last modified 5 September 2011
1. Contents of the Cornaro Atlas
2. The treatment of pinea
3. Comparing the colour and style of three charts attributed to a Roselli workshop with his signed productions
4. Features on charts signed by or attributed to Roselli
1. Contents of the Cornaro Atlas
For the related text see:
British Museum No. / Cortesão(chart and folio numbers) / Named author / Suggested author (usually from the adjacent sheets) / Coverage / Pujades DVD
3 / 1; 3-4 / P. Roselli / Black Sea, E. & Central Med. / COR 4, ff.2-4
4 / 2; 5-6 / Roselli / W. Med. & Atlantic / "
5 / 3; 7-8 / G. de Napoli / Black Sea, E. & Central Med. / COR 7, ff.4-6
6 / 4; 9-10 / G. de Napoli / W. Med. & Atlantic / "
7 / 5; 11-12 / G. Benincasa / Black Sea, E. & Central Med. / COR 9, ff.6-7
8 / 6; 13-14 / Benincasa / W. Med. & Atlantic / [not on DVD]
9 / 7&8; 15-16 / F. Beccari / Black Sea (x 2) / COR 1, ff.8-11
10 / 9; 17-18 / F. Beccari
(Cortesão suggested Benincasa) / Black Sea, E. & Central Med. / "
11 / 10; 19-20 / F. Beccari / W. Med. & Atlantic / "
12 / 11; 21-2 / N. Fiorino / Black Sea & E. Med. / COR 6, ff.11-14
13 / 12; 23-4 / Fiorino / Adriatic & Central Med. / "
14 / 13; 25-6 / Fiorino / Atlantic / "
15 / 14&15; 27-8 / F. Cesanis / Adriatic (x2) / COR 2 & 3 , ff.14-15
16 / 16; 29-30 / Z. Soligo / Adriatic & Central Med. / [not on DVD]
17 / 17; 31-2 / A. Cesanis / Black Sea / COR 5, ff.16-18
18 / 18; 33-4 / A. Cesanis / E. Med. (+enlarged Cyprus) / "
19 / 19; 35-6 / D. Dezane / E. Med. / [not on DVD]
20 / 20; 37-8 / Aegean & Ionian Is / [not on DVD]
21 / 21; 39-40 / G. Benincasa / E. Med. / COR 10 , ff.20-22
22 / 22; 41-2 / Benincasa / Aegean & E. Med. / "
23 / 23; 43-4 / N. Pasqualini / E. Med. / COR 8, ff.22-3
24 / 24; 45-6 / B. Pesina. 1489 / Aegean / [not on DVD]
25 / 25; 47-8 / 'Conpimento Delcexano' / A. Cesanis / Adriatic &c / COR 5, ff.24-8
26 / 26; 49-50 / A. Cesanis / W. Med. / "
27 / 27; 51-2 / A. Cesanis / W. Med. & Iberia / "
28 / 28; 53-4 / A. Cesanis / Atlantic coast of Europe / "
29 / 29; 55-6 / 'Ponent Boscaino' / Atlantic / [not on DVD]
30 / 30; 57-8 / C. Soligo / Iberia & Atlantic Is / [not on DVD]
31 / 31; 59-60 / C. Soligo / " - 'Ginea Portogalexe' / [not on DVD]
32 / 32; 61-2 / West Africa / [not on DVD]
33 / 33; 63 / West Africa / [not on DVD]
" / 34; 64 / Caspian Sea / [not on DVD]
34 / [ff.65-7] / prepared page(s) without any cartography / [not on DVD]
35 / ?? / Black Sea / E. Med. / [not on DVD]
36 / 35; 67-8 / general chart / [not on DVD]
37 / 36; 69-70 / North Sea &Baltic / [not on DVD]
38 / 37; 71-2 / Holy Land / [not on DVD]
For high resolution scans of all but the final sheet see:
See here for the Holy Land map:
[added July 2016]
Note that Pujades identified British Museum (Library) Nos. 10 & 11 as the work of Beccari, where Cortesão had suggested Benincasa. Pujades also assigned BM Nos.25-8 to Alvise de Cesanis. This was, first, on the basis of what is generally accepted, namely that the copyist provided the author's name for the first in a group of that person's work and, second, because Pujades's subsequent toponymic analysis confirmed those attributions.
BM No.8 was omitted from the DVD and BM No.15, the Francesco de Cesanis twin charts of the Adriatic, are repeated on the DVD as both Cor 2 and Cor 3.
See also a careful Wikipedia page (last modified 17 July 2011):
2. The treatment of pinea
For the related text see:
[22] Pinelli-Walckenaer & [21] Corbitis atlases (ignoring slight differences between them) / Venice, Museo Storico Navale atlas sheet / Luxoro Atlas (by Cesanis) / Cesanis chart 1421Pujades A 11 & A 12 / Pujades A 15 / Pujades A 14 / Pujades C 32
end 14th - early 15th century / 1400-25 / pre-1421 / 1421
monpelier / | / [monpelier] / monpelier
stagnom / | / stagnom / stagnom (2)
aquemorte / | / aquemorte / aquemorte (1)
laval [?] / | / --- / ---
loroino / | / --- / ---
pinea (3) / pi. nea / inea / ---
vignon (1) / vignon / vignon / vignioz
arle (2) / arle / p. arlles / arlles
[the readings are approximate; the concern is with pinea]
Table 3 & 4 follow
3. Comparing the colour and style of three charts attributed to a Roselli workshop with his signed productions
(plus the work of contemporaries to provide context)
For the related text see:
Pujades (2007)DVD no. / same as Roselli norm / different to Roselli norm / same as rare Roselli features / illegible features/
queries / Totals
(excl. queries) / % exact match
Paris (attrib.) / C 70 / 14 / 7 / 2 (1447,1464) / 1 / 23 / 61
Yale (attrib.) / C 71 / 26 / 7 / 1 (1462) / --- / 34 / 76
Modena (attrib.) / C 72 / 42 / --- / --- / 3 / 42 / 100
Catalan Estense World Map / Il Bulino
facsimile / 37 / 4 / 1 / 5 / 42 / 88
SOLER / C 51, 52 / 26 (?) / 21 (?) / --- / ? / 47 / 55
VALLSECA / C40,42,47 / 35 (?) / 11 (?) / --- / 6 / 46 / 76
BERTRAN & RIPOLL / C 58 / 35 / 4 / --- / 6 / 39 / 90
BENINCASA / various / 30 / 21 / 1 (1464, 1465) / --- / 52 / 58
The table should be read as indicative only, not exact. Roselli was not entirely consistent himself and differences between the three Vallseca works and the two by Rafel Soler required some arbitrary judgements. However, the relative closeness or disparity in the features analysed between Roselli's (dated works, 1447-69) and those of his contemporaries - R. Soler (second quarter 15th century?), Vallseca (1439-49), Bertran & Ripoll (1456) and Benincasa (1461-82) - is revealed by the final column.
For the data on which those figures are based see, respectively [all are Microsoft Word documents]:
That detailed evidence could also throw light on the suggestion by Pujades (2009, p.315) that Roselli had trained under Vallseca.
4. Features on charts signed by or attributed to Roselli
For the related text see:
first seen on signed Roselli chart in: / Paris (C 70) / Yale (C 71) / Modena (C 72)Geographical
Baltic / 1464 / | / | / ü
Inland rivers / 1464 / | / ü / ü
Atlas Mountains / 1464 / ü / ü / ü
Compass roses / 1449 / x / ü / (ü) part trimmed
Wavy border / 1456 / x / x / ü
Sardinia/Sicily shields / 1462 / x / x / ü
Wind heads / 1462 / x / ü / (ü) part trimmed
Rulers / 1464 / x / x / (ü) part trimmed
| indicates that the area or feature was not covered
x indicates that the feature was omitted