Local Transport Strategy 2010 - 2014


Scoping Report

October 2009


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SEA SCOPING TEMPLATEPAGE 1Version 1 – September 2006


Contents of Scoping Report


Key facts about

Clackmannanshire Council Local Transport Strategy 2010 - 2014

Description of Local Transport Strategy 2010 - 2014 contents

Context of Local Transport Strategy 2010 - 2014

  • Relationship with other PPS
  • Relevant aspects of the current state of the environment(baseline)
  • Environmental problems

Scope and level of detail proposed for strategic environmental assessment

  • Alternatives
  • Scoping in/out of SEA issues
  • Methodology for assessing environmental effects

Next steps

  • Proposed consultation timescales
  • Anticipated milestones


  • A - Map of Clackmannanshire
  • B - State of the Environment Report
  • C - SEA Objectives
  • D - Proposed Assessment Matrix

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The purpose of this Strategic Environmental Assessment Scoping Report is to set out sufficient information on the Clackmannanshire Council Local Transport Strategy 2010 - 2014to enable the Consultation Authorities to form a view on the consultation period and scope/level of detail that will be appropriate for theEnvironmental Report.

This report has been prepared in accordance with the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005.


The key facts relating to this PPS are set out below:

  • Name of Responsible Authority - Clackmannanshire Council
  • Title of PPS - Clackmannanshire Council Local Transport Strategy 2010 - 2014 (including Transport and the Environment Report, Road Safety Plan and Road Traffic Reduction Report)
  • What prompted the PPS (e.g. legislative, regulatory or administrative provision) - Local Transport Strategies have a statutory basis in the Transport (Scotland) Act 2001. The Council is also required to submit a Road Traffic Reduction Report under the Road Traffic Reduction Act 1997.
  • Subject (e.g. transport) - Transport
  • Period covered by PPS - 2010 - 2014
  • Frequency of updates - 5 years
  • Area covered by PPS - Clackmannanshire (Appendix A)
  • Purpose and/or objectives of PPS - Sets out the future direction of transport
  • Contact point - Lesley Deans, Principal Transportation Planner

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The Clackmannanshire Council Local Transport Strategy 2010 - 2014 (LTS) is an update of the currently adopted Local transport Strategy 2006 - 2009. The updated strategy will not significantly change in terms of the aims, policies and objectives. Where the strategy will differ will be in the action plan to be delivered over the next five years. Therefore reference should also be made to the previous scoping report and LTS.

The current over arching aims of the LTS are:

  • Support and enhance the local economy by continuing to develop a sustainable transport system through asset management
  • Manage travel to reduce its environmental impact
  • Improve the transport environment to reduce actual and perceived safety issues
  • Work towards a seamless transport system to reduce social exclusion
  • Remove barriers to accessibility by enhancing healthy and alternative modes of travel
  • Integrate land use and transport planning to reconcile development and sustainability
  • Maintain and improve the existing infrastructure in order to fully utilise the network, whilst reducing the impact on the environment


The LTS influences, and is influenced by, a number of PPS of international, EU, national, and local significance.

Plan/Programme / Legislation/Requirements / Relationship with the LTS
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol / Reduce emissions of greenhouse gases – amended to - stabilise greenhouse gases to prevent interference with climate system / Air/Climatic Factors
UK target to reduce greenhouse gases by 12.5% by 2008-2012 and reduce CO2 by 20% by 2010. Require road traffic reduction
The Convention on Biological Diversity / Promotion of sustainable development / Biodiversity
Integration of transport and biodiversity needs
The Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable Development / Commitment to sustainable development to improve people’s lives and conserve natural resources / Material Assets/Health/ Population
Integration of land-use planning and transport to reduce the need to travel
Plan/Programme / Legislation/Requirements / Relationship with the LTS
Directive 96/62/EC (Air) / Protect the environment and human health. Concentration of air pollutants should be avoided, prevented or reduced. / Air/Climatic Factors/Health
Reduce car dependency and the need to travel
Directive 2002/49/ EC (Noise) / Protection against noise to achieve high level of health and environmental protection /

Population/HealthAvoid traffic growth in areas sensitive to noise

Directive 2000/60/EC (Water) / Clean polluted waters and ensure waters remain clean / Water
Adopt SUDS to prevent transport run-off impacting on watercourses
Directive 79/409/EEC (Wild Birds) / Protection of species of wild birds /


Directive 92/43/EC (Habitats) / Conserve flora and fauna habitats / Biodiversity/Fauna/Flora Protect sensitive sites through positive design and management
Scotland’s Transport Future / Transform Scotland’s transport, making it more reliable, accessible and customer friendly / Population/Health/Material Assets
Develop high quality, safer, better integrated services that respect the environment
UK Sustainable Development Framework / Deliver better quality of life through sustainable development / Climatic Factors
Reduce transport’s contribution to climate change
UK Air Quality Strategy 2000
(Air Quality Strategy for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) / Environment Act 1995 – improving air quality, protect health and environment without significant economic or social cost / Air/Climatic Factors
Reduce the need to travel and increase modal share of sustainable modes
Scottish Sustainable Development Strategy 2002 / Promote sustainable development across Scotland / Population/Material Assets
Build an integrated transport system that meets the needs of all
SPP17 (Transport) / Reduce the need to travel and create conditions for greater use of sustainable transport modes. Avoid and mitigate adverse environmental impacts / Air/Climatic Factors/ Population/Health
Land-use planning to maximise sustainable modes. Introduction of maximum parking standards and use of travel plans.
PAN 75 (Transport) / Raise awareness and managing linkages between planning and transport / Air/Climatic Factors/ Population/Health
Provide genuine choice of modes
NPPG 11 (Sport, Physical Recreation and Open Space) / Make provision for sports and physical recreation and protecting and enhancing open spaces /

Health/Material Assets/ Population

SPP15 (Rural Development) / Need for sustainable development in rural areas / Material Assets
Integrating land use planning and transport
PAN 58 (Environmental Impact Assessment) / 1997 European Council Directive 97/11/EC – assessment of certain public and private projects on the environment / All
EIA carried out at project level on those schemes likely to have an environmental impact
Plan/Programme / Legislation/Requirements / Relationship with the LTS
PAN 65 (Planning and Open Space) / Protecting areas of value and ensuring provision of appropriate quality within easy reach of new developments / Health/Material Assets/ Landscape
UK Biodiversity Action Plan / Develop national strategies, plans or programmes for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity / Biodiversity/Flora/Fauna
Create habitats along transport corridors
Nature Conservation (Scotland) Act 2004 / Make provision in relation to the conservation and enhancement of Scotland’s natural features / Biodiversity/Flora/Fauna
Mange the transport system to protect the local environment
Scottish Biodiversity Strategy / Conserve and enhance biodiversity for health, enjoyment and well-being of the people of Scotland / Biodiversity/Flora/Fauna/ Health/Population
Create habitats along transport corridors
NPPG 5 (Archaeology) / Protecting ancient monuments and archaeological sites and landscapes /

Cultural Heritage

NPPG 18 (Historic Environment) / Protecting, conserving and enhancing the historic environment / Cultural Heritage
Sensitive design of new road schemes in conservation areas
Ground Water Protection Policy (SEPA 19) / Prevent pollution and manage watercourses in a sustainable way / Water
Introduction of SUDS in transportation schemes
Policy on the Culverting of Watercourses (SEPA 26) / Avoid inappropriate enclosure of watercourse, address environmental damage culverting causes. Protect, resource and enhance the natural heritage value of sites / Water
Use of bridging in place of culverting. Actively discourage culverting
SPP 7 (Flooding) / Prevent further development which would have a significant probability of being affected by flooding or increase probability of flooding elsewhere / Water/Climatic Factors
Introduction of SUDS in transportation schemes
Clackmannanshire and Stirling Structure Plan inc. alterations / Conserving and improving the physical environment and managing traffic / All
Integration of land use planning with transport
SEStran Regional Transport Strategy / Provide genuine choice of transport to fulfil needs and provide travel opportunities on a sustainable basis / Air/Climatic Factors/ Population/Health
Reduce car dependency and maximise public transport provision and integration between modes
Clackmannanshire Local Plan 2004 / Work towards sustainable development through a local land use framework that facilitates positive social and economic development whilst maintaining and enhancing environmental quality / All
Promotion of integrated transport and healthy lifestyles
Plan/Programme / Legislation/Requirements / Relationship with the LTS
Clackmannanshire Council – Local Biodiversity Action Plan / Protecting local biodiversity / Biodiversity/Flora/Fauna
Utilise the transport network as habitats
Access Strategy / Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 – responsible access to land and inland water / Population/Health
Promotion of walking and cycling as a mode of transport
The Clackmannanshire Core Paths Plan / Section 17 of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 / Population/Health
Promotion of walking and cycling as a mode of transport
Stirling Local Transport Strategy / Providing choice of transport for all. Promoting sustainable transport / Air/Climatic Factors/ Population/Health
Integration of transport policies and approaches for compatibility – reducing the need to travel by car

Cross-boundary effects with neighbouring authorities will be considered,

through integration of the LTS with neighbouring authorities LTS where

appropriate. However, it is not expected that the SEA of the LTS will

require consideration of transboundary effects with neighbouring authorities.

Relevant aspects of the current state of the environment

The previous LTS included a Transport and Environment Report, which covers the state of the environment. The updated LTS will include an update of the state of the environment report, but this will be limited to updating of the figures. The aims within the Transport and Environment Report will again remain largely unchanged as we consider that the direction of the previous LTS and its associated environmental aims to still be valid.

The LTS strategy will continue to address all areas of the environment, however the focus will remain on sustainable transport and development, the link between transport and health, and climate change and air quality.

Environmental problems

Many of Clackmannanshire’s environment problems are common to Scotland as a whole, although it performs comparatively well in terms of air quality and waste management. Clackmannanshire has areas of deprivation, with consequent social problems such as poor health; its natural heritage is vulnerable to development pressures and to the threat of global climate change.

Environmental problems which have been identified are:

  • Biodiversity, flora and fauna: Decline in biodiversity in region; lack of information on European protected species; impacts of climate change on biodiversity.
  • Population and human health: Predicted population decline, ageing population, health inequalities. The Scottish Indices of Multiple Deprivation have targeted areas of Alloa South and East and Tullibody, and parts of Sauchie, Coalsnaughton and Devonside as needingsupport.
  • Water: Areas of the Forth Estuary are classed as poor by SEPA. Scotland wide issues of erosion. Climate change affecting organic content.
  • Soil: Potentially sizeable amount of contaminated land, although there is not a considerable amount of urban vacant and derelict land present in Clackmannanshire.
  • Material assets: Household waste generation increases every year, however recycling levels are higher than Scottish average figures. Scotland wide issues of poor building maintenance.
  • Air: Air quality in the region is generally high in terms of national air quality objectives, although there are some concerns over PM10 levels. There are no Air Quality Management Areas in Clackmannanshire and little industrial activity. However the rural regions are poorly serviced by public transport, which encourages private car use.
  • Climatic factors: Flood risk in many areas. SEPA’s State of Scotland’s Environment 2006 identifies climate change as Scotland’s most significant environmental problem although Clackmannanshire’s Carbon Footprint and Ecological Footprint are lower than Scotland’s average.
  • Cultural Heritage: Scotland-wide issues of neglect of buildings. Unused and derelictproperties can detract from the character and appearance of the townscape.
  • Landscape: The landscape’s capacity to absorb development is an issue, although landscape capacity studies have been carried out to inform development plan allocations. Developments such as windfarms may affect the landscape character of Clackmannanshire.

Environmental problems that affect the PPS were identified in the previous LTS, and through consultation with the public and key stakeholders for the updated LTS and an analysis of the baseline data. A State of the Environment Report for Clackmannanshire is available in Appendix B.



Three alternatives were assessed in the previous LTS based on funding scenarios. There is no intention of changing the direction of the LTS in the update, however the action plan contained in the LTS will be new and alternatives will be considered. At this stage the process has not developed far enough to provide any details on the alternatives that will be considered. More information on the alternatives will be provided in the Environmental Assessment.

Scoping in/out of SEA issues

In accordance with Schedule 2 of the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005 Clackmannanshire Council has considered whether the environmental effects (positive and negative) of Clackmannanshire Council Local Transport Strategy 2010 - 2014 are likely to be significant. A summary of our conclusions is given below

Scoping of SEA issues

SEA issues / Scoped in / Scoped out / If scoped out, why
biodiversity, flora, fauna / √
population / √
human health / √
soil / √ / It is unlikely that transport will have a significant impact on soils. There are no proposals at present for significant new infrastructure
water / √
air / √
climatic factors / √
material assets / √ / It is unlikely that transport will have a significant impact on material assets. There are no proposals at present for significant new infrastructure
cultural heritage (including architectural and archaeological heritage) / √ / It is unlikely that transport will have a significant impact on cultural heritage. There are no proposals at present for significant new infrastructure
landscape / √ / It is unlikely that transport will have a significant impact on landscape. There are no proposals at present for significant new infrastructure

While some of the above have been scoped out at a Local Transport Strategy level, consideration will be given to these on an individual scheme basis where appropriate.

Framework for assessing environmental effects

The Council intends to carry out the assessment using a set of SEA objectives, which have been developed based on the existing environmental issues in Clackmannanshire. These objectives are grouped according to the environmental issues they relate to.

Biodiversity, flora and fauna:

  • Ensure the sustainable management of, and avoid damage to, designated wildlife sites and protected species
  • Enhance and restore biodiversity, avoiding irreversible losses
  • Provide opportunities for people to come into contact with and appreciate wildlife and wild places

Population and human health:

  • Promote healthy living
  • Reduce and prevent crime; reduce fear of crime
  • Improve quality of life for present and future generations


  • Maintain and restore key ecological processes (e.g. hydrology, water quality, coastal processes)


  • Reduce the need to travel
  • Reduce private car use

Climatic factors:

  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • Reduce vulnerability to the effects of climate change

A list of the SEA objectives with their related indicators and data sources can be found in appendix C.

Impact assessments will be carried out by using professional judgement to predict to what extent the impacts of the strategic action on each objective will be positive or negative, in the short-, medium- and long-term. The results of the impact assessments will be recorded in a matrix - see appendix D.

The matrix allows the assessor to enter a symbol to illustrate each predicted impact:

++very positive impact

+positive impact

+-positive and negative impacts

-negative impact