April 3, 2017,MV Music Booster Minutes
Beth Smith called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
Kellie read the minutes from March Meeting. Beth Smith made a motion to accept.
In attendance:Kyra Davis, Nicole Williams, Dana Drew, Krista Kalvaitis, Cindy Sanders, Jim Smith, Bob Williams, Patty Williams, Regina Osborne, Erin Flick, Cami Demaree, Terri Louk, Susan Dunn, Christy Stiff, Bryan Stiff, Lynn Schreiner, Beth Smith, Kellie McGowen, and Leann Emery
Treasurer’s report:Erin Flick reported
Financial report:
Savings balance: $4,667.40 $524 of that is the Tristan Carson Memorial Fund $4,000uniforms
Checking balance: $26,618.47
choir balance: $5,691.99
band balance: $20,926.48
MMO Band balances: $6,113.91 credits: $5,733.57
Budget reports: Operating Budget 2017/2018 update: Amanda, Erin,and Derek have worked extensively on an Operating Budget for school year 2017/2018.
Reoccurring/annual costs, including trailer expenses, turf payment, & various admin costs and supplies=$15,053.
Incomegenerated from Century Resources, 1/3 of Snow Whirl, a few small grants, and Kroger Rewards are projected to be $15,100.
The operating budget should “break even.”
Wish lists, based on three levels of priority, have been presented to the Executive Board.The board approved hiring an administrative assistant for 10 hours a week @ $9/hr. for 40 weeks.
Old Business
Garners: Regina reported that she presented Garner’s a plaque from the MV Music Boosters and lunch from Qdoba.They were very appreciative!
New York trip:Beth reported that the kids did a great job!
Indoor percussion:Beth reported that IP was 2nd in class at state.
Winter guard:Beth reported that they will be going to Dayton this weekend.
Landscape/mulch fundraiser: Beth reported May 7 will be the Landscape/Mulch fundraiser.Vendors can come and buy a booth for $25.Darci Pelham is arranging to have landscape architects for 45-minute sessions.
The mulch salewill start today through April 14with delivery April 22. Each bag will be $5 and the first 20 bags sold per person will go to the band general fund.
The flower sale will begin April 24 through May 3. May 7 from 2–5 p.m. will be pickup for the flowers.
Students can be hired out to help and it will be put in their account.
Tristan Carson Fund:Kyra reported that Mrs. Carson would like to give $250 scholarships for 3 years.Kyra will get more information and wishes from Mrs. Carson.
New Business
Extravaganza:Beth reported.We will be inviting alumni to Extravaganza.We will start a booster alumni association organization that they can join for $20.Beth will contact Mr. Stadler for connections for the alumni.We will need extra donations of sweets for the alumni and a table for membership. Students will be wearing uniforms from the past to showcase our history.
Fundraisers:Beth reported that all our fundraisers will be for the entire band,not separate entities.It has been a good year for fundraisers and we want everyone to continue to participate and grow our program.
May meeting:Have a quick video of people volunteering so that people can see how fun volunteering could be!
Photo Books:Susan Dunn would like to work on a photo book for the band year.
Kyra Davis motioned for adjournment and Kellie McGowen seconded the motion.Meeting was adjourned at 8:16p.m.