February 27, 2017
Dorothy Thompson, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. The meeting had been properly noticed under Section 19.84 of the Wisconsin Statutes and complies with ss 19.81 – 19.90 Wisconsin Stats., Open Meeting Law.
Roll Call: Present: Bill Ingram, Andrew King, Dorothy Thompson Absent: Dwight Jelle
Others Present: Paula Winter, Paul Hoch, Cammi Catt-DeWyre, Pamela Dewitt, Dorothy Peters, Joan Plumer, Marla Gilman, Julie Dodd, Sue Hoch
Public Comments: None
Approval of Agenda: The Board had no changes to the agenda.
Consent Agenda: Motion by Bill Ingram, seconded by Andrew King to approve the following Consent Agenda: Minutes from December 19, 2016 Board Meeting and 2016 Voucher #29-16 in the amount of $309.43; and 2017 Vouchers #01-17 through #05-17 in the amount of $755.33. Motion carried by a voice vote.
Reports: None
Approval to Attend the National CVSO Association Conference in California on June 11th through June 17, 2017: Dorothy Thompson expressed concern about the amount of time, travel and funding being spent by the Veteran’s Office. The Board asked Pamela Dewitt to research as to what education is required andwhat kind of accreditations are needed. Is there training available in Wisconsin that can provide the education and accreditation needed to provide the services to the veterans.
Pamela Dewitt distributed a handout showing a listing of conferences and/or meetings that are available in 2017, along with the cost associated with each one. A list of accreditations was provided, however, no costs or amount of CEU’s were given.
Motion by Bill Ingram, seconded by Andrew King to postpone the conference request until the next meeting so research can be done regarding the required education and accreditation needed for the Veteran’s Service Officer position. Motion carried by a voice vote.
Set Next Meeting Date and Time: The next Veterans Board Meeting will be Monday, March 27, 2017at 4:30 p.m. in the County Board Room of the Government Center.
Future Agenda Items: Plans for Government Youth Day
Plans for Memorial Day Services
One Year Probationary Evaluation
Report on Time/Client Activity Log
Veterans Service Meeting adjourned at 4:42 p.m.
Submitted by Sue Hoch, Administrative Manager
Signature: ______
February 27, 2017
Dorothy Thompson, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 4:42 p.m. The meeting had been properly noticed under Section 19.84 of the Wisconsin Statutes and complies with ss 19.81 – 19.90 Wisconsin Stats., Open Meeting Law.
Call of the Roll: Present: Andrew King, Dorothy Peters, Joan Plumer, Dorothy Thompson Absent: Bill Ingram, Dwight Jelle, Donna Juleff
Others Present: Paula Winter, Cammi Catt-DeWyre, Marla Gilman, Pamela Dewitt, Julie Dodd, Paul Hoch, Sue Hoch
Public Comments on Agenda Items: None
Approval of Agenda: Paula Winter informed the Board that there was an additional Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Pepin County Human Services and the Department of Corrections to be added to the Consent Agenda.
Consent Agenda Items: Motion by Andrew King, seconded by Joan Plumerto approve the following Consent Agenda items:
- Approval of Minutes from the January 23, 2017 Meeting
- Approval of Minutes from the February 8, 2017 Meeting
- 2017 Dr. Stress and Associates
- 2017 Northwest Passage, Ltd.
- 2017 L.E. Phillips Contract
- 2017 Western Dairyland – Child Care Certification Contract
- Fraud Prevention and Investigation Program Agreement for WREA.
- Addendum to Western Region Recovery & Wellness Consortium (WRRWC) Contract
- 2017 Pepin Health and Rehab Contract
- Addendum to the Pepin County Human Services and Health Department Contract
- 2017 Contract for Birth – 3 With Buffalo County
- MOU between Pepin County Human Services and Department of Corrections
- Approval of Human Services Vouchers: 2016 Vouchers #16-13041 through #16-13054, On-Line Payment to NeoPost, 2016 and 2017 eWISACWIS Batches and 2017 Vouchers #17-02001 through #17-02039 for a total amount of $110,741.64.
- Approval of AP-113 Correspondence in Writing
Motion carried by a voice vote.
Presentation on Birth to Three Services – Julie Dodd, Birth to Three Teacher/Coordinator: Paula Winter informed the board that Buffalo and Pepin County are moving forward with the two county Birth to Three Program as Julie Dodd provides services for both counties. The state will be meeting with the two counties to discuss the plans for this collaboration.
Julie Dodd gave an overview of the services she provides for both counties. Currently, she has 20 open cases, with 6 in Pepin and 14 in Buffalo County. She has received 11 referrals so far in 2017, with 10 pending cases. Julie stated that there is duplication regarding the completion of a self-assessment each year and the on-site reviews for each county. She is hopeful the two counties can merge to help streamline the services and reporting that is required for the program.
Financial Report: Marla Gilman distributed and reviewed the Projected Financial Report for Year End 2016. She is not seeing anything that is troublesome, will be over in the transportation account, however, will move extra to the trust fund account for future purchase of a vehicle. Dorothy Thompson complimented Marla on her financial report.
Human Services Monthly Update on Office Operations – Paula Winter, Cammi Catt-DeWyre and Paul Hoch: Paula Winter, Cammi Catt-DeWyre and Paul Hoch provided the Board with their reports. These reports and handouts are on file in the Human Services Department and can be reviewed during regular business hours. Other items discussed:
- Brenda Berning, Child Support Coordinator for Buffalo County excepted another position, her last day with Buffalo County is March 20, 2017. Lisa Plunkett from St. Croix County will continue with Pepin and Buffalo Counties. She will take over the day to day correspondence and calls, along with Karen Weiss from Buffalo County to fulfill the current contract between Pepin and Buffalo Counties.
- Paula Winter informed the Board of a draft bill for the Child Abuse and Neglect (CAN) Partnership and is hoping to get more information regarding this partnership after her telephone conference at the end of this week.
Committee Reports: None
Conference Requests: Paula requested the following to be approved:
- Melissa Johnson to attend the Juvenile Intake Conference on February 28, 2017, March 1, 2017 and March 2, 2017 in Wisconsin Dells. This training is required for on-call duties.
- Marla Gilman to attend the Financial Managers Conference on May 3, 2017 through May 5, 2017 in Green Bay.
Motion by Dorothy Thompson, seconded by Andrew King to approve the conferences as presented. Motion carried by a voice vote.
Approval of Policy and Procedure A-101 Chain of Command: Paula Winter requested that this be brought back next month for board approval.
Resolution – Dissolution of Long Term Care District Pursuant to Wis. Stat. § 46.2895 (13): Paula reviewed the resolution with the Board. Motion by Dorothy Peters, seconded by Joan Plumer to approve the resolution as presented and to forward to the County Board for their approval. Motion carried with a voice vote.
Approval of Planning for the Senior Nutrition Program: Cammi Catt-DeWyre reviewed the Meal Report with the Board. The Pepin Meal Site continues to maintain their numbers, while the Durand Meal Site participation continues to decline. Currently, the meals are as follows:
Pepin Congregate:Approximately 8 participants/day
Durand Congregate:Approximately 5 participants/day
Pepin Home Delivered:Approximately 6 participants/day
Durand Home Delivered:Approximately 27 participants/day
Dorothy Peters said that she was approached by a resident of Eastside Apartments, who also participates in the meal program. The individual was wondering if the meal site would be going back to Eastside Apartments now that there has been Housing Authority staff turnover. Cammi explained that the Community Room at Eastside has changed significantly since the meal program moved out and there is no longer a sink, refrigerator, or stove. The Pepin Lion’s Club has been very good for the meal program and the staff are very happy there. The program is able to reach more community members by being a neutral location. The Committee agreed that moving back to Eastside is not in the program’s best interest at this time.
Cammi provided a newspaper article from the Pierce County News which addressed the Spring Valley Meal Site moving to the Sneakers Pub and Eatery for their meal site. Surrounding counties have seen an increase in attendance when they have partnered with a local restaurant. Some counties that are utilizing a restaurant for their meal site are: Buffalo, Chippewa, Eau Claire, Dunn, Pierce and Trempealeau. There would be no stigma attached with eating at a restaurant and it would promote intergenerational participation. Cammi would like to explore this concept, meet with her meal site staff and set up a Listening Session to see what concerns/questions the citizens might have regarding a partnership with a local restaurant. The Committee is supportive of modernizing the Nutrition Program, in hopes of reaching more seniors that are eligible for the program. Motion by Andrew King, seconded by Joan Plumer to move forward with exploring a possible partnership with a local restaurant for the Durand Meal Site. Motion carried by a voice vote.
Appoint Human Services Finance Committee for Next Three Months: Joan Plumer and Dorothy Thompson volunteered to review the vouchers for March, April and May 2017.
Future Agenda Items: Update of Exploration of Partnership with Local Restaurant for the Durand Meal Site
Update on the Plan for Moving of Aging and ADRC Staff
Annual Performance Evaluation for Paula Winter
Set Next Meeting Date and Time:
Next Board Meeting:Monday, March 27, 2017 at 4:30 p.m. in the County Board Room of the Government Center
Next Finance Meeting:Monday, March 27, 2017 at 4:15 p.m. in the County Board Room of the Government Center Finance members will be Joan Plumer and Dorothy Thompson
Adjournment was at 5:40 p.m.
Submitted by Sue Hoch, Administrative Manager
Signature: ______
Human Services Monthly Updates
March, 2017
Paula R. Winter, Director
- Training, training, training new staff, has been the priority of work.
- Human Services Day at the Capital is April 5, 2017.
- We continue to receive an increase in child protection reports where the caretakers (parents/guardians) are Meth addicted. This has been a pattern in the last couple of years with our neighboring counties. This is very concerning as there are many service needs including many times placements of children.
- I will be participating in a system change review process provided by the Division of Safety and Permanence (DSP) on May 30, 2017. The Change system will assist Directors in learning necessary skills to effectively advocate for child protection systemic changes for communities. The training will be held at the Chippewa County Courthouse. I was approached by the State Staff of DSP to request participation in the training. I believe it is a priority for Pepin County to determine and address community perception of child protection practices as I have received feedback from many of our stakeholders that bring concern to this issue.
- WREA (Western Region for Economic Assistance) received one time funding due to performance in fraud investigations. This funding will be used for a variety of supporting needs that can be met with one time funds. We do not want to expend funds in areas that would need ongoing funding. WREA has received requests from employees for standing work stations. Due to most WREA staff needing to complete call center duties that do not allow them to move from their telephone/computer workstations other than scheduled breaks the workers and leadership are concerned about their physical health. The WREA Leadership Team authorized the expenditure of up to $500 for each employee that is requesting a standing work station. The funding could be used toward a new desk (depending on the age/shape of their current desk) or an add on that allows the computer to be raised. Pepin County DHS is working with ESS staff to determine workers requests and funding options.
- In the packet, you will find two letters addressing the request for the State of WI to address the technology inconsistency’s that counties experience in reporting data. The first document is a response from the State Department of Health Services (DHS) with the second being a letter of response from Buffalo County Board Chairman. We have not received further communication from DHS since Chairman Kane’s letter.
- Pepin County will be participating in an WHEAP (Wisconsin Heating and Energy Assistance Program) Administrative Review being held in Glenwood City, WI at the West Cap main office on April 18, 19, and 20, 2017. I have been informed that the portions that I will need to attend in person will be on April 19th from 9:30-10:30 (or potentially up until noon) and for the exit interview on April 21, from 10:30 until Noon. I did ask if I could attend by phone but was informed I need to be there in person.
- The CAN (Child Abuse and Neglect) Report Partnership had received an email from State Representative Kathleen Bernier who has agreed to sponsor the bill stating,
“It is my understanding that Senator Moulton and I are ready to roll. It is a matter of putting together the co-sponsorship memo and getting it out.”
- I have participated in a workgroup of Pepin County Department Heads that have explored flex scheduling, working from home temporarily and potentially on a regular basis. In discussion with the Department Heads, it appears that Human Services is the only department that would have work assignments that would fit a work from home model on a regular basis. I would like to explore the option of putting a draft policy together for the department that focuses on the Economic Support Specialist positions. WREA, and the State of WI (DHS) has researched other states that have this model which includes Minnesota. Economic Support Specialists work on a web based computer program that tracks every keystroke made by the worker, including time between entries (and where the entries are made). In addition, all phone calls are recorded and random review of the recordings are completed as part of a Quality Assurance Process by WREA and DHS. Only high performers that have worked for Pepin County for a specific amount of time would be considered. More to come if you are in favor of continued research and recommendation to the DHS Board.
- WRRWC (Western Region Recovery and Wellness Consortium) County Director’s had sent a letter of communication to Secretary Linda Seemeyer, DHS, in concern for the detailed questions that have not been responded to and the amount of quality assurance that is mandated for the program. Secretary Seemeyer sent a letter of response that can be found in your packet.
- A telephone conference was held between Pepin/Buffalo Counties and DHS to discuss details regarding the partnership for B-3 (combining B-3 Programs fully). The DHS staff were enthusiastic regarding this partnership and asked that we explore Children’s Long Term Support Programing as well (as they all fall under the children with special needs category). In addition, they asked if we would consider working with Chippewa County as our Mental Health/AODA kids are part of the WRRWC partnership-which would make a great fit for all the programs. Further discussion and research will be completed. More to come.
Volunteer Drivers—still needed
Fiscal/Case management software- still researching
Paula R. Winter
Director PCDHS
- Volunteer Banquet: The annual Volunteer Banquet will be held Friday April 28th at the Pepin Lion’s Club. The theme this year is, “We Need S’more Volunteers Like You!” The Pepin High School students will be providing the musical entertainment at 11am, lunch will be served at 11:30am. Watch for an invite coming soon!
- Thrivent: The Nutrition Program’s request to receive a community grant through Thrivent was again approved this year. We received $250 that we are putting towards the purchase of supplies for activities and outings at the meal sites.
- Van Driver: Terry Carson was hired in December 2016 as a fill-in van driver and to also fill in at the meal sites (specifically Pepin Meal Site). He notified me last month that he will be moving in April so he will no longer be working for Pepin County after he moves. His final work date is yet to be determined.
- Furniture: Paul and I worked with Chris/SOS Furniture to come up with a more accurate estimate for the ADRC furniture/office equipment. Chris had used the quote from Northern Business Products (NBP) to give his initial quote of $21,174.65. After meeting on-site with Paul and I and reviewing everything, Chris provided a more accurate quote, which was $19,200.30. We found that there were several add-ons to the quote through NBP that were not necessary, therefore Chris was able to provide an even lower estimate than he originally had. Chris is very easy to work with and we feel that we will be getting high quality furniture/equipment through SOS Furniture.
- Shortages: In February, the meal sites were shorted 38 servings of food (mainly in Durand). Additional shortages occurred however Pepin Health & Rehab delivered the food to the meal site in time for lunch. March has only had 3 shorted servings so far.
- 2016 Pepin County Self-Assessment Aging Plan: I submitted the 2016 Aging Plan Self-Assessment. Overall, positive feedback was received from GWAAR. See the attached letter from John Schnabel/GWAAR Manager for more details.
- Coffee & Conversation:A Monthly Gathering for Caregivers: I am collaborating with Gay Hurlburt of Hurlburt’s Haven to enhance these monthly gatherings. Gay offered to host the meetings at her location (Hurlburt’s Haven) and provide the coffee. Durand Bakeshop has agreed to supply the treats each month. This change will be effective for the meeting in April. We are excited for this new endeavor!
- St. Patrick’s Day Road Show: We had a great turnout! Approximately 25 people came to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at The Village in Pepin. We enjoyed music from the 50s and 60s prior to corned beef and cabbage for lunch.
- Living Well Workshop: Pepin County is hosting a Living Well workshop April 4 – May 9. The workshop meets every Tuesday from 1:00-3:30pm and will be held at the United Methodist Church in Durand (upper conference room). For more information or to sign-up, individuals can call 715/672-8941 ext 115.