Bidders List Application

City of Festus, Missouri

711 W. Main Street

Festus, MO 63028

Phone: 636-937-4694

Fax: 636-937-2140


1. Mail or fax this application to the City Clerk in order to be placed on the City’s bid list.

2. Vendors are strongly encouraged to include catalogs, references, or other pertinent information when returning the application.

3. This application must be updated and resent every three (3) years or as needed in order to remain an active bidder. The vendor will be responsible for updating this application as needed.

Please select the type of service(s) or product(s) your company offers by selecting the appropriate categories listed on the following pages. Failure to list all applicable categories may result in your company not being placed on our list for that particular service. Return all pages when you submit your application.

Date: _________________

Company Name: ____________________ Years in Business: ________________

_____________________ Federal Tax ID: ________________

_____________________ Type of Organization:

Remit to Address: _____________________  Individual/Sole Proprietor

_____________________  Partnership

_____________________  Corporation (incorporated in state of)

Phone Number: _____________________  Other (please specify) ___________

Fax Number: _____________________ ______________________________

Web Address: _____________________

E-mail Address: ____________________

Contact Person(s): Sales/Bids: ______________________ Extension: ____________

Parts: ______________________ Extension: ____________

Service: ______________________ Extension: ____________

Billing: ______________________ Extension: ____________

The following categories should be used to determine what list(s) your company will be placed on. Please mark the appropriate categories below and return ALL pages with the application. For items or services not listed below, please include a complete description in the spaces provided under the Other/Misc category located at the end of this list.

 Alarm Systems and Monitoring  Concrete Products

 Appraisals  Copy Machines & Services

 Asbestos Removal and Abatement  Demolition  Asphalt Removal and Abatement  Doors & Door Repair (check all  Asphalt Paving Contractor that apply):

 Audio/Visual Equipment  Overhead

 Automobiles (cars, light duty trucks, vans)  Standard  Auto Body Repair  Drinking Fountains

 Auto Parts (check all that apply):  Electrical Contractors  Car and Light Duty Trucks  Electrical Supplies  Medium and Heavy Duty Trucks  Elevator Maintenance  Awards (trophies, plaques, medals, etc.)  Employee Benefits  Badges, Emblems, Patches, etc.  Engineering Services (check all  Banners and Accessories that apply):  Bleachers  Aerial Photography  Boring Contractors  Architectural  Bridges – Pedestrian  Bridge Design  Building Construction  Environmental Testing  Building Renovation and Remodeling  Geotechnical  Business Forms, Pre-Printed and Custom  Engineering Services (cont.)  Chemicals (check all that apply):  Landscape  Water/Wastewater Mgmt  Sanitary & Storm Sewer Design  Carpet Installation and/or Materials  Lawn Care Equipment  Cellular Phone/Paging Equipment  Storm Water Design  Computer Hardware/Software  Street Design

 Computer Network Design,  Surveying

Management, & Installation  Traffic Signals

 Computer Supplies  Excavation

 Concrete Contractors  Fax Machines

 Fencing Contractors  Printing Services (check all that

 Fiber Optic Cabling & Installation apply)

 Filing Systems  Letterhead, Envelopes, etc

 Financial Services  Newsletters, Brochures, etc.

 Fire Extinguishers & Service  Promotional Items

 Fire Sprinklers & Installation/Repair  Painting Contractors (check all

 Fitness Equipment that apply):

 Fuel (Gasoline & Diesel) □ Exterior

 Furniture (desks, chairs, shelving, files)  Interior

 Grading  Park/Recreation

 Hardware  Pavilions, Shelters, Gazebos

 Hauling Services  Pest Control (check all that apply)

 Heavy Equipment Sales (check all  Products

that apply):  Services

 Backhoes  Playground Equipment

 Dozers  Playground Surfacing (check all

 Loaders that apply)

 Mini-excavators  Engineered Wood Fiber

 Tractors  Pour-in-Play

 Other: _________________  Other: ______________

 HVAC Contractor  Plumbing (check all that apply)

 HVAC Equipment Sales  Contractors

 I.D. Cards & Supplies  Equipment

 Ice Systems  Police Equipment (check all that

 Information Technology Consulting apply)  Insurance (property, health)  Ammunition  Irrigation Systems  Body Armor

 Janitorial Service  Uniforms

 Janitorial Supplies  Vehicle Light Bars

 Laboratory Equipment  Postage Machine  Laboratory Testing  Printer Hardware and Supplies

 Landscaping Contractors  Quarry Materials

 Landscaping Supplies  Radios

(mowers, trimmers, etc.)  Refuse Hauling

 Lawn Care Services (mowing,  Rental Equipment (tools, etc.)

brush hogging, etc.)  Risk Management

 Light Bulbs and Tubes  Roof Repair

 Lumber  Roofing Supplies

□ Microfilming Services  Safety Apparel (gloves, hard hats,

 Mosquito Control Products glasses, vests)

 Nurseries  Safety Equipment and Supplies

 Office Machines  Sandblasting

 Office Supplies  Screen Printing/Embroidery

 Oils and Lubricants  Seed/Fertilizer

 Paint  Sewer/Waterline Construction/Repair

 Sign Making Equipment

 Sign Making Materials

 Snow Plows and Accessories


 Surplus Vehicles/Equipment

 Telecommunication Equipment

 Tennis Court Resurfacing

 Theatrical Equipment & Supplies

 Tile Installation and/or Materials



 Traffic Marking Paint

 Traffic Safety Equipment

 Traffic Signs


 Tree Trimming & Removal

 Truck Equipment (dump/utility

bodies, hydraulics, salt spreaders)

 Trucks (3/4 ton plus, waste

hauling, tractor trailer)

 Tuck Pointing

 Underground Storage Tank

Monitoring Systems

 Uniforms  Vending Services

 Water Meters

 Water Towers (check all that


 Cathodic Protection



 Water/Wastewater Equipment

(check all that apply)

 Fire Hydrants

 Manholes & Covers

 Pipe and Fittings

 Pumps & Valves

 Web Development

 Well Drilling and Repairs

 Other Miscellaneous:

 Installation Contractor  Supplier