Oregon Enhancing Education Through Technology - (Ed Tech)
Competitive Application 2011-2012
Grant Applications Due: May 23, 2011
A link to this application and support materials are on the ODE website:
Issued by:
Oregon Department of Education (ODE)
Office of Educational Improvement and Innovation
255 Capitol Street NE
Salem, OR 97310
Oregon Enhancing Education Through Technology - (Ed Tech)
Competitive Application 2011-2012
Timeline------/ 2Eligible Districts------/ 3
General Application Information------/ 4
Contact Information ------/ 4
Specifications of Document Submission ------/ 4
Purpose and Goals of the Ed Tech Program------/ 5
Eligibility: Who May Apply------/ 6
Grant Partnerships------/ 6
Application Scoring------/ 6
Available Funds------/ 7
Funding Requirements------/ 7
Program Requirements ------/ 8
Duration of Funds------/ 9
Prerequisites to Subgrant Application------/ 9
Technology Plan Requirements------/ 9
Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) Compliance------/ 9
Required Measures of Accountability------/ 10
Private School Participation------/ 10
ResearchResources------/ 10
Application Checklist------/ 13
Application Cover Page------/ 14
Statement of Assurances for Partnership Members------/ 15
A: Ed Tech Competitive Application Scoring Guide------/ 16
B: District Eligibility Chart------/ 23
C: Action Plan Template------/ 28
D: Sample: Ed Tech Budget Worksheet------/ 29
E: Sample: Instructional Technology Lesson Plan Template------/ 30
F: Subgrant Reader Instructions------/ 31
G. Subgrant Reader Registration Form ------/ 32
May 9, 2011 / Subgrant Reader Registration Due (see Attachments F and G)May 23, 2011 / Applications emailed to ODE in bothPDF and Word format by
May 23, 2011, no later than 12:00 Noon
May 24, 2011 / Grant Reviewer Training Webinar Time:2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
May 24 – June 1, 2011 / Applications reviewed and scored by reviewers
June 1, 2011 / All reviews returned to Stacie Ankrum () no later than 9:00 a.m.
June 3, 2011 / Subgrant awards announced
June 8, 2011 / Required Project Directors Meeting Webinar Time: 9:00 a.m. – 12 Noon
Date TBD / Quarterly 21st Century Technology-Rich Learning and Teaching – Research and Evaluation Team Meetings(Project Director attendance required)
Quarterly / ARRA Section 1512 Reports (data collection)
For further information about these reports:
November 15, 2011 / Mid-term report due
June 30, 2012 /
Last date for subgrant activities
August 15, 2012 / Final Report dueLast date to submit request for payment on Subgrant
NOTE: 1/6th of the final subgrant will be withheld pending approval of the Final Report.
Oregon Enhancing Education Through Technology - (Ed Tech)
Competitive Application 2011-2012
See Attachment A(pages24-29)onhow eligibility for each district was determined.
Oregon Enhancing Education Through Technology - (Ed Tech)
Competitive Application 2011-2012
Adrian SDAlsea SD
Annex SD
Arlington SD
Ashland SD
Astoria SD
Athena-Weston SD
Baker SD
Beaverton SD
Bend-LaPine Admin SD
Blachly SD
Burnt River SD
Butte Falls SD
Centennial SD
Central SD
Central Curry SD
Coos Bay SD
Corvallis SD
Crook County SD
Culver SD
David Douglas SD
Days Creek SD
Dayton SD
Dayville SD
Eagle Point SD
Echo SD
Elgin SD
Elkton SD
Eugene SD
Falls City SD
Forest Grove SD
Fossil SD
Gervais SD
Glendale SD
Glide SD
Grants Pass SD
Greater Albany SD
Gresham-Barlow SD
Harney County SD #3
Harney County SD #4
Harper SD
Hillsboro SD
Huntington SD
Jefferson County SD 509J
Jefferson SD 14J
John Day SD
Jordan Valley SD
Klamath County Schools
Klamath Falls City Schools
Lake County SD
Lincoln County SD
McMinnville SD
Medford SD
Milton Freewater SD
Mitchell SD
Monument SD
Mt. Angel SD
Myrtle Point SD
Neah-Kah-Nie SD
Nestucca Valley SD
North Bend SD
North Clackamas SD
North Douglas SD
North Lake SD
North Powder SD
North Wasco SD
Nyssa SD
Oakland SD
Ontario SD
Oregon City SD
Parkrose SD
Phoenix-Talent SD
Pine Eagle SD
Portland SD
Port-Orford Langlois SD
Powers SD
Prairie City SD
Prospect SD
Redmond SD
Reedsport SD
Reynolds SD
Riddle SD
Rogue River SD
Roseburg SD
Salem-Keizer SD
Santiam Canyon SD
Seaside SD
Sherman SD
Siuslaw SD
South Lane SD
South Umpqua SD
South Wasco County SD
Spray SD
Springfield SD
Stanfield SD
Sutherlin SD
Sweet Home SD
Three Rivers SD
Tigard-Tualatin SD
Tillamook SD
Umatilla SD
Union SD
Vale SD
Wallowa SD
Woodburn SD
Yoncalla SD
Oregon Enhancing Education Through Technology - (Ed Tech)
Competitive Application 2011-2012
Contact Information
For additional assistance related to this 21st Century Technology-Rich Learning and TeachingCompetitive Subgrant application, please contact:
Carla Wade, Education Specialist
Office of Educational Improvement and Innovation
For further processing questions, please contact:
Stacie Ankrum, Office Specialist
Office of Educational Improvement and Innovation
Specifications of Document Submission
- Applications should be double-spaced, 12 pointArial (or similar) font
- Applications must have at least 1’’margins, all 4 sides
- Applications must have 24 lines or less of text per page
- Additional support materials, school profiles, or appendices will be discarded
- Do not use spiral binding or notebooks
- Submit application in both PDF and Word format no later than 12:00 Noon on
May 23, 2011 to .
Purpose and Goals of the Ed Tech Program
The purpose of this request for applications is to solicit grant applications from eligible applicants to implement programs that will stimulate the use of educational technology to improve learning and teaching. Grant funds are to be used to assist schools in providing 21st Century classrooms where students and teachers have access to technology rich resources within the classroom.
To achieve this goal, schools must assess their technology needs and implement programs that make substantial progress in meeting the goals of the Title IID program:
- Enhance students’ knowledge of reading, writing, math and/or science through 21st Century contexts and the use of 21st Century learning tools
- Assist every student in crossing the digital divide by ensuring that every student is technologically literate by the time the student finishes the eighth grade regardless of the student’s race, ethnicity, gender, family income, geographic location, or disability.
- Improve teachers’ technology skills and use those improved skills to integrate technology across content at increasingly advanced levels.
NOTE: Oregon defines “technologically literate students” as students with the ability to responsibly use appropriate technology to communicate, solve problems, and access, manage, integrate, evaluate, and create information to improve learning in all subject areas and to acquire lifelong knowledge and skills in the 21st Century. Oregon Educational Technology Standards provide indicators that should be introduced,reinforced and mastered by students. The Oregon Educational Technology Standards are divided into six categories:
- Creativity and Innovation
- Communication and Collaboration
- Research and Information Fluency
- Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision-Making
- Digital Citizenship
- Technology Operations and Concepts
Oregon Educational Technology Standards are found on the ODE website at:
The 21st Century Technology-Rich Learning and Teaching subgrant program is geared to provide evidence that technology, when integrated into a technology-rich learning environment and supported by strong, on-going professional development, can produce positive changes in the classroom environment that results in improved student learning in reading, writing, English language development, math, science and/or STEM. This competition supports Subgrants to Local Education Agencies (LEAs: School Districts) and LEA Partnerships to develop collaborative teams to:
- Establish 21st Century Technology-Rich Classrooms (TRC) in grades 3-8
- Focus the use of educational technology for enhancing learning in English/language arts, English language development, mathematics, science or STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics).
- Build capacity to integrate technology into the classroom using research-based instruction and professional development
- Provide data to support academic achievement through the use of technology.
In a 21st Century classroom, students have access to appropriate technology and digital resources for technology-integrated curriculum activities. Teachers seamlessly integrate technology in a student-centered learning environment where technology is used to solve real-world problems in collaboration with business, industry, and higher education. Teachers and students apply technology across subject areas to provide learning opportunities that are not possible without the technology. Teachers create and integrate web-based lessons that include Oregon Educational Technology and Academic Content standards based content, resources, learning activities and interactive communications that support learning objectives.
The number of 21stCentury classrooms that a district can include in this application will depend on existing equipment that can be available full time in the identified 21stCentury learning environment.
Eligibility: Who May Apply
Funding under the Technology Rich Learning and Teaching ARRA Grants is available to A) a high-need LEA, or B) an eligible collaborative. Each high-need LEA may be included in only one application.
A high-need LEA is one that exceeds the state Census Poverty average of 19%of students in poverty, or those districts with greater than 1000 students in poverty (see Attachment A).
Additionally, priority points for funding will go to districts with component schools in Title I School Improvement status and/or districts that demonstrate a high need for technology.
Grant Partnerships
Eligible districts may partner with other school districts that demonstrate teachers are effectively integrating technology into instruction, an institution of higher education, a for-profit or nonprofit organization that has substantial expertise in the application of technology in instruction, ESDs, or libraries. Only eligible districts may serve as the fiscal agent. Partnerships are not a requirement, but are encouraged.
Application Scoring
ODE will set a minimum qualifying score. Funded proposals must meet or exceed this score. A broad-based committee of readers with experience in educational technology programs will review the proposals. Reviews will be based on specific criteria listed in this application and scored using the attached scoring guide (Attachment A). Adjustments to the scoring guide to enhance clarity may be made after publication of this application. All updated materials will be posted at:
Applications will be reviewed and scored by teams of readers, May 24 – June 1, 2011. Applicants and others interested in helping to read and score subgrant applications are invited and encouraged to participate as readers during the scoring process (see Attachment F: Subgrant Reader Instructions and Attachment G: Subgrant Reader Registration Form).
ODE may require revision of Subgrant proposals and budget prior to approval, award, or release of funds. Decisions made by ODE on funding and awarding of Subgrants shall be final.
Available Funds
The size of individual awards will be based on a reasonable, well-planned projection of expenditures with a clear focus on improving student achievement in core content. Maximum awards will be $250,000. ODE will award approximately $2 million in Ed Tech Competitive Subgrants.
Funding Requirements
Recipients of funds must:
- Use a minimum of 35% of funds for professional development:
- Use 10% of the funding for registration to attend state required professional development activities for all participating teachers, coaches (mentors) and administrators of the 21st Century Technology-Rich Learning and Teaching subgrants. This does not include travel, per diem, or substitute costs required for participating in this training.
- Use the remaining 25% of funds to provide local ongoing, sustained, intensive, high-quality professional development in the integration of technology based on a review of relevant research. Professional development should focus on the integration of technologies, including emerging technologies, into curricula and instruction. Research citations must be included in the application. Expenses such as travel, per diem and substitute costs for the state required professional development can be included in this section.
- Use funds for the project director (or designee) to participate in the Ed Tech Professional Development Cadre for the duration of the subgrant period. Funds used for participating in this required professional development may be included as part of the minimum 35% requirement for professional development.
- Use funds to provide an Educational Technology Coach (required) for participating teachers. In a professional development context, coaches and mentors provide teachers with leadership for lesson planning and implementation, modeling specific teaching strategies, developing and identifying instructional materials and resources, and modeling professional discussions about student learning.
- Set aside a minimum of 5% of funding to participate in a required statewide evaluation of this competitive subgrant. Subgrant awardees are expected to coordinate implementation of their approved plan with a formal Oregon Research and Evaluation Team. The Research and Evaluation Team will work with each of the awardees to collect data allowing ODE to reliably measure the impact of the Title IID competitive funding. This is in addition to internal evaluation expectations including formative evaluation on how the grant is progressing.
- Use funds to support the development and implementation of lessons aligned to State academic content standards that integrate technology into instruction to enhance and extend student learning. Districts will use the electronic Ed Tech Lesson Plan Template, posted at to submit lessons as a part of the quarterly, mid-term and final reporting requirements for this Subgrant. Examples of lessons will be posted on the Instructional Technology webpage.
- Use funds to establish 21st Century Technology-Rich Pilot/Showcase ClassroomsHardware and software purchased through this grant must remain in the rooms of the participating teachers.
Program Requirements
Technology-Rich Learning and Teaching: Each Technology Rich Classroom (TRC) is required to include the following Equipment on a full time (not shared) basis:
- Laptops or tablet device for each teacher and coach with wireless card
- Classroom computers (desktop or laptop) for each participating classroom at a minimum 2:1 student to computer ratio, including the ability to burn CDs with at least some of the computers (Mac or Windows) and with Ethernet and/or wireless capabilities OR
- Tablet devices with built-in cameras (iPad2 or windows versions) at a ratio of one per student allowing students 24/7 access to the device
- Interactive white board device (e.g. Tablet, Smart Board, Promethean, Interwrite, etc.)
- Media projector (Epson, Proxima, InFocus, etc.)
- One desktop webcam & headset/microphone (non-echo producing) for classroom collaborative projects or teacher/coach use (can integrate into the teacher laptops or tablets if desired)
- USB flash drives for coaches and teachers
- Digital still camera per teacher (cameras should include digital video capability)
- Printer
- Access to Web 2.0 tools for coaches and teachers-- such as TRC Wiki for collaboration, Blogs, Wikis, Google Docs, Google Earth and others -- may be required as part of participation, collaboration and sharing requirements
- Web page design software
- Adobe Acrobat (coach-only requirement for creating PDF files)
The following software is required for all student workstations and should be consistent with other district software installations (e.g., if Microsoft Office is used throughout the building, Microsoft Office should be loaded on TRC laptops/computers):
- Word Processing, Database, Spreadsheet Suite (e.g. Microsoft Office or iLife, etc.)
- Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, etc.)
- Graphic organizer (e.g. Inspiration, Kidspiration, etc.)
- Presentation program (e.g. PowerPoint or Keynote)
- Video editing software (iMovie, Windows Movie Maker, etc.)
The following software isoptional (but encouraged) for all student workstations:
- Desktop publishing (e.g. Microsoft Publisher, Pages or PageMaker) Web page design software for students
- Adobe Acrobat software for creating PDF files for teachers/students
Note: Open source software such as Open Office, Star Office, CMAP, FreeMap, etc. and Web-based Software such as Google Docs, ZoHo, etc. may be substituted only if these products are part of a district wide software initiative, andwith approval from ODE.
Optional equipment (allowable):
- Document camera (Elmo, Ken-A-Vision Viewer, etc.)
- Digital video camera and tripod
- iPods and associated software
- Scanner
- Other equipment, as justified
Supplement—not supplant:Funds for this program must be used to supplement (increase the level of services) and not supplant (replace) funds from federal, state, and local funding for similar activities. Any program activity required by state law, State Board of Education (SBE) rules, or local board policy may not be paid with these funds. State or local funds may not be decreased or diverted for other usesbecause of the availability of these funds. Grantees must maintain documentation that clearly demonstrates the supplementary nature of these funds.
Applicant must describe in the application how program funds will supplement and not supplant state mandates, SBE rules, or activities previously conducted with state or local funds.
Note: The use of these funds to support acquisition of hardware and software for the purpose of Oregon Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (OAKS) or English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA) are not allowable. Since the use of these online assessments is a requirement of the state, the use of federal funding to support them is considered supplanting.
Duration of Funds
Subgrant funds will be awarded on June 3, 2011. Funded applicants may begin using funds upon notification of award. Project Directors are required to attend a webinar on June 8, 2011,to discuss Subgrant accountability measures and project evaluations.
Prerequisites to Subgrant Application
- A current and approved Technology Plan on file with ODE
- Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) compliance
Technology Plan Requirements
Approved Educational Technology Plans are required for Title IID Ed Tech formula funding, E-rate and eligibility forany Ed Tech competitive subgrants.
Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) Compliance
How requirements of CIPA affect LEAs that receive Ed Tech funds:An LEA seeking Ed Tech funds must include with this application assurance that one of the following conditions exists:
- All district schools receive e-rate discounts,
- Every “applicable school” has complied with the CIPA requirements,
- The LEA has received a one-year waiver from the U.S. Secretary of Education under section 2441(b)(2)(C) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) for those applicable schools not yet in compliance, or
- The CIPA requirements in the ESEA do not apply because no subgrant funds are being used to purchase computers to access the Internet or to pay for direct costs associated with accessing the Internet.
Required Measures of Accountability