The success of the presbytery internship relies upon both a deliberate and invested mentor and a committed and teachable intern, operating within the context of the local church. To assist both the intern and the mentor in this process, the Candidates Committee has put forth the following document, which outlines both the requirements for successful completion of an internship and suggested guidelines to help maximize this valuable opportunity. It should be noted that several things could be added to this list but this document clearly outlines what is required for an approved internship in Central Carolina Presbytery. Additionally, “recommended guidelines” have been added to encourage (but not require) interns to further develop under each category.

This document should be reviewed at the start of, throughout, and upon completion of the internship. Each of the following categories must be addressed in the internship:

  1. Spiritual Formation

Intern requirement: 1) Each year, the intern must report to his mentor (verbally or in writing) his plan to read and study God’s Word, pray, and regularly enjoy the means of grace in the local church. 2) Each year, the intern must also report to his mentor (verbally or in writing) answers to the following evaluation questions: a) In what theological and spiritual issues do I most need to grow? b) What are my biggest heart/character sin issues? c) What skills do I most need to develop?

Mentor requirement: the mentor should meet with the intern monthly, quarterly at minimum (required), to evaluate spiritual health, assist with growth, and inquire about answers to the above questions.

Recommended Guidelines: the intern is encouraged to continue developing spiritually by the daily and weekly exercise of the means of grace and regular accountability. The intern is also encouraged to read at least one book outside of seminary reading aimed at spiritual health, e.g. Dangerous Calling by Paul Tripp, The Contemplative Pastor by Eugene Peterson, etc., and discuss reflections with his mentor.

  1. Marriage & Family

Intern requirement: the intern and his wife (if applicable) must attend at least one counseling session on marriage with his pastor, elder, or professional counselor.

Mentor requirement: the mentor must conduct at least one formal counseling session with the intern and wife (if applicable) OR refer him to another pastor, elder, or outside Christian counselor.

Recommended Guidelines: the intern is encouraged to assess strengths and weaknesses of his marriage and parenting, and develop a written plan to love, lead, and shepherd his wife and children, if applicable. A good resource on marriage, regardless of marital status, is The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy and Kathy Keller.

  1. Preaching

Intern requirement: the intern must preach and teach a total of at least 10 times, outside of seminary (at least two of those times must be preaching).

Mentor requirement: the mentor must listen to the intern’s preaching or teaching delivery at least once and meet with him to formally evaluate and critique both his delivery and content.

Recommended Guidelines: the intern is encouraged to listen to a series of sermons online or at his church and then discuss with his mentor.

  1. Counseling

Intern requirement: the intern must formally or informally meet to counsel someone at least three different times (with different people if necessary) and review those sessions with the mentor.

Mentor requirement: the mentor should review the above “counseling” sessions with the intern.

Recommended Guidelines: the intern is encouraged to grow in his counseling abilities by attending training opportunities at RTS and/or the Barnabas Center. The intern is also encouraged to read helpful counseling resources including The Pastor and Counseling by Pierre and Reju, and/or other books by Dan Allender, Larry Crabb, Paul David Tripp. Ed Welch, etc.

  1. Evangelism

Intern requirement: each year, the intern must formally report to his mentor on how he is pursuing relational evangelism with at least one non-Christian.

Mentor requirement: the mentor must review the above information with the intern and offer suggestions, as well as share stories of his own personal evangelism.

Recommended Guidelines: the intern is encouraged to develop relationships and intentionally share his faith with non-believers. The intern is also encouraged to equip himself with resources for gospel-sharing such as Two Ways to Live, Christianity Explored, etc.

  1. Mercy Ministry

Intern requirement: 1) the intern must attend at least one Diaconate meeting. 2) The intern must participate in mercy ministry through his church or in the city, at least once.

Mentor requirement: the mentor should discuss their church’s philosophy of mercy ministry with the intern OR direct him to a deacon to do so.

Recommended Guidelines: the intern is encouraged to personally ride-along with a deacon to a mercy meeting, whenever possible. The intern is also encouraged to consult helpful resources on mercy ministry such as When Helping Hurts by Corbett and Fikkert, and Ministries of Mercy by Keller, etc.

  1. Leadership

Intern requirement: the intern must attend at least one session meeting and meet with the mentor separately to discuss leadership particulars and strategy.

Mentor requirement: the mentor must meet with the intern to discuss the how and why of his own leadership over session meetings, various ministries, elders and other leaders.

Recommended Guidelines: the intern is encouraged to develop leadership skills by participating as a volunteer in a variety of ministries and by leading a volunteer team (including recruiting, training, and organizing volunteers). The intern is also encouraged to work through at least one book aimed at building and managing a volunteer team, such as Building Your Volunteer Team by DeVries and Stratman.

  1. Worship

Intern requirement: the intern must be involved in the planning and oversight of at least one worship service.

Mentor requirement: the mentor must meet with the intern to discuss the how and why of leading and organizing a worship service.

Recommended Guidelines: the intern should grow in his ability to lead in worship by developing a philosophy of worship. The intern is also encouraged to attend at least two worship services at other churches in the presbytery to reflect on leading in worship. Finally, the intern is encouraged to look at resources such as Planning Center, or other online planning programs, to understand how to organize a service with several volunteers.

  1. PCA Knowledge

Intern requirement: the intern must attend at least one entire presbytery meeting (from worship through dismissal).

Mentor requirement: the mentor must debrief with the intern about the presbytery meeting.

Recommended Guidelines: the intern is encouraged to attend General Assembly, if possible, and read Robert’s Rules of Order.