EDITOR: Bill Anthony –
WEB SITE: Gary Sullivan - www.lexvanewcomers.org
Vol. 22 Issue 2 – October 2013
Dear Newcomers,
All day Tuesday I kept trying to remember that Jan has told me being president of the Newcomers club is an easy job (note to all future officers!) so I arrived home rather late from a busy day of volunteering and socializing-and realized I had no idea where any of my Newcomers information was! Given the hour, this was rather disconcerting, particularly for an aspiring perfectionist. Trying to avoid panic, I went upstairs to re-create an agenda, but the constant drone of stinkbugs drove me back downstairs, where after searching and reorganizing the entire house, I remembered where I had carefully stored the information for safekeeping. I took off my watch, and began to prepare for the meeting.
I enjoyed seeing so many of you yesterday and frankly, was pleased I stayed awake during the entire meeting and did not attend still in pj’s. Thank you to those of you who contacted me with ideas this past month. I was initially surprised more people didn’t express interest in sharing volunteer opportunities in the Lexington community, until I realized that most of us may already be volunteers and that many of us may be just a bit over-extended? (I need to avoid discussing biological and foster mothers in this letter and fun field trips in my court report, as the Newcomers letter and CASA report are both due today.) Mary Ellena Ward brought up an interesting point at our meeting: perhaps we could offer Newcomer activities on a day other than Wednesday or Thursday? Some members indicated they would enjoy an occasional weekend activity, that is, for those of us who are occasionally home on weekends…
And continuing on that topic, Barbara Walsh was unable to attend our meeting, but asked me to convey the following information: the Rockbridge Symphony is…looking for volunteers! If you play a stringed instrument or percussion and might be interested in joining this group, please contact Mark Taylor at . For you music lovers, the symphony will hold its fall concert November 2nd and winter concert February 15th.
I’d like to go on a binge and write all future Newcomer letters today, but will try to control myself. Happy October!
Membership Report
Membership dues for this year remain at $25.00. This amount is for any individual or family. You may mail your membership dues to Peg Leinbach.
Make out the check to:
Greater Lexington Newcomers Club
Mail to:
Peg Leinbach
316 Dogwood Rise
Lexington, VA 24450
Please include any changes to your address, phone number or email address. If all is the same as last year, just send the check.
Any questions, please call Bill Docekal
at: 261-3421
Green Valley Book Fair
10October, Thursday, 9:30 am
MountCrawford, VA
Located just south of Harrisonburg, the Green Valley Book Fair is a discount book outlet store featuring over 500,000 new books at incredible bargain prices.
Meeting Place: The parking lot behindMcDonald's restaurant in Lexington. (If you live north of the city, we will pick you up at a designated location)
Time: 9:30am
Contact Joan Carson
r 463-6994
New Market Battlefield Tour
16 October, Wednesday, 8 am
The young cadets still in their teens at VMI were marched north to New Market in 1864 and not only fought but became the deciding factor in the last Confederate victory in the Shenandoah Valley campaign of the Civil War. This battle so enraged the North, VMI and Lexington would pay a high price later. To learn more about this famous battle, plan to join our outing to the New Market Battlefield on October 16th. We will leave from Tractor Supply parking lot at about 8 a.m. We will take a self guided tour of the Hall of Valor Civil War Museum, see the Emmy award movie “Field of Lost Shoes” about the battle, and have a guided tour of the battlefield and Bushong Farm (a farm that was in the center of the battlefield).
The cost will be $8 per person (based on at least 10 people taking part, slightly higher if less take part). The time needed for us to do this is about 2 hours according the officials there. We will have lunch at the Southern Kitchen in New Market around noon. This schedule still leaves lots of time to do some shopping at the many antique malls and unique shops along the way home on the famous Robert E. Lee Highway (Hwy 11).
Please call Mike or Jan Lowry to join this fun and historical outing trip at 540-464-1073 or email Jan at
Roanoke City Market Trip
Shopping and Lunch
13 November, Wednesday, 9:30 am
The Historic Roanoke City Market, underwent a $7.9 million dollar restoration in2010. There are also 42 permanent tables, covered by blueand white awnings,on a covered walkway,
across from the City Market.You can Google this for more detail.
We will meet in the parking lot behind the Nelson St. McDonalds and depart at 9:30 am. (If you live south of the city, we could pick you up at a designated location)
If interested in this holiday shopping trip, contact: Joan Carson 463-6994 or
Newcomer’s 2013 Holiday Party
Get those red and green sweaters out of storage! Our Holiday party is only a few short months away.
The event will take place on Saturday the 7th of December at the Lexington Golf and Country Club (LG&CC). It will be held from 3 – 5 PM.
As usual we will have a buffet but with a more efficient serving arrangement this year. The wine and beer drink tickets will be included in the meal price of $20.00 per person / $ 40.00 per couple. The liquor bar will be open for those who wish to purchase mixed drinks.
We are now taking reservations:
Make your check out to Greater Lexington Newcomers
Mail your check or money order to:
Jim Slack
305 New Cameron Drive
Lexington, VA 24450-1861
Don’t forget to start looking for those Christmas ties!
It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play
11 December, Wednesday, 7:30 pm
Arrangements have been made for tickets to a special Christmas play at the Greenbrier Valley Theater in Lewisburg, West Virginia, on Wednesday, December 11, for the Newcomers Club. The play, It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play is inspired by the beloved American film by the same name, and is performed as a 1940’s live radio broadcast. Featuring all of your favorite characters, this holiday classic is not one to miss!
The Greenbrier Valley Theatre is the state professional theatre of West Virginia and features professional actors and actresses from all over the country in the programs they perform during the year.
Join the Lexington Newcomers Club for a refreshing evening of holiday memories.
Reserve your seat for this holiday program by sending your check payable to Jan Lowry, 51 Shepherd Drive, Lexington, VA 24450 by November 20. Tickets are $24 for adults; $21 for seniors (60 and over); and $15 for students. (Note: ticket costs may be less if we get a large enough group and the difference will be refunded to participants). Dinner reservations will be made for those wishing to have dinner prior to the performance.
For more information or questions, contact Jan Lowry at 464-1073 or e-mail
Washington and Lee Football Fun
Join the Newcomers as they cheer on the Washington and Lee Generals football team at theLexingtonhome games this year.Come enjoy the fun and excitement of college football right here at home and the best part is it cost you nothing to attend the games!
Look for Newcomers about half way up the stadium on about the 40 yard line seats section.Remaining home games this year areSaturday, October 5at7 p.m.(parents week);October 26at1:30 p.m.(homecoming) andNovember 2at1 p.m.
The Generals had a championship winning season last year—come and cheer them on to another!See you at the game!
Please send me an e-mail (), if you know of a member who is recovering from surgery or just needs a note of support.
Barbara Risser
Corresponding Secretary
Don't forget to send your activity photos to Gary Sullivan for the on-linephoto album.
Treasurers Report
9/01/13 –9/30/13
Submitted by Peg Leinbach
Membership Dues $2,275.00
TOTAL $4,761.97
Rent $ 60.00
Oktoberfest $100.00
Total Expenses $160.00
Proposed 2013-2014 Budget
Balance Brought Forward $2,486.97
from August 2013
Projected membership dues $3,000.00
Door Prizes $200.00
Gifts and Memorials $200.00
New Member Coffee $200.00
Rent $600.00
Website $110.00
Miscellaneous $100.00
Oktoberfest $250.00
Holiday Party $2,000.00*
Picnic $200.00
Total Expense $3,460.00
*Proposed budgeted expense for the Holiday party was originally $1,600. However, it was amended at the September meeting and raised to $2,000.00. This amount was voted on and approved by the membership.
Interest group participants must be members of Newcomers. To join an interest group, call or email the contact person.
Dining Out
Dining Out for October will be well attended with some interesting restaurants on the list. All but one of this month's venues were luncheons and the options were diverse. Members could experience German food at Edelweiss Restaurant which offered Octoberfest beers and live "Oompa" music, taco and burritos at the new restaurant "Mano" in Lexington, casual dining at Gertie's Country Store in Vesuvius, patio dining at The Sheridan Livery, and lunch with beer at Devils Backbone Brew Pub in Roseland.
If you've not picked out a restaurant, there are still openings on 10/16 at The Sheridan Livery. If interested, contact Dorothy Coker at540-348-6248 (email:).
If you wish to join the group or have any questions, please email Dorothy Coker r phone her at540-348-6248.
Fine Dining Group
It's time to join the fun and sign up to be a member of our Dining In (Fine Dining) Group! As a member of the group, you'll participate in three dinners (Oct/Nov, Jan/Feb and March/ April) held at the home of the host.
It's a terrific way to meet many new friends or renew acquaintances. Please don't let the term "Fine Dining" dissuade you from joining in! Think of it as a supper club! You don't need to be a gourmet cook, just have a place to seat 8 for dinner, enjoy eating with friends and be willing to cook a new recipe or two.
Following are a few of the details of the group:
· Groups are rotated so that ideally you eat with different members at each of the three dinners.
· You'll bring an assigned dish to the meal and cost is split evenly between all diners at your meal.
· Be prepared to be host at one dinner during the year (i.e. one of the three yearly dinners).
· Hosts select the date and time as well as the menu and provide guests with recipes.
Contact Grace Simcoe
for additional information.
“Wine improves with age.
I like it more the older I get.”
Wine Tasting Group
The Wine Tasting Group meets three times a year (March-April, June-July, and October-November) to taste wines. The group tastes a selection of six wines each time. The tastings are blind. They are usually, but not always, based on a single grape or region (e.g., Zinfandel, Chardonnay, Chianti).
The wine tasting group is getting ready for its tastings in October-November. It will be Pinot Noir. If you would like to join the wine tasting group, send email to Jim Slack at .
Couples Bridge #2
Couples Bridge #2 welcomes substitutes. For more information contact Cathy Broach at (540) 261-3141.
Barbara’s Bridge Buddies
Meets the second Tuesday of each month at the Lexington Country Club. Lunch at Noon; Bridge at 1:00.
Contact person - Ellen Charske 463-7971.
Canasta meets the fourth Tuesday of each month. Anyone interested in joining or being a sub, please contact Cynthia Tucker, 540-463-3344, or .
Pinochle Club
Marilou Schindler is interested in starting a pinochle club for three other couples once a month or once every other month. Contact Marilou at (540) 291-2992.
In inimitable style, Hilary Mantel'sWolf Hallis "a darkly brilliant reimagining of life under Henry VIII. . . . Magnificent." (The Boston Globe).
Fourth Thursday Book Club
Meet at 1 pm at Suzanne King’s to discuss Wolf Hall.
Fourth Thursday II Book Club
The purpose of this book club is to read and enjoy literature! Generally we keep on topic but also feel free to introduce relevant (or not so) to the discussion such as historical facts, bio details, book background, related authors or topics, and personal connections. Being able to disagree with something another member has stated is an important constant in our discussions. At times we may get off track but we always respect the authority of the moderator.
We usually meet at each other’s homes. The individual who chooses the book is the moderator.
Our book for October is an Agatha Christie murder mystery/spy novel, The Secret Adversary, the first of the Tommy and Tuppence books. You probably know Agatha Christie stories from PBS Masterpiece. The Secret Adversary was published in 1922 -- 91 years ago! Being a fan of crime shows and books, it will be interesting to read a mystery that does not use high tech gadgets to solve the case, other than a telegraph or two.