
21655 W. Division St., Lockport IL 60441

815-744-6813 (w)

A Little Bit About Us

Our philosophy is to create an educational environment that is caring and encourages development of the potential in each child. We enrich children of all ages, remembering that they are naturally curious explorers. We remember that each child has their own ‘best’ way to learn and grow.

Children’s social, emotional, mental and physical needs must be met. Individuality is encouraged.

Every child is helped to explore, discover and learn through arts and crafts, music, science experiments, life skills, exploratory and goal oriented play, drama and the encouragement of questions. We use Creative Curriculum.

Mrs. Darlene Huston, the owner, has her B.A. in Early Childhood Education. She is a mother and state certified Teacher. She has over 10 years experience teaching children of various ages.

Main Assistants are: Mr. Sam, Mr. Jerry and Mrs. Betty. All have many years experience and training with young children.


Child to Adult ratio of 6 to 1 or better at all times; Mrs. Darlene Huston is a state licensed Early Childhood Teacher for birth -3rd grade.

Preschool activities throughout the day

 ABC Music and Me created by Kindermusik and other Kindermusik classes offered by Mrs. Darlene, Licensed Kindermusik Instructor

KidsYoga taught by Mrs. Darlene

Extended hours

Hourly care available for registered clients

Experienced, stable, dependablechildcare providers

Small group size

Some American Sign Language and Spanish used and taught

Large fenced play yard

No TV viewing


Mixed age groupings

Reasonable pricing

American Butterflies Home Child Care and Preschool815-744-6813

Pre-registration Form

Parent/Guardian Name ______Phone ______(W/C)

Parent/Guardian Name ______Phone ______(W/C)

Home Address ______

Home Phone ______Email Address ______

I/We would like to reserve a space for my child/children. We understand the registration fee is nonrefundable and will only be accepted if there is an opening.

Please list each child’s name and days and hours of care to be reserved.

Child’s Name ______Date of Birth ______

Days Needed: Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Hours ______

Child’s Name: ______Date of Birth ______

Days Needed Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Hours ______

Other information: ______


Fee quoted: $ ______per day week hour

Registration _____ Pd Deposit _____ Pd Deposit Amt. Due ______

Holding Fee of ______per week, due Monday starting on ______,

Space will be held until ______with full advance payment only.

With paid non refundable Registration of $_____, space will be reserved for 1 week (7 days) to allow filling out of registration forms. Deposit is due by the second week of attendance. All registration forms must be completed and submitted at least one day prior to attendance. A contract will be filled out immediately.

Price quote is guaranteed for 4 weeks after date information given and initialed below. First week of attendance must be within 1 week of complete registration* or anonrefundable holding fee of 1st weeks tuition (credited to first week) and 1/2 weeklytuition for all weeks or partial weeks held (non-creditable) will be charged and paid in advance, limited to 6 consecutive weeks. Hold contract applies, including 2 week's notice. Tuition fees are due upon enrollment and weekly thereafter at the beginning of the week as stated on contract. Any revisions will be noted here.

___ We agree to abide by the restrictions on this form and payments stated.

Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date ______

Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date ______

Date forms were filled out by ABHCC ______(initial)

Date of acceptance/return ______by ______(signature)

Total paid today ______Check # ______cash

Contracts used/signed ______

Other Information ______

* Registration paperwork includes all state required forms, including a Health Exam form no more than 6 months old, birth certificate and completed contract. All immunizations must be current. Children over 1 year of age must have lead testing and TB testing. These precautions are for your child’s safety and protection.