Personal Education Plan for Years 9-11
Name: / Sarah Tressle / DOB: / 09.06.97 / NCY: / 10PEP Date: / 18.05.11 / Date of Last PEP / 15.12.10 / School: / Togglesworth
Designated Teachers
The following key stakeholders have confirmed their attendance:
· / Parent and / or Carer
· / Social Worker
· / Connexions PA
The following information has been prepared / gathered:
· / Current attendance data has been entered in the core information section below
· / Current attainment data has been entered in the core information section below
· / Pupil perspective has been sought either by inviting the young person to the whole or part of the meeting or completing a pupil voice sheet which is discussed at the meeting
· / The previous PEP is at hand to discuss progress
· / Permission for exam results form (page 11) printed for Y10/Y11
Preparation for Social Workers
· / The Core Document for Social Workers has been completed ready to be shared
People Involved in this meeting
Name / Role / Contact Details
Sarah Tressle / Young Person
Mary May / Social Worker /
Richard Roberts / DT - Togglesworth School /
Tony Tressle / Father /
Bob and Sue Heath / Carers /
Emma Nero / SENCo /
Tim Todd / Learning Mentor Virtual School / VSLAC
People unable to attend
Name / Role / Contact Details
Sally Hills / School counsellor /
Simon Tooley / Connexions /
Factors affecting progress / Detail (including dates etc)Attendance percentage / punctuality / 58 % / 3 lates
Unauthorised absence days in academic year / 45%
Reason for absences and detail of any action taken at home or school / Refusal due to bullying
Number of fixed term exclusions this academic year / 0
Is further action required?
Attendance Comments: Attendance 100% this term since on reduced timetable.
Special Educational Needs
Please describe the primary need of any SEN: LD, MLD,SLD, BESD, etcNot on SEN register
EYA / SA / Primary Need:
EYAP / SAP / Primary Need: BESD
Statement SEN / Primary Need:
Current Circumstances
Describe progress, how needs are being met and indicate if further action is needed. / Action Required?Personal / Social and Emotional Development:
Sarah was experiencing real difficulties with attendance, so a reduced timetable was agreed from January onwards. She has 100% attendance on this timetable.
Sarah's attendance issues came from difficulties with peers and she started refusing to attend to avoid the bullying. She has formed positive relationships with 2 students since being on the reduced timetable and is working particularly well with 2 members of staff.
Although Sally Hills, the school counsellor, was unable to come, she sent her input and says Sarah has been attending regularly and is willing to talk. Sarah said she likes seeing Sally and looks forward to their weekly sessions. She said she is helping her with some ways of coping when she feels it is all too much.
Describe some of the key features of recent academic progress including specific information about English and maths (eg Reading has moved from level 3c to 3a following one-to-one tuition) and subjects that are a particular strength or weakness requiring celebration or additional support.
Sarah's attainment has fallen behind due to her lack of attendance. She should achieve Ds for Maths, English and Science and a pass in Health and Social Care but is currently working at an E for English and Fs for Maths and Science.
She has recently written a D grade English essay, so if this improvement is sustained she will have reached her target already and this will need to be reviewed.
Curriculum Needs: (If young person is on the SEN register simply attach any review documents, details of interventions and any targets they currently have and a copy of any recent Annual Review if child has a Statement)
Sarah is on SAP for BESD. She has experienced particular social and emotional difficulties which have really affected her ability to engage. Her timetable is currently reduced to English, Maths, Science and BTEC Health and Social Care and she has been attending 3 hours a day. As she is doing so well, the meeting discussed the idea of Sarah returning to her food tech lessons and adding work experience in a nursery which is of particular interest to her. Sarah is keen to do all of this.
Cultural / Religious Requirements:
Sarah goes to church with her carers.
Extra Curricular Activities: (e.g. - sport, library, arts, museums, hobbies, clubs)
Sarah is a keen dancer and goes to lessons outside school.
Describe the Special Abilities or Talents this child has (This could include being a good friend, cooking, being helpful etc.):
Dancing. Sarah is a very kind, caring person.
Has this young person been considered for inclusion on the Gifted and Talented register?
If young person was placed on the Gifted and Talented register please log below when and why their name was included.
If child is on Gifted and Talented register, please describe current provision:
Year 9, 10 and 11 students
Please list the subjects, courses and other learning
you are doing at the moment.
Award type: e.g. OEA,
ASDAN, GCSE, etc / Subject / Level
i.e. P Scales, Entry Level, Level 1 or Level 2 / Predicted or actual grade / Working at grade / Date achieved
GCSE / English / D / E
GCSE / Maths / D / F
GCSE / Science / D / F
BTEC 1st Cert / Health and Social Care / P / P
To add
BTEC 1st Cert / Food Technology / P
Additional comments (if required):
The Virtual School for Looked After Children and Care Leavers, 0-25 01865 256640 1/14
Review of targets from previous PEP
Target 1: To attend reduced timetable 3 hours a day in learning support by the May holiday.Fluency / independence achieved
Achieved but not yet independent
Target not achieved
None of the above / Outcome and comment
Sarah has met this target exceedingly well. She has achieved 100% attendance.
Target 2: To work with my English tutor on developing the skill of using Point Evidence Explanation in Essays to move from E grade to D.
Fluency / independence achieved
Achieved but not yet independent
Target not achieved
None of the above / Outcome and comment
Sarah has met this target. She developed this skill so well she is now working on the 'explanation' part of the process to move her essays to a C grade and exceed her FFTD estimate.
Target 3:
Fluency / independence achieved
Achieved but not yet independent
Target not achieved
None of the above / Outcome and comment
Additional comments (if required)
The improvement in Sarah's happiness and engagement is amazing. Well done Sarah. You have worked incredibly hard and have been really brave and it has paid off. Well done again!
Target Setting
If actions have been identified within the planning section above please incorporate these into the targets.
Target 1: I will continue to develop the skill of the 'explanation' part of PEE so I can move from a D to a C in English.Timescale: By September 2011
Success Criteria:
I will concentrate on 'big bottoms' in PEE paragraphs, not 'big tops'
I will see an improvement in my grade from D to C in my next controlled assessment.
Describe support that will be provided to help child achieve target:
Sarah's English tutor and English teacher will liaise and constantly assess and reset targets.
Sarah's year head will keep a close eye on the problem students to ensure that the increased time in school does not create further opportunities for bullying and that if this is the case, the appropriate action is taken against the bullies.
Bob and Sue Heath will continue to bring Sarah into school and collect her as Sarah says this helps her feel safe.
Key people who will put this support in place: English teacher, English tutor, Year Head, carers.
Target 2: I will revise the 3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9 times tables with my tutor so that I can be asked any question at Christmas and answer it straight away.
Timescale: By Christmas
Success Criteria:
I will be confident when asked any question about any of the above times tables.
I will be able to apply this knowledge so I understand how times tables help me understand division, fractions and percentages.
Describe support that will be provided to help child achieve target:
Sarah's maths tutor will set 'mini targets' related to this times table one and attach them to the PEP with a record of the progress and each new mini target. Sarah will consequently see her progress and understand where her strengths and weaknesses lie.
Key People who will put this support in place: Maths teacher and Maths tutor.
Target 3: I will continue to write my journal at least 4 times a week, making sure I have included what I have achieved as well as what concerns me.
Timescale: At Christmas I will review whether I think this helps me.
Success Criteria:
I will feel more confident that I can achieve.
I will not only focus on my worries.
Describe support that will be provided to help child achieve target: Sally will ask about Sarah's use of the journal in their sessions but there will be no pressure to disclose contents, or write it if Sarah feels she can't.
Key people who will put this support in place: Sally Hills
Please include any important dates for special events, parent meetings, etcSarah has a South East regional dance competition on June 14th in London. She is looking forward to this.
Support and Planning for the Future
N/A – British Citizen and eligible for a British Passport go to section A below
Indefinite or Limited Leave to Remain go to section A below
Discretionary Leave to Remain till 17.5 years go to section B on next page
Not currently clear or no current status go to section B on next page until status clarified
Section A – young people with British Citizenship, Indefinite or Limited Leave to Remain
What is the name of your Connexions PA?
Simon Tooley / Have you met with them yet this academic year?
Yes - in October
What job or career ideas do you have for your future? Childcare, nursery nurse
What have you done so far to help you with your career ideas?
E.g. Talking to Connexions, carers, teachers, friends, doing work experience, going on workplace visits, talking to people about what they do in their job.
Spoken to Connexions. Will do work experience as part of timetable from term 6 and through year 11.
What qualifications and/or experience do you need to achieve your career ideas?
E.g. specific subjects, grades, work experience or extra-curricular activities?
Health and Social Care, food technology, dancing.
How is what you are doing now helping you work towards this?
E.g. Your key stage 4 or key stage 5 options, particular grades you’re working towards, any volunteering you are doing etc.
I am doing health and social care and food technology. My dancing is also something that can help in this career. I am also going to do work experience in a nursery once a week. I would also like to learn more about arts and crafts at college.
What plans do you have after the end of this programme/year?
E.g. Subjects/course/job/training you are hoping to study and where you are hoping to do it such as school 6th form, FE college, work-based training provider or employer etc
I would like to go to college
How will this help you continue to move closer towards your career ideas?
This will get me the relevant qualifications
Are you thinking about going to university?
What do you think are the benefits of you going or not going to university?
I don't need it to become a nursery nurse and I'll get into debt.
What further actions do you need to take to help you move closer towards your career choices and who will help you with this? Please complete table below.
E.g. Talking to Connexions, carers, teachers, friends, doing work experience, going on workplace visits, talking to people about what they do in their job.
Action / By Whom / By When
Work experience to be arranged / School careers adviser / June 2011
College visits to be undertaken / Mary May (social worker) and Sarah / December 2012
Section B – young people with Discretionary Leave, unclear or no current immigration status
What job or career ideas do you have for your future?
Given the temporary timeframe of your current immigration status which will prevent long-term planning in the UK, what are you doing now that will support you to work towards this long-term goal and support you in your future home country?
How is what you are doing now helping you prepare for your future learning, training or work?
What plans do you have for after the end of this programme/year and how will this continue to prepare you for your future learning, training or work?
What further actions do you need to take to help you prepare for your future learning, training or work? Please complete the table below.
Action / By Whom / When
The Virtual School for Looked After Children and Care Leavers, 0-25 01865 256640 1/14