Newport Select Board

Minutes of Meeting held


Members Present: T. Breitweg, J. Carson, R. Davis, K. Russell,D. Franklin

**Bank Reconciliation for January & Profit & Loss Statement for the NCC given to the Select Board

Call to order

A. Pledge of Allegiance

Public Access

Thank you for filling the sink hole on Grove Street. But the sink hole has opened againon Grove Street can it be refilled? Town Manager stated that the Public Works crew will be out tomorrow working on a couple of other roads and he will have it looked at.

Is the dam gate still open? Town Manager answered that the dam gate is still open some.

Consent Agenda

A. Approval of meeting minutes on 02/08/2018: Motion by Chairman T. Breitweg to accept meeting minutes from 02/08/2018, R. Davis moved, K. Russell seconded. No discussion. Vote 5-0. Unanimous approval.

B. Communications

1. Billing for Public Safety Building heating/cooling

Town Manager stated he had submitted a bill to Briggs Equipment Sales they furnished the heating and cooling for the Public Safety Building. The town is looking to be paid back for funds that have been spent trying to keep the system operable. They have agreed to do so. They will pay back $960. Problems have been fixed with the units. ABM was hired by Briggs to install the hoods to go over the units.

2. Exterior foundation repair

Bowman’s were contacted to grind asphalt down in front of the handicap accessible doors again. They will come back in the spring and replace it with concrete. Frost in the ground is affecting things. In front of the office door it has lifted up as well.

3. MDOT review of town ways

Town Manager spent some time with MDOT reviewing town ways. They tend to review what has been discontinued about every 15 years. A few updates were found going over lists of town ways.And some of this is how we get highway money. Town Manager also stated that he will need to negotiate with the guardrail company to start this process.

There are several speed zones in the Town of Newport. A complete list of speed limits is available on the MDOT website. The Town of Newport currently has 3 violations regarding speed zones. Highland Ave is a 20 mph speed zone. There are four speed zones 45, 35, 25 and back to 45 on Durham Bridge. The town will need to purchase about 12 new signs. There are a few STOP signs that are missing as well.

4. Trail Groomer nominee(s)

Town Manager has written a letter of recommendation for nomination of Trail Groomers of the Year for Scott & Tyler Jakins for nominee(s). They do the local snowmobile trails for the snowmobile season and service the grooming equipment.

5. Vic Buckland & Brian Taylor re: North Newport Cemetery

They would like to have the assistance of the Public Works crew cutting back trees back and removing stumps as needed. They would like to create some new planting space. Town Manager recommended to the Board to allow him to take the Town Foreman out to assess the area.

6. MDOT correspondence

The lingering bill from MDOT that was sent back in October 2017. Town Manager has made several attempts to have MDOT waive the charges on the bill. They have refused. The only other option would be to take it to ligation and forward to the Town’s attorney. It has been about 4 years since this process all started.

**Motion to pay MDOT $5,206. R. Davis seconded. J. Carson seconded. No discussion. Vote 3-2. Motion passes.

MDOT has admitted that they were wrong and will be replacing the crosswalk that was removed in front of the Cultural Center.

7. Jason Paradis re: Overweight Restriction on Roads

Jason Paradis of Complete Hydraulics has contacted the Town for a permit to drive over the town’s posted roads. Town Manager suggests using the same form that MDOT uses. The Town needs all necessary information of the trucks crossing posted roads. Previously anyone needing access over posted roads would go to the Public Works garage and get a verbal approval. 40,000- 45,000 lbs. is the Town Manager’s suggestion.

**Motion to allow the Town Manager to negotiate with Jason Paradis regarding heavy loads going over the Ridge Road. R. Davis moved, K. Russell seconded. No discussion. Vote 5-0 **

Old Business


New Business

  1. Center Street Bridge

When MDOT was in the office last week it was discussed that the bridge is a redundant bridge and is the full responsibility of the Town. Their recommendation from 6 months ago, was get your guard rails back up. Used guardrails were suggested previously. Town Manager stated that it is do-able this budget to replace the missing guardrails for the bridge.

  1. Public Works Truck Repair

The inspection station would not pass the International based on the current condition of the body of the truck. The body is rusted out. S. Berry, Public Works Supervisor, has got a few estimates for the purchase of a new body. It has been decided to build a new body for the truck. S. Berry has ordered the necessary metal and will begin building a new body starting today.


Motion by the Chairman T. Breitweg to approve the warrant. R. Davis moved, D. Franklin seconded. No discussion. Vote5-0. Unanimous approval.

Town Manager added that the letter received from the Superintendent regarding taking ownership of the old school building. Town Manager would like to have the heating system out of this building for the Public Safety Building. Building will need: gym needs roof, gym floor needs to be refinished. Permission to continue talk with the buyer of the property. Town Manager would like to split the property to keep the gym and Jr High building and sell the elementary building and some of the parking lot in front of the building. Town Manager would like to retain all of the back property if possible.


At 7:10pm, Motion byChairman T. Breitweg. R. Davis moved. J. Carson seconded.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ann M. Whitmore

Town Clerk