EMAP Public Comment Submission for the EMAP 5-2019DraftEmergency Management Standard by EMAP
Public Commenter,
The EMAP Standards Subcommittee and Technical Committee has worked diligently over the last year to develop the ANSI/EMAP 5-2019Draft Emergency Management Standard for your consideration in Year 2 of the EMAP Standards Review Cycle. Please take an opportunity to review the entire Draft Standard and provide your suggested revisions along with a justification as to the suggested revisions, along with your Electronic Signature.
The Public Comment period will last sixty (60) calendar days and will conclude on June 28, 2018. Each Public Commenter may make multiple suggested revisions, but the form is only setup to enable you with the ability to add one public comment in one submission. If you would like to provide multiple public comments, then you will need to submit multiple public comment forms. Please ensure that your suggested revisions and enhancements along with the justification are complete, as we are unable to accept public comment submissions that are incomplete. In addition, please make sure that you complete the form with an Electronic Signature and we are unable to accept a submission without an Electronic Signature due to our copyright policies. Once you have completed the form, please save it and return it to .
We look forward to receiving your public comment and if you have any questions or require technical assistance, please contact Ms. Christine Y. Jacobs, EMAP Assistant Director, @ 859/494.0917 or email .
Phone #:
**Commenters will receive thier Public Comment Response via electronic correspendence, so please ensure that your email address is correct.**
All Public Comments must be submitted based on the EMAP 5-2019 Draft Emergency Management Standard by EMAP.
Commenter Recommends (choose one) new text revised text deleted text
Suggested Revision:
Please include proposed and/or revised wording by identify wording to be deleted by striking throughand denote wording added by underlining.
Suggested Revision Justification:
Please include reasoning to support your suggested revision as well as empirical evidence for changes, where appropriate.
I agree that all comments and substantiation listed on the above form shall be considered property of the Emergency Management Accreditation Program (EMAP) Technical Committee. To any extent that I retain rights to the above comments and substantiation, I grant and assign full rights in copyright to EMAP. I further agree that by submitting this comment form, I retain no rights to any publications by EMAP that may or may not use the above comments and substantiation and acknowledge the right of EMAP to register copyright in its name.
Electronic Signature (required):