Resources for SoulCollagers

Compiled by

Anne Marie Bennett,

SoulCollage® Facilitator and Facilitator Trainer


KaleidoSoul Resources for SoulCollagers, copyright 2008
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I really love my dual roles as Editor and Writer of Soul Treasures, the KaleidoSoul Kindred Spirits Members’ Newsletter. And one of my favorite jobs in those roles is seeking out resources for SoulCollagers to enhance their practice.
It’s a pleasure to stumble across a website or book that I know will resonate with you. Films take on new meaning for me when I watch them now, in the light of the many facets of SoulCollage®. And music…. ah, sweet music! I really enjoy sharing my favorites and my finds with you in this genre as well.
It’s true that each of the resources included in this e-book have appeared in a previous issue of Soul Treasures already. My hope in compiling them into this one volume is that you can keep it on your shelf and in your computer as a permanent colossal reference.
Several of the categories overlap, so please be sure to look at all your favorites!

KaleidoSoul has registered as an Affiliate with several compatible sites and sources out there. I have marked each of these with a *. Keep in mind that when you purchase something from one of these sites, you are supporting KaleidoSoul in its mission of spreading SoulCollage® to all four corners of the world.
Thank you so much for your purchase. May these books, movies, CD’s and websites serve to enhance your SoulCollage® practice for many years to come.

Peace, joy and blessings,

Anne Marie Bennett

Beverly, MA

March 2008

Table of Contents


Animals/Nature/Companions Suit 7
Archetypes/Council Suit 9
Body Issues 11

Chakras 12

Community Suit/Relationships 13

Creativity/Self-Expression 13

Fiction 20

Grief/Death/Dying 25

Inner Voices/Shadow/Committee Suit 26
Just For Fun 28

Miscellaneous 29

Personal Growth/Authenticity 32

Spirituality 44

Stress Relief/Meditation/Retreats 48

Women Only 49

Music 54

Movies/DVDs 65


Animals/Nature/Companions Suit 74

Archetypes/Council Suit 74

Art/Images 75

Chakras 79

Creativity/Self-Expression 80

Inner Voices/Shadow/Committee Suit 83

Just For Fun 84

Meditation/Guided Visualization 86

Miscellaneous 87

Websites (continued)

Personal Growth/Authenticity 92
SoulCollage 95

Spirituality 98

Women Only 100


Animals/Nature/Companions Suit

Any Small Thing Can Save You, by Christina Adam. If you love the idea of animals as they affect us in our daily lives, then you will love this fictional collection of very short stories. There is one story for every letter of the alphabet, and all of them feature an animal or several animals. Some of the stories are only a few pages long, but all of them carry the important theme of how animals grace us with their energy.

Why Buffalo Dance: Animal and Wilderness Meditations Through the Seasons, by Susan Chernak McElroy. This book will unequivocally inform your work with the Council Suit and the Companions Suit of your SoulCollage deck. The short readings follow the natural cycle of the seasons and include topics such as: mystery, emptiness, resistance, reprieve, right timing (Winter); play and frolic, the trickster, new beginnings, the law of attraction (Spring); decay and healing, choice and discernment, unity, cleansing and purity (Summer); release, dreaming, leave-taking and migration, and completion (Autumn).

Animals as Guides for the Soul, by Susan Chernak McElroy. I picked this book up at the library because it had the words animals and soul in the title, hoping it would lend wisdom and story to my own understanding of the Companions Suit of my SoulCollage deck. I was not disappointed. This little book is full of powerful stories of the connections between humans and animals, and was written by a woman with adeep love and understanding of animals. And the 43 page chapter Messengers, Dreams & Visions will truly inform your work with your Companion Animals. I am ordering my own copy for my reference shelf and an ordering some of the author's other books as well.

Natural Mandalas, by Lisa Tenzin-Dolma. Absolutely gorgeous book. Contains 30 mandalas found in nature (full color, glossy, large images), along with written ideas for meditations for each that will help you find peace and awareness in nature's beauty.

Dream Animals, by James Hillman. What a perfect book for anyone truly into SoulCollage! Hillman combines the language of dreams, archetypes, and animal totems. Beautifully illustrated with full-color painting by artist Margot McLean.

The Personal Totem Pole: Animal Imagery, the Chakras, and Psychotherapy, by Eligio Stephen Gallegos, Ph.D.- I am reading this author's books now in preparation for our April tele-playshop. You might want to pick up a copy (click on the underlined words of the title) if you are interested in the topic of how the animal guides are related to our chakra energies. Your library might have a copy too. It's fascinating stuff. This book was the major motivation behind Seena Frost's including the Companions Suit in our SoulCollage decks. Gallegos has also written another book, Animals of the Four Windows, which you might find interesting as well.

Creation's Heartbeat: Following the Reindeer Spirit, by Linda Schierse Leondard. Fascinating story of a woman who follows her dream of the reindeer woman all the way to the Siberian wilderness to live with nomadic reindeer people, to Lapland to learn of the Shamanic Sami culture, and toAlaska to search for migrating caribou. More than all of this, though, it's the story of her spiritual journey, a quest that challenges her to look at herself and her life in a new way.

NOTE: There are more great resources on animal guides and the SoulCollage® Companions Suit in the KaleidoSoul e-course: All Things Wise and Wonderful.

Archetypes/Council Suit

The Four-Fold Way, by Angeles Arrien. This is an insightful book based on Dr. Arrien's work as a cultural anthropologist. In this book you gain insights into practical ways to connect with the Warrior, Teacher, Healer and Visionary Archetypes. It will lend you insight into your own Council suit of your SoulCollage deck.

Mythologems, by James Hollis. Very powerful book that fits in exactly with our SoulCollage work. Explores the work of Carl Jung in relation to how images touch and affect our lives. Recommended by Kindred Spirit Lorraine in British Columbia, Canada.

Visions of the Goddess, by Sherrill Miller. A glorious celebration of feminine mystique and goddess mythology. This insightful and wonder-provoking exploration of the feminine world is divided into sections--Earth Mother, The Fruit Bearer, The Water Goddess, and The Sky Dancer--in a stunning photographic survey that will alter the way we think about Mother Earth.

Rock Your World with the Divine Mother, by Sondra Ray. Subtitle: Bringing the Sacred Power of the Divine Mother into Our Lives. As a fusion of feminine qualities from all religions and traditions, the Divine Mother can be a nurturing presence and a powerful guide along your individual spiritual path. Through stories, prayers, and teachings, Sondra Ray enthusiastically escorts you into the profound reawakening of the sacred feminine in the hearts and minds of seekers throughout the world.

The Archetypal Imagination, by James Hollis. Offering a lyrical Jungian appreciation of the archetypal imagination, Hollis draws on the works of poets and philosophers, showing us how our own spiritual instincts are expresses in images (as in dreams, myths, art, and religious traditions). The author draws on Rilke's Duino Elegies and also uses a series of paintings by Nancy Witt of Richmond,Virginia.

The Bridge to Wholeness, by Jean Benedict Raffa. A Feminine Alternative to the Hero Myth. Fairy tales and mythic journeys are inspiring-but all too many celebrate male heroes conquering enemies and slaying dragons, rewarded by the hand of a beautiful princess. But what happens to the princess? What is her story? How does she develop her potential? Dr. Raffa explores the neglected feminine element in our culture's collection of myths.

The 13 Original Clan Mothers, by Jamie Sams. Here is the subtitle, which pretty much says it all: Your Sacred Path to Discovering the Gifts, Talents and Abilities of the Feminine Through the Ancient Teachings of the Sisterhood. "If you take the opportunity to dedicate yourself to this quest, the 13 Clan Mothers will bless your life, and the full Circle of life, with wholeness and holiness. -Brooke Medicine Eagle." This book really deepened my understanding of feminine archetypes, and is right now inspiring some new SoulCollage cards for my Council Suit.

Healer: Dancing with the Healing Spirit, Volume 2 of the Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious Series. Introduction by Andrew Weil, M.D. Beautifully illustrated with contemporary art and photography, this volume shows archetypal energies at work in the memoirs of Caroline Myss and M. Scott Peck, in the touching tales of Ram Dass and Oliver Sacks, and in the verse of William Carlos Williams and Langston Hughes. In these stories of survival and faith we witness how the archetypal healer reaches beyond the individual to address the illness of society, the acknowledgement of which may bring recovery, acceptance, and joy.
Rock Your World with the Divine Mother: Bringing the Sacred Power of the Divine Mother into Our Lives, by Sondra Ray. Veteran new-ager, Sondra Ray explores the Divine Mother--through experiences with Ammachi, Mother Mary, Shastriji, Mary Magdalaine, and others--and affirms that this sacred and powerful energy is vital to both inner peace and world peace.

The Woman's book of Guardians: Divine Guides, Muses, Totems, and Protectors for Everyday Life, by Peg Streep. Divided into three parts (Self, Relationship, Body & Spirit), this book is a magnificent reference for any SoulCollager. The author devotes a short chapter to a different goddess, animal totem, or other archetype based on topics within each part. For example, in "Self," she explores Isis in the topic of Intention, Joan of Arc for Leadership, and The Bee for Productivity. In "Relationship" she focuses on Hera for Marriage, Pele for Passion, and The Wolf for Divorce. In "Body and Spirit," she writes about The Cat for Pleasure, Anamterasu Omikami for Illumination, and Jana for Future. These are just a few examples. In all, there are 50 chapters, each one shining wonderful light on that "larger story" and how we each fit into it.

A Mythic Life: Learning to Live Our Greater Story, by Jean Houston. The author is a renowned psychologist and pioneer of the Human Potential Movement (and she is also one of Seena Frost's teachers!). This book shows us how we can discover the mythic elements of our own lives, and how our personal mythology fits into the story of the world. She shows us all of this by sharing her own personal story. Fascinating resource that will inform the work you do with your SoulCollage Council Suit of Archetypes.

The Goddess of Happiness: A Down-To-Earth Guide for Heavenly Balance and Bliss, by Debbie Gisonni. Most people consider happiness the most important pursuit in life, yet few seem to find it. Women, in particular, face a constant internal battle between finding their own happiness and ensuring the happiness of others. Debbie Gisonni, aka The Goddess of Happiness, shows that happiness is a choice that anyone can make, anytime and anywhere. In 44 dynamic entries the author shares her stories, insights, humor, and simple suggestions to bring out the radiant Goddess in every woman. Each entry includes affirmations and journaling ideas to help readers transform the pursuit of happiness into a tangible, everyday practice. Gisonni teaches that all women are goddesses -- they just need to tap their innate power and reacquaint themselves with their own magic; and that life is meant to be enjoyable -- not to be taken so seriously or made too complicated. Each of these chapters ends with five simple ways to have an easier and happier life.

NOTE: There are more great resources on archetypes and the SoulCollage® Council Suit in the KaleidoSoul e-course: Invisible Hands.

Body Issues

Healthy Living From The Inside Out: Every Woman's Guide to Real Beauty, Renewed Energy, and a Radiant Life, by Mariel Hemingway. I heard this book mentioned on a talk show and immediately checked it out of the library. Just a few pages in, I ordered myself my own copy. Hemingway focuses on four main themes to renew our inner and outer lives: food, movement, silence, and home. It is immensely readable, and more important than that, it is immensely practical and do-able. Also available on CD.

Living Beauty, by Bobbi Brown. Finally, a book on how to look beautiful, written specifically for women over 40! With beautiful photos and helpful information about make-up, moisturizers and more. Also wonderful words of wisdom from older women we know and admire for their commitment to letting their INNER beauty inform their OUTER beauty: Susan Sarandon, Vera Wang, Lorraine Bracco, Rita Wilson, and many more.

Fit From Within, by Victoria Moran. Through personal experience, the author has found that maintaining weight loss is more about honesty and courage than counting carbs. In this book she presents a body-mind-spirit approach to losing weight, showing how to find self-acceptance and break the blame cycle that surrounds "forbidden foods." Start living your life today with this beautiful book.

Feeding the Hungry Heart, by Geneen Roth. This is the first Geneen Roth book I ever read and it holds a place of honor on my own bookshelf. She talks about compulsive eating in a way that is completely honest and believable. Her work offers solutions for those of us who struggle with this on a daily basis.