Landmark Church of Christ
PO Box 430; 607 Fair Street, Kaufman, Texas 75142; 972-932-2352; August 16th, 2015
We at Landmark are promoting first century Christianity in a twenty first century world.
Landmark Church of Christ
PO Box 430; 607 Fair Street, Kaufman, Texas 75142; 972-932-2352; August 16th, 2015
We at Landmark are promoting first century Christianity in a twenty first century world.
Serving TodaySpeaker
AM – Mike Williams
PM – Mike Williams
Wade Ivey,(alt. J. Burkhart)
Worship Leader
AM-Kevin Morris
PM-Chad Hill
AM Prayer
Opening-Mike Brantley
Closing- Larry Elzner
PM Prayer
Opening-Jason Word
Closing-Wade Noble
Scripture Reading
D. Dominquez(1John2:15-17)
Front: David Blaylock, Garry Hawes, Steve Paine, John Bomer
Back: John Taylor, Jason Word, Chad Hill, Chris Brent
Today: Delena Rogers
Next Week: Callie Wampler
Monthly Elder Contact
August – Mike Brantley
Attendance Contribution
Sunday Bible Study……………..174
AM Assembly……………………..303
PM Assembly……………………..87 Wednesday Evening ……………163
Offering……………………… $5,772
Weekly Budget………….. $6,832 / WELCOME
As members of the Lord’s Body here at Landmark, we are committed to three imperatives in our lives:
Evangelizing the lost, Edifying the converted & Equipping the church.
Welcome to our visitors! We are pleased to have guests attend our services and hope our worship encourages you. Please stay around after services to allow us to meet you and please come back again; you are always welcome.
In Our Thoughts & Prayers
Laura Stevens recovering from surgery.
Jim Thompson back problems.
Wade Noble stents.
Roy Baldwin recovering from surgery.
Leah Miller: In Baylor.
Johnny Kimbrough back problems.
Glenn McCowen health problems.
Shirley Davis Aunt of Janice Cassell has lung cancer.
Linda Lou Latham: Mother of Debra Ross. Had surgery & is recovering.
Joe Burns is in Regional Hospital Sunnyvale.
Mission Field: Ozzy and Jennifer McDaniel in S. Dakota, Bill Bunting.
Shut ins: Brenda Clark, Elaine Brooks, Lorraine Cave Joe Burns.
Military Personnel: Tres Lopez, Colton Brantley, Amanda Porter
Weekly Classes-Sunday @ 9:30am
Children’s Classes-follow signs
JH/HS-Teen classroom in back hall
Families Class-Fellowship Hall
Young Professionals-office area
Bible Hour @ 10:50 for 2-6 yr. old / How to be Saved
One must:
HEAR the Gospel
Rom. 1:16; 10:17; 2Thes. 2:14
BELIEVE in Jesus
John 8:24; 20:31; Mark 16:16
REPENT of their sins
Luke 13:3; Acts 3:19; 17:30
CONFESS faith in Christ
Mat.10:32-33; Acts 8:37
Acts 2:38; 22:16; Rom. 6:3-5
Rev. 2:10; 3:5, 21; 2 John 9
Mike Williams…251-363-3755
Youth/Family Minister
Kevin Morris…214-912-5648
Jakie Allen ...... 214-957-5975
Mike Brantley...... 972-287-1177
Steve Mitchell...... 469-474-9697
Wade Noble ...... 469-230-5973
Joe Priest ...... 972-427-0064
Roy Baldwin………. 972-679-5801
David Blaylock…… 903-316-2877
Garry Hawes………. 214-317-9065
Wade Ivey ...... 972-932-8038
Duston Noble…….. 469-595-3786
Steve Paine ...... 972-824-3424
David Pickron……… 469-556-1323
Jim Thompson . . . . 972-932-4574
Robert Wampler. . 972-268-2793
Bible Study…..…….………………..9:30 a.m.
Morning Worship...……….……..10:30 a.m.
Evening Worship….………..….,..6:00 p.m.
Wednesday Bible study………7:00 p.m.
News & Notes
Teen Room: Is in need of floor lamps, lamps, & recliners. Contact Kevin Morris.
Area Singing: Here at Landmark C of C. Please bring cookies.
Sunday Night Singing:
5pm weekly.
The Elders and Ministers are available to anyone at any time for prayer, discussion, or to help you however we can. Please feel free to contact us!!!
Upcoming Scheduling
· Oct 4-6th: OK. Christian Lect.
· Oct.9-10th: Elders, Deacons, Ministers Retreat.
Those to Serve Wednesday August 19th
Announcements- Wade Ivey
Alt (J. Burkhart)
Worship Leader-D. Dominquez
Those to Serve August 23rd
Worship Leader-C. Dougherty
Scripture- Bubba Bomer
Opening Prayer- D. Noble
Closing Prayer- D. Hobbs
Nursery- Callie Wampler
Worship Leader- C. White
Opening Prayer- Chad Hill
Closing Prayer- Roy Baldwin
Lord’s Supper- D. Smith, R. Wampler. / Wednesday night Summer Series :August 19 – Robert Dodson,
Northwest C of C, Ft. Worth- Noah. Please make plans to attend.
We are in need of a Sunday morning teacher for the 3rd & 4th grades. Beginning the 6th of September. This will be for the months of September – November. We have a curriculum for the teacher and students. Thank you.
Back to School Bash: Landmark Church of Christ raised $4,121. Eighty two gift cards of $50 each were given to help provide school supplies for the less fortunate. Thank you for your generous donations.
Area Singing is here at Landmark Church of Christ on Tuesday August 18th at 7pm. Please bring cookies!!!
Birthday/ Anniversary Dinner will be on Sunday August 23rd after the p.m. service. Please bring your favorite dish and or dessert and enjoy a great meal together.
LTC: We are having a LTC organizational meeting/luncheon today immediately after the A.M. assembly. All parents of kids age 9 or in the 3rd grade and above are encouraged to attend. Chicken will be provided and we ask everyone to bring sides and desserts.
Audio : Don Smith, Clay Dougherty & Brandon Fowler
PowerPoint worker schedule: 1st Sunday: Clay Dougherty, 2nd Sunday: Brandon Fowler, 3rd Sunday: David Lyon, 4th Sunday: Tyler Redman, 5th Sunday: Clay Dougherty.
Bulletin info may be given to Kim Lopez at
Deadline is Friday 11am. Thank you.
Please call your announcements into the office during the week rather than handing them to the announcement person on Sunday morning. We want to minimize our announcements and put other pertinent information in the bulletin. THANK YOU!
Church secretary’s office hours : 9-1:30 Tuesday-Friday
*For the calling tree announcements please call the office or email on Tuesday –Friday 9-1:30
After the hours listed you can call Laura Reynolds, our preacher Mike Williams, or Darrell Hobbs.
*Service sheets are in the front foyer, for those serving in the worship services in August.
Breakfast with the Minister, Monday Mornings @ 7:30 @ Denny’s
Mike will be available Monday mornings @ Denny’s for conversation, questions, fellowship, whatever your need is. Come by, have coffee, and visit.