This form is designed for (a) Greek NGOs that are interested in developing cooperation with NGOs and/or eligible entities from the Donor states (Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) and (b) NGOs and other entities from the Donor states that are interested in developing cooperation with Greek NGOs. Once filled out, it should offer a concise description of the nature and basic operation of the NGO (or other entity from the Donor states). Please, fill out and send this form to . The information provided here will be available in the Programme website.
Basic information
Name of organisation/entity: HomeStart Hellas
Country of location: Greece Year of establishment:2008
Physical address: 12, Th. Sophouli, 15451 Neo Psychico, Athens, Greece
Correspondence address: 24, Ethnarchou Makariou, Alimos 17455, Greece
Telephone: 2130 233612, 6944691355 Fax: Email address:
Contact person
Name: Evi
Surname: Hatzivarnava
Position in the organisation/entity: National coordinator
Email address: Languages spoken: Greek, English
1. Which one or more of the following expected outcomes of the Programme “We are all Citizens” are you interested in?
Provision of welfare and basic services to defined target groups increased +
Advocacy and watchdog role developed
Democratic values, including human rights, promoted
Strengthened capacity of NGOs and an enabling environment for the sector promoted +
2. What is the main scope of your organisation/entity? (e.g. combat gender violence, promote human rights, support persons with special needs, etc.)
Support of families with young children
3. What are the target groups your organisation/entity focuses on? (e.g. migrants, children, socially vulnerable groups, etc.)
Families with a variety of needs (single parents, marginalized families, families with disability, lonely parents, families facing relationship difficulties etc)
4. What kind of projects has your organisation/entity implemented in the past 3 years? (e.g. advocacy, education activities, shelters, etc.)
Our organization helps, through mainly partnerships with other organisations, the development of home-start schemes in Greece. This is a service that follows a specific approach (i.e. volunteers with parental experience support at home families that at some point in their life feel the need for such support). We help individuals or agencies through advice, provision of material, training and on-going support to develop the Home-Start Service in their community and run it according to internationally approved standards.
In the last three years we produced l a booklet on the role of Volunteers in the family, we run a number of training programmes, we produced two short films and supported in many ways the Home-Start service in Greece.
5. What is approximately the annual budget of your organisation?
Around 15 000 to 20 000 euro
6. Have you cooperated with partners from abroad? If yes, please, provide further information (e.g. organisation, project, etc.). How would you describe the partnership?
We are part of the international network of Home-Start associations that provide services in 23 countries, including Norway. The network is coordinated by Home-Start Worldwide, an NGO that is based in UK but has an international Board of Trustees. This is an on-going partnership that is mainly focused on exchange of information, bilateral collaborations, the implementation of internationally approved quality assurance standards and meetings (at least once every three years).
7. What are you looking for in a potential partnership this time? Would you be interested in a specific project?
Since our organization has specific objectives, we are interested in promoting these objectives. There are two areas that interest us most: First to develop the Home-Start Service in Pireus where there is a lot of demand for this type of service and where preparation work has started and second to strengthen the capacity of those involved in the Home-Start service as staff or volunteers through collaboration with agencies in Norway that implement Home-Start and these are Home-Start Familiekontakten, the Norwegian Red Cross and the Norwegian Salvation Army. Such collaboration would involve exchanges of staff and volunteers and the development of common educational material.
8. Would you like to add any further information?
We have a problem with our website access at the moment which we hope that we overcome soon, but those that are interested to know more about the Home-Start Service please look at the site of Home-Start Worldwide