ROVAC Meeting
October 25, 2007
Present: Patty Noblet, Vernon; Monita Hebert, Bolton; Judith Beaudreau, Vernon; Michael Wyman, Tolland; Ken Houck, Tolland; Dorothy Neil, Bolton; Susan Luginbuhl, Ellington, Wanda DeLand, Ellington.
The meeting was called to order at the EllingtonTown Hall, at 12:15 p.m. by Mike Wyman.
A correction was made to the March 21, 2007 minutes - The state will focus on all elections and the towns will cary the burden of compensating workers for the recanvass. A motion was made to accept the minutes by Judy and seconded by Ken. The vote was unanimous.
First order of business was a motion to accept Susan Luginbuhl as President of Tolland County ROVAC. Carol Berner, previous president has resigned as registrar and can no longer fulfill this role. Motion made by Judi and seconded by Ken. Passed unanimously.
Motion by Judi to accept Wanda DeLand as secretary of Tolland County ROVAC, seconded by Ken. The vote was unanimous.
The meeting was turned over to Susan Luginbuhl. Sue asked if there were any questions concerning the upcoming Municipal Elections. Wanda asked how will it work for Ellington since their ballots had bleed through problems and they had to be reprinted but absentee ballots were already sent out. Response was that Ellington’s absentee ballots would have to be counted by hand.
Judi B. advised against sending memory cards to UCONN for audit purposes because of lack of security to memory cards. Not state mandated and each town should use their own judgement.
Monita H. mentioned that their town has had two elections and two recounts. The recount totalswere the same as tabulator counts and that the state is tearing down trust.
Wanda questioned security with the scanner as other town employees also had a key to the closet where the scanners are stored. Judi replied should not be a problem as long as a log is posted on the door of who enters the closet.
Sue L. asked if registrations cards are post marked after October 23, should the registrar call that individual? Yes and if there is no phone number send a letter informing them that have until October 30 to register in person.
Judi suggested Mr. Clean Magic erasers for ink and other marks in the privacy booths on election day.
The following legislative issues currently being worked on were mentioned by Judi - 1. Same day registration (which is more than likely going to pass). 2. School closing in all towns on November election days. 3. Saturday Registrations - which will probably not go away, but Judi will mention the possibility of moving it to an week night. 4. Registrar salaries - hope to scale the salaries so all registrars are properly compensated.
Copies of Moderator returns were distributed by Judi for those towns interested in using them.
Mike asked if everyone had received their additionalUPS batteries. Tolland received five more. Monita said that the bigger towns will be getting newer ones. Each town will receive a total of four per district because it was found many of the batteries didn’t have the 14 hour charge as previously stated.
The next Tolland County ROVAC meeting was discussed. Mike suggested we have them quarterly if there are issues. Meetings could be held at a restaurant and coupled with a lunch or dinner. It was mentioned that we should have a meeting right after the November meeting to discuss any issues towns may have had. Mike asked Sue to send an e-mail to all the towns asking for any topics they would like to see discussed at the next meeting.
A motion was made, seconded and approved to adjourn at 2:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Wanda DeLand
Secretary, ROVACTollandCounty