2010-2011Annual Enrollment Agenda

LSU System Plans

Annual Enrollment is the time of year when employees can make changes (add/drop/level of coverage change) to their insurance plans. The annual enrollment period typically begins on April 1steach year. This year the official start date for the 2010-2011 year has been delayed due to some changes with the Office of Group Benefits (OGB) health insurance plans. Although the details from the Office of Group Benefits health plans have not been released, we will have information on the LSU System Plans and have scheduled the Annual Enrollment Presentations / Benefits Fair for Monday, April 12th. Please see the list of presentations and vendors that will be present at the Benefits Fair.

“LSU System Plans – Annual Enrollment Presentations and Benefits Fair”

University Center Theater

Monday, April 12, 2010

9:00 am – 3:00 pm



Dental (Dearborn) –New vendor!10:00 amUC Theater

Long-Term Care (IMA/UNUM)10:30 amUC Theater

LSU First (CIGNA) health insurance11:00 amUC Theater

Flex Spending (Gilsbar) 1:30 pmUC Theater

LSU First (CIGNA) 2:00 pmUC Theater


Insurance VendorsRetirement Vendors

LSU First Health Insurance (CIGNA)Teachers’ Retirement System of LA (TRSL)

Dental (Dearborn)LouisianaState Employees’ Retirement System (LASERS) Long-Term Disability (Hartford) Social Security Administration

Flex Spending (Gilsbar)ING

LSU Life Insurance (Hartford)MetLife

Long-Term Care (IMA / Unum)TIAA-CREF


Deferred Compensation

Campus Federal Credit Union


This year Long-Term Disability, LSU Life Insurance and Retirement Vendors will not conduct presentations. These vendors will have tables set up outside of the University Center Theater “benefits fair style” and will have representatives available to meet with employees individually.

New Dental Plan

We have a new Dental plan this year. We are pleased to announce that the dental plan is improved and the premiums will actually be lower than the 2009-2010 plan year! Your dental enrollments will automatically roll over to the new vendor unless you make any changes. Please be aware that new vendor may have a different listing of in-network providers.


All LSU System Plans premiums will be released soon. We do not anticipate any premium increases with the LSU System health plan. OGB health and life insurance premiums will be forwarded to the campus upon receipt.

No changes?

If you do not wish to make any plan changes, you do not need to do anything with the exception of Flex Spending. Flex Spending (Gilsbar) participants must re-enroll each year. Employees who are currently enrolled in: LSU First (CIGNA), Life insurance, long-term disability, long-term care and dental and/or vision plan participants automatically roll over to the next plan year.

Making changes to plans

Once the “official” Annual Enrollment period has been set, employees can begin completing the necessary paperwork to make plan changes. We will notify you as soon as the date has been set. DeAnn Arnold and I will be available to meet with employees after the annual enrollment period has been set. Please call 318.797.5279 to make an appointment. All plan changes will be effective July 1, 2010.

Update on the Office of Group Benefits

Statewide Annual Enrollment meetings for 2010-11 have been delayed until at least April 15th. The meetings were initially scheduled to begin April 5th. The delay is necessary to allow time for:

  • the administrative resolution of protests filed regarding OGB’s proposed award of a contract for administration of the HMO health plan for the 2010-11 plan year and
  • OGB’s decision to merge the HMO and EPO plans for the 2010-11 plan year which begins July 1st.

Under state law, the protesting parties have an opportunity to appeal to Commissioner of Administration to review OGB’s decisions on the contracts. The commissioner must render a decision before OGB can proceed with implementation of the proposed HMO plan contractincluding conducting Annual Enrollment meetings and disseminating information by mail.

EPO plan members should try to attend the LSU First (CIGNA) presentation as well as the Office of Group Benefit meetings once they are scheduled.

Annual enrollment information will be posted on the LSUS Human Resources website under” Benefits / 2010 Annual Enrollment information.” The website will be updated periodically with additional information.