Information for Municipalities in

Bucks, Chester, Delaware & Montgomery Counties

On behalf of TreeVitalize,Plant One Millionand Tree Tenders®, PHS will once again order bare root trees large enough for street and park planting. These trees must be planted as public amenities in such areas as along residential or commercial street curbs, within parks or other public properties, or within 10 feet of the sidewalk or street on private properties.We will require you to submit specific information about your tree planting. Cancellation policy: Must be received more than 30 days before delivery, otherwise you must pay for allordered trees.

Please read this application thoroughly.

When:Applications are due to PHS by: Monday, September 14, 2015.

Where:Tree pick up will be Thursday November 12,2015,at thePhiladelphia Navy Yard,

Corner of South 13th Street and Flagship Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19112

Why:1.Bare Root trees are dormant trees dug by the nursery using a technique that removes all the soil fromaround their roots, which results inas much as 200% more root mass than Balled Burlapped (B&B)trees. There are fewer girdling root problems, and when cared for properly, this healthy root mass gives the trees a better chance at survival.

2.Bare Root trees are easy to plant, weighing 20-35 lbs.versusup to 300 lbs for B&B trees.

3.Bare Root trees cost less than half of comparably sized B&B trees.

Cost: PHS will subsidize the trees. Your co-pay cost will be $25 per tree, which includes two stakes and ties (required for bare roots).Treeroots will be dipped in hydrogel at the nursery. The minimum order is 10 trees and the maximum order is 30 trees.

**Although every effort is made to assure the highest quality stock, please note that no guarantee is included with your order. **

Send no money now;payment will be due when you pick up the trees. At that time, please make your check payable to “Pennsylvania Horticultural Society” or “PHS”and write “Bare Root Trees” in the memo section.

YourJob: Groups are responsible for submittingapplications (attached) to PHS, adhering to local ordinances, contacting the PA One–Call system, preparing the planting sites, picking up your order,managing volunteers, planting the trees and submitting required information to PHS. Volunteer/Planter tracking information is required! Someone from your group must be available to pick up the treesat the Navy Yard. Please note:We will need volunteers to help unload and sort the trees on Wednesday, November 11, 2015prior to pickup. Those who volunteer on delivery day will be able to take their trees that day.

Next Step: Please fill out the following application form if you are interested in obtaining bare root treesand return itno later thanMonday, September 14, 2015 to ensure that we can place our full order ASAP. The number of subsidized trees is very limited and will be assigned on a first come, first served basis.

NEW GROUPS who have never planted before: Please contact Barley.

Questions: Contact Barley Van Clief at (215) 988-8793, or .


Information for Municipalities in

Bucks, Chester, Delaware & Montgomery Counties

Applications must be receivedat PHS, 100 N. 20th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103, by

5:00 pm, Monday, September 14, 2015.

Note to Group Leader:You can complete this form on your computer, or print it out first and complete it by hand. Either way, please mail one completed application per group to the address listed at the end of this application, fax it to Barley Van Clief at 215-988-8810 or email it to .

Primary Contact / Group Leader

Name / Tree Tenders graduate Yes No
Street Address
City/State / Zip / County
Phone / Cell

Additional Tree Planting Committee Members: (One group leader and at least two other committee members are required. Two must be registered PHS Tree Tenders.)

Name / Tree Tenders graduate Yes No
Street Address / City/State / Zip
Phone / Cell
Name / Tree Tenders graduate Yes No
Street Address / City/State / Zip
Phone / Cell
Name / Tree Tenders graduate Yes No
Street Address / City/State / Zip
Phone / Cell

Who will be responsible for recording & submitting volunteer sign-in information?

Name Email


Total number of trees requested x$25 each = $__ due at pick up.
Group Experience and Qualifications

1. Does your group include two Tree Tenders graduates? Yes No

Describe equivalent training or experience:

If not, two people must attend Tree Tenders training in this calendar year: Yes No

Sign up at

2. Has your group organized a volunteer tree planting before? Yes No

If yes, please describe:

Number of tree planting events your group has sponsored:

Total number of trees planted: Most trees planted during one event:

Type of nursery stock: Balledburlapped Container Bare root

Planting method: Volunteers Contractor Staff

Arrangements for watering and care of trees planted:
Percentage of trees that survived at least the first two years:
Other details or comments:

3. How many volunteers do you expect to participate in this tree planting?

4. Do you expect to have enough skilled leaders at the planting event to help direct/support volunteers?

Yes No

Would your potential group leaders benefit from an additional training session? Yes No

5. Will your group be able to plant the trees within several days of delivery? Yes No

Is your group willing and able to plant trees in inclement weather? Yes No

What is your plan for watering during the first 2 years?

6. Bare root trees must be planted as public amenities – within 10 feet of a street or in a park or other publicly owned site. Please describe your project area. If possible, include a planting plan or sketch and/or photos.

7. Have you contacted your municipality to confirm its tree planting guidelines? Yes No

List the contact information for the municipal official who has endorsed the plan:

Name / Title
Municipality / County
Street Address / City/State / Zip
Phone / Cell

8. I agree to submit the mandatory planting sign-in sheet included in packet.___ (initial)

Other things to consider:
  • Do you have a place to store the trees prior to planting (preventing roots from freezing or drying out)?
  • Do you have access to enough tools to accomplish the plantings? Tool borrowing libraries are available (ask us!).
  • Have you inspected the tree planting sites?
  • Do you have a plan for any concrete cuts/tree removal/stump grinding?

Fall2015 Bare Root Tree Species Selection

Contact Name Phone

Group or Municipality Cell Phone


City, County, State, Zip

Who will be picking up your trees?______Cell Phone

We will pick up our trees:

Thursday, November 12at thePhiladelphia Navy Yard, Corner of South 13th Street & Flagship Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19112. Time assignments will follow.

Please indicate how many of the following trees you would like to request.Check species characteristics online. Minimum 10 trees and Maximum 30 trees

Small (under 30’)

____Malus‘Professor Sprenger’ (White flowering crabapple)

____Malus ‘Red Baron’ (Dark red flowering crabapple, bronze leaf)

____Prunus sargentii x sub. ‘Accolade’(Accolade Cherry)

____Syringa reticulata ‘Ivory Silk’(Japanese Tree Lilac – Tree form)

____Amelanchier x grandifolia ‘Autumn Brilliance’(Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry)**##

Medium(30 to 50’ – possibly taller under ideal conditions)

____Acer rubrum ‘Sun Valley’** (Sun Valley red maple)

____ Cercidiphyllumjaponicum(Katsura Tree – best as park or specimen tree)

____ Maclura pomifera ‘White Shield’(White Shield osage orange)**

____ Gleditsia t.i. ‘Halka’ (Halkathornlesshoneylocust)**

____ Gleditsia t.i. ‘Imperial’(Imperial thornlesshoneylocust)**

Large (over 50’)

____ Acer saccharum "Green Mountain" (Green Mountain Sugar Maple)**

____ Catalpa speciosa (Northern catalpa)**

____ Tilia americana ‘Legend’ (Legend linden)**

____Quercus rubra (Red oak)**

____ Ulmus americana ‘Princeton’ (Princeton elm)**

** Native species or cultivars of native species

##Meticulous transplanting technique and early care recommended

Applications must be receivedat PHS

by 5:00 pm, on Monday, September 14, 2015

Send to:

Barley Van Clief

Tree Tenders Project Manager

100 N. 20th St, 5thFlr

Philadelphia, PA 19103

Fax: 215-988-8810

If you have questions, contact:

PHSonline.org /

Barley Van Clief

Tree Tenders Project Manager

Office: 215-988-8793

Please note:We will need volunteers to help unload and sort the trees on Wednesday, November 11, 2015. Those who volunteer on that day will be able to take their trees that day. Please let Barley know if you are able to help!

For more information about Tree Tenders, or to reserve a space in upcoming Tree Tenders training programs, register online at or contact PHSInformation Services at 215-988-1698.

Plant One Million is supported in part by Pennsylvania’s TreeVitalize program, a statewide effort to restore tree cover, managed by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

PHSonline.org /