Bangladesh International School & College
Book and Stationery List for 2017
STANDARD-V (International Curriculum)
1. Secondary English Book-1: Sadler Hayller
2. Success with Buzzword main course book-5, CD Edition
1. Oxford Reading Circle Book-5, Nicholas Horsburgh
2. Stories from Homer – E. F Dodd (Macmillan)
1. Success with Maths Ahead-6, Orient Black Swan
1. Avgvi evsjv eB (cÂg fvM) -RvZxq wk¶vµg I cvV¨cy¯—K †evW©, XvKv|
2. mnR fvlv wk¶v evsjv e¨vKiY I iPbv - KvRx byiyj Bmjvg (cÂg †kªYx) -2015
1. I Explore - A Science Text Book-5 by Mrinalini Pradhan
1. Bangladesh & Global Studies, Book-5 (NCTB)
1. Computers Ahead-4 Windows 7, MS Office 2007 Edition (5th Edition) by Anjana Jain (Orient Black Swan)
1. Islam for children Bk-5 By Dr. Shahjahan Tapan
/ A New Moral Science (Book – 5): By Pratibha Nath
1. Syllabus to be followed.
1. Pen, Pencil, Eraser, Ruler, Sharpener, Geometry Box
2. One Box of Titi oil pastle colour (60 colours)
3. Clip file, Child Safe Scissors, Glue, Coloured Poster Paper. / Note
1. All are advised to purchase books of latest edition and original books, not photocopies.
2. Text Books, Diary, Exercise books. Stationery articles are available at the School Canteen, Mokkarum
Library and other new market shops.
3. The School Uniform and Pullover will be a available at the BISC School Canteen.
Std-V (International)
Sl / Subject / Assessment Test / Class Test / Term Exam
Marks / Duration / Marks / Duration
1 / Bangla / 5 / 25 / 40 mins / 100 / 2 hrs
2 / Language / 5 / 25 / 40 mins / 100 / 2 hrs
3 / Literature / 5 / 25 / 40 mins / 100 / 2 hrs
4 / Maths / 5 / 25 / 40 mins / 100 / 2 hrs
5 / Science / 5 / 25 / 40 mins / 100 / 2 hrs
6 / Computer Science / 5 / 25 / 40 mins / 75
(Lab test-25) / 1 hr 30 mins
7 / Bangladesh and Global Studies (BDGS) / 5 / 25 / 40 mins / 100 / 2 hrs
8 / Religion/
Moral Science / 5 / 25 / 40 mins / 75
(Oral Test-25) / 1 hr 30 mins
9 / Art / - / 25 / 40 mins / 50 (Grade) / 1 hr 30 mins
1. 100 marks of the Term Exams will be converted into 75 marks.
2. 25 Marks of the Class Tests will be converted into 20 marks. (Except Art)
3. Assessment Test of 5 marks will be held during class hour.
4. Grand total of the Term Exams will be calculated as:
Term Exam : 75
Class Test : 20
Assessment : 5
Grand Total : 100
1 / 2
Block Syllabus for Standard –V (Int’l)
(Half Yearly Examination-2017)
Subject / Ch/Lesson / Sl. No / Type of Questions / Marks distribution
1| Avgvi evsjv eB (cÂg fvM)
2| mnR fvlv wk¶v evsjv e¨vKiY I iPbv
1| GB †`k GB gvbyl
2| my›`i e‡bi cªvYx
3| nvwZ Avi †kqv‡ji Mí
4| ex‡ii i‡³ m¦vaxb G †`k
5| we`vq nR¡
6| k‡Li g„r wkí
7| KvuKb gvjv Avi KvÂb gvjv
8| AevK Rjcvb
1| ‡deª“qvwii Mvb
2| msKí
3| kã `~lY
4| wk¶v ¸i“i gh©v`v
5| ¯^‡`k
fvlv, mvay I PwjZ fvlv, wecixZ kã, wj½, cÖwZkã, evMaviv, Abyev` (as done in the class)|
iPbv (100 - 150 kã):
1| GB‡`k GB gvbyl
2| my›`i e‡bi cªvYx
3| evsjv‡`‡ki cªavb A_©Kix dmj (cvU)
4| QvÎRxe‡bi `vwqZ¡ I KZ©e¨
5| m¦‡`k †cªg
(‡kªYx‡Z hv Kiv‡bv n‡e) / K - wefvM
1 / kãv_© / 1í 6=6
2 / evK¨ MVb Ki / 2í 3=6
3 / k~b¨¯’vb c~iY / 1í 5=5
4 / †QvU cÖkœ / 3í 4=12
5 / eo cÖkœ / 7í 2=14
6 / KweZv Kwei bvgmn 8 jvBb wjL / 10
L - wefvM
7 / mvay I PwjZ fvlv / 1í 6=6
8 / wecixZ kã / 1í 6=6
9 / cÖwZkã / 2í 4=8
10 / evMaviv / 2í 3=6
11 / Abyev` / 1í 5=5
12 / iPbv / 15
13 / cwi¯‹vi cwi”QbœZv I nv‡Zi †jLv / 1
‡gvU (Aa© evwl©K cix¶v) / 100
‡kªYx cix¶v-1
1| GB †`k GB gvbyl / 1 / kãv_© / 1í 5=5
2 / evK¨ MVb / 1í 2=2
3 / ‡QvU cªkœ / k~b¨¯’vb c~iY / 2í 2=4/
1í 4=4
/ 2| my›`i e‡bi cªvYx
1| ‡deª“qvwii Mvb
2| msKí
mvay I PwjZ fvlv, wecixZ kã / 4 / cª‡kœi DËi `vI / 5í 1=5
5 / mvay I PwjZ fvlvq cwieZ©b Ki / 1í 4=4
6 / wecixZ kã wjL / 1í 5=5
‡gvU (†kªYx cix¶v-1) / 25
g~j¨vqY cix¶v / 5
Book:A. Secondary English Book-1
B. Success with Buzzword main course book, CD Edition
1. Noun & its classification
2. Pronoun
3. Adjective
4. Forming noun, Adjective Verb,
5. Verb
6. Agreement of Subject & Verb
7. Synonym, Antonym, Homonym
8. Number
9. Tense
10. Paragraph:
a) An Unforgettable Moment of
My Life
b) My Life as the Largest
Person On Earth
c) My Solution to Pollution
d) Write 5 Things You Want to
Change in your School and why?
e) I was Alone in the Jungle
f) Unseen
11. Comprehension (S.B).
a) The Eye of the Storm
b) Testing Times
c) Owls in the family
d) In the City
e) The Invisible Man / 1 / Nouns that name people, animals places, things / 1×10=10
2 / Form nouns / 1×5=5
3 / Classify the nouns in the sentences / 1×5=5
4 / Change as directed / 1×5=5
5 / Underline the adjectives
Or Classify the adjectives
Or Form Adjective / 1×5=5
6 / Identify Transitive or Intransitive verb in the sentence / 1×10=10
7 / Choose the correct verbs from the brackets
Or Fill in the blanks with correct verbs / 1×5=5
8 / Add ‘in’ or ‘un’ to make antonym
Or Write the opposite of the following words / 1×10=10
9 / Supply synonyms for the words / 1x5=5
10 / Change into plurals
Or Form the plural of these nouns / 1x10=10
11 / Change to their singular forms / 1x5=5
12 / Change as directed
Or Show different forms of past / present / future tense. / 1x5=5
13 / Write a paragraph on any one of the topics (Unseen) / 10
14 / Comprehension (Unseen)
Answer the following questions / 10
Total (Half Yearly Exam) / 100
3 / 4
Class Test-1
1. Noun & its classification
2. Pronoun
3. Adjective
4. Comprehension (Unseen) / 1 / Form nouns / 1×5=5
2 / Classify the nouns / 1x5=5
3 / Change as directed / 1×5=5
4 / Classify the adjectives / 1×5=5
5 / Answer the questions / 1×5=5
Total (Class Test-1) / 25
Assessment Test / 5
Book: Stories from Homer
1. Chap: 1-8
Book: Oxford Reading Circle Bk-5
2. The River Bank
3. The boy who served his Tribe
4. The Toad’s Warts
5. Vasilissa;s Doll
8. Nurse’s Song
9. Sir Nicketty Nox
10. The Frog and he Bird / Section-A
1 / Write the meaning of the words / 1×12=12
2 / Answer to the questions in detail / 7×2=14
3 / Answer to the questions in short / 4×4=16
4 / Who said to whom / 2×4=8
5 / Answer to the questions / 4×3=12
6 / Comprehension / 12
7 / Explain the following expressions /
T / F / 8
8 / Answer to the questions / 4×2=8
9 / Write down 3/2 stanza of the poem / 10
Total (Half Yearly Exam) / 100
Class Test-1
Book: Stories from Homer
1. Chap: 1-2
Book: Oxford Reading Circle Bk-5
2. The River Bank
3. The boy who served his Tribe
4. Nurse’s Song / 1 / Word Meaning / 1x7=7
2 / Answer to the questions / 4×3=12
3 / Write a poem /Summary / 6
Total (Class Test-1) / 25
Assessment Test / 5
A. Success with Maths Ahead Book-6 Orient Black Swan / Arithmetic
1 / Simplify / 5x1=5
2 / Factorize & draw the factor tree / 2.5x2=5
3 / Find the L.C.M & H.C.F / 5x2=10
/ Arithmetic
1. Planning with number
2. Operations on whole number
3. Integer ex:4.2, 4.3
4. Ratio ex: 8.1
5. Algebraic expression
Ex: 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4
7. Ex:10.4, 10.5, 10.6, 10.7
Ex: 20(A), 20(B)
Mathematics Book-1 / 4 / Add the integers / 3x3=9
5 / Solve the word problems / 5x5=25
6 / Find the values / 3x5=15
7 / Solve the equation / 4x3=12
8 / Define with diagram / 3x3=9
9 / Solve the word problems / 5X2=10
Total (Half Yearly Exam) / 100
Class Test-1
1. Planning with number Ex:2.1,2.2
2.4, 2.6
2. Operation on whole numbers
Ex: 3.3
3. Ex: 7.1, 7.2
4. Ex: 10.4, 10.5 / Arithmetic
1 / Factorize & draw the factor tree / 5x1=5
2 / Find the L.C.M/H.C.F / 5x2=10
3 / Find the values / 2.5x2=5
4 / Define with diagram / 5x1=5
Total (Class Test-1) / 25
Assessment Test / 5
Book: I Explore – A Science Text Book- 5.
1. Chap-1: Growing plants for Food
2. Chap-2: Health and Hygiene
3. Chap-3: Safety and First Aid
4. Chap-4: Matter
5. Chap-5: Animals everywhere
5. Chap-6: Our skeletal system
6. Chap-7: Nervous system / 1 / Fill in the Blanks / 1x10=10
2 / Write True / False / 1x10=10
3 / Correct the statement / 1x12=12
4 / Write the correct words / 1x10=10
5 / Drawing & labeling / 3x3=9
6 / Short questions / 4x5=20
7 / Broad questions / 6x4=24
8 / Project work / 5
Total (Half Yearly Exam) / 100
Class Test-1
1. Chap-1: Growing plants for Food
2. Chap-2: Health and Hygiene / 1 / Fill in the blanks / 1x6=6
2 / Write True / False / 1x5=5
3 / Short questions / 4x2=8
4 / Broad questions / 6x1=6
Total (Class Test-1) / 25
Assessment Test / 5
5 / 6
Computer Science
Book: Computers Ahead-4 Windows- 7, MS Office 2007 Edition (5th Edition) by Anjana Jain (Orient Black Swan)
1. Unit-1: About a computer
2. Unit-2: The operating system
3. Unit-3: Formatting and Design
4. Unit-7: Multimedia
5. Unit-4: Tables in MS word 7
6. Lab Test: (Unit-4) / 1 / Fill in the Blanks / 1x10=10
2 / Write True or False / 1x10=10
3 / Answer the following MCQ / 1x10=10
4 / Write in full / 1x10=10
5 / Match the following / 1x5=5
6 / Answer in short questions / 3x4=12
7 / Answer in broad question / 6x2=12
8 / Draw the following / 6
9 / Lab Test / 25
Total (Half Yearly Exam) / 100
Class Test-1
Computer Science
1. Unit-1: About a computer / 1 / Fill in the blanks / 1x5=5
2 / Write the True / False / 1x5=5
3 / Answer in short questions / 3x3=9
4 / Answer in broad question / 6x1=6
Total (Class Test-1) / 25
Assessment Test / 5
Bangladesh and Global Studies
Book: Bangladesh & Global Studies
Chap-1: Our Liberation War
Chap-2: British rule
Chap-3: Historical Monuments in
Chap-7: Human rights
Chap-8: Gender Equality
Chap-9: Our duties and
responsibilities / 1 / MCQ / 1x12=12
2 / Fill in the blanks / 1x10=10
3 / Write True or False / 1x10=10
4 / Correct the statements / 1x10=10
5 / Match the following / 1x10=10
6 / Answer in short / 3x6=18
7 / Answer in broad / 6x5=30
8 / Project work / 5
Total (Half Yearly Exam): / 100
Class Test-1
Bangladesh and Global Studies
Chap-1: Our Liberation War
Chap-2: Our Bangladesh The British
rule / 1 / Fill in the blanks / 1x5=5
2 / Write True or False / 1x5=5
3 / Answer in short / 3x3=9
4 / Answer in broad / 6x1=6
Total (Class Test-1): / 25
Assessment Test / 5
Book: Islam for children Bk-5
1. Tawhid
2. The Beautiful Names of Allah / 1 / Fill in the blanks / 1x10=10
2 / Write the True and false / 1x10=10
3 / Match the following / 1x10=10
4 / Short note / 3x6=18
/ 3. The Quran-A Supreme Miracle
4. Duties and obligations
5. Wuju (Wudu)
6. The Adhan (Azan) – Call to Prayer
7. Surah:
a) Surah Al Fatiha (Pg-62)
b) Surah Naas (Pg-64) / 1 / Fill in the blanks / 1x10=10
2 / Write the True and false / 1x10=10
3 / Match the following / 1x10=10
4 / Short note / 3x6=18
5 / Questions and answers / 5x5=25
6 / Neatness / 2
7 / Oral Test (Surah and Moral lesson) / 25
Total (Half Yearly Exam) / 100
Class Test-1
1. Tawhid
2. The Beautiful Names of Allah / 1 / Fill in the blanks / 1x3=3
2 / Write the True and False / 1x3=3
3 / Match the following / 1x4=4
4 / Questions/Answers / 5x3=15
Total (Class Test-1) / 25
Assessment Test / 5
Moral Science
Book: A New Moral Science (Book – 5)
1. Making the best of yourself
2. The power of Hard Work
3. Let’s Have Beauty Around Us.
4. Look after Your Money
5. Are You Disappointed?
6. My Country and My People / 1 / Fill in the blanks / 1x11=11
2 / Write True and false / 2x6=12
3 / Match the following / 2x6=12
4 / Answer in short / 4x4=16
5 / Answer in broad / 8x3=24
6 / Oral Test / 25
Total (Half Yearly Exam) / 100
Class Test-1
Moral Science
1. Making the best of yourself
2. The Power of Hard Work
3. Lets Have Beauty Around us. / 1 / Fill in the blanks / 1x6=6
2 / Write True / False / 1x6=6
3 / Answer in short question / 4x1=4
4 / Answer in broad question / 8x1=8
5 / Neatness / 1
Total (Class Test-1) / 25
Assessment Test / 5
7 / 8

1. Flower garden with figure
2. Kheya Ghat
3. King-fisher
4. Scenery on 21st February
5. Creative work (Vase paint) / 1 / Drawing / 20
2 / Colouring / 20
3 / Neatness / 10
Total (Half Yearly Exam) / 50
Class Test-1
1. Flower garden with figure
2. Kheya Ghat / 1 / Drawing / 10
2 / Colouring / 10
3 / Neatness / 5
Total (Class Test-1): / 25