionnaire. EG worded (Agree / disagree) or numbered. (1 to 5) 1 being low priority 5 being high.
5.1/ AH presented a draft form of the questionnaire for the steering committee to examine and discuss.
5.2/ Header page. Lezant Plan (Colour) Local Village Map (Colour). Reduce wording, make more impact. ( EG how lack of local input will impact on final decision).
5.3/ Would introducing settlement boundaries be useful to prevent further development. LPNDP would need to show a requirement for this.
5.4/ CP has volunteered to look at the profile and layout of the header page in conjunction with AH.
5.5/ AH and JD to meet to discuss layout of questionnaire.
5.6/ Parish maps / Village maps in A4 format.
6. Questionnaire. Priorities
6.1/ Order of questions - Which should be the lead question?
6.2/ Consider standardisation of questions. (EG agree /Disagree as opposed acceptable/ not acceptable).
6.3/ Q4 Tick 1 box only
6.4/ Q6 Should this read: For local projects, ref increase in the Parish precept.
6.4/ Add bridleways to Q8.
6.5/ Remove Q40and add to Q41
6.6/ Remove –“Who should do the building” and replace with “Housing should be for” :- Starter Homes/ Elderly/ Family/ Renters.
6.5/ Short description required for Energy/ Community / Business. Max 4 lines. To be supplied by committee responsibility for each section. E-mail to AH.
You will need to refer to the proposed questionnaire to relate to the above,
7. Other Items
7.1 AH advised that there is an area in Treburley that the council has advised is available for the use as a community area.
7.2 AH issued an address list for each village. Can committee members go through this list to verify all address list and e-mail back to AH.
8. Questionnaire Delivery.
8.1 / Delivery of forms need to be recorded for proof of delivery.
8.2 / Collection date TBA
8.3/ Further public meeting TBA
Date of next meeting. 15th July 2017
Thank you to the school and to Liz Davies for opening it for us. / ACTION