

ISO/IEC JTC1 SC32: Data management and interchange

DRAFT Report of the 17th Plenary Meeting, Gyeongju, Korea, 2013-05-31

1 Opening of the Meeting

The meeting was opened at 09:10 by Mr. Jim Melton, SC32 Chair, with delegations from 7 NBs attending. He extended a warm welcome to the attendees. Professor Dr. Baik, on behalf of the Korean Agency for Technology Standards, host of the meeting, then welcomed the attendees to Gyeongju. Professor Baik then extended an invitation to all the delegates and experts to attend a special welcome banquet at the Gyeongju Hyundai Hotel on Tuesday evening to be sponsored by the Korea Database Agency (KDB) and the Data Governance Forum. He also invited the attendees to a social event on Thursday evening including a tour of the area and special dinner to be sponsored by the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI).

2 Roll call of delegations

The Chair then drew the meeting’s attention to 32N2362 List of Delegates for SC32 Gyeongju, and asked the Secretary to conduct the roll call of delegations. The heads of delegations then each introduced themselves and the members of their delegations. The Secretary passed around a sign up sheet and requested that all attendees sign it.

3 Adoption of agenda

The Chair then presented document 32N2363draft Final Agenda for SC32 Gyeongju 2013. He then called for changes or additions to the agenda. The draft agenda, a revision of 32N2363, was then unanimously adopted.

4 Appointment of the action item recorder

The Chair asked Baba Piprani to serve as action item recorder.

5 Appointment of the drafting committee

The Chair asked for volunteers to serve on the drafting committee. After brief discussion, the nominees included Brown (UK), Kilkarni (US), Dongwon JEONG, and Young-jae KIM (KR). There being no objection, the nominations were unanimously adopted and the drafting committee was appointed.

6 Report of the Chair

The Chair then introduced 32N2372 draft SC32 Business Plan 2012-2013. He commented that SC32 needed to make more progress and to do more with less. He noted that there were more projects than could be accomplished, and he called for the experts to weed them out and concentrate on high quality and timely standards. He then requested the working groups and conveners to edit the business plan, recognizing that the world is moving on and strategic thinking was needed. He asked all to think about how we can change the world for the better in the next few years and to talk about this in the working groups.

Knoppers suggested attaching a scope statement to project subdivisions and having the secretary circulate the JTC1 language involved. Brown commented that the ISO/IEC JTC1 Supplement was freely available on the website, and that although scope creep had been a problem, it had not been the case in SC32.

7 Report of the Secretariat

The Secretary then presented 32N2364 SC32 Secretariat Report, 32N2365 SC32 Programme of Work, 32N2366 SC32 Projects at Risk, and 32N2359 SC32 Secretariat advisory on document progression. The topic of document progression was then discussed. Hare commented on the secretary’s deletion of several NB ballot comments and raised an objection. Melton commented that this was past and that the secretary was trying to get real productive comments in spite of negative votes by NBs unsupported by substantive comments. Kilkarni commented that 32N2359 was very recent and had not been discussed in NBs, adding that in involved a different interpretation of the directives than was commonly understood. Finally he noted that this topic would be discussed by his NB and a formal response would be forthcoming. Melton noted that the generic “catch-all” comment was something that went back 15 years or more. Brown commented that although there was some room for different interpretation of directives and room for improvement, the secretary should not disqualify or disregard NB ballot comments. Knoppers remarked that NBs must submit technical comments of substance.

8 Liaison assignments and reports

The topic of ISO/IEC activities of interest to SC36 was then discussed. The secretary presented 32N2371draft SC32 Liaison Assignments and requested the WG conveners to markup the document. He presented 32N2358 JTC1 SWG5 Internet of Things (IoT) liaison, and 32N2382 JTC1 Liaison Report on SC38. Piprani questioned the need for the SC38 liaison. Knoppers remarked on IoT and Brown noted that it was not just about IP addresses or protocols but that the concept was more general.

9 Review of recent ISO/IEC JTC1 resolutions

The chair presented 32N2329 JTC1 Resolutions from Jeju 2011 and 32N2328 JTC1 Decisions affecting SC32. Brown noted that there was now and new NWIP form and procedure. Also discussed were resolution 13 (IT vocabulary reference team related to terms of reference for ITVMT), resolution 17 (strategic business plan), resolution 19 (standing document 2 “History”), and resolutions 24 and 25 (transparency of investigative work). Piprani asked for clarification of how resolution 25 could be followed.

10 Work programme and project status review for beginning the meeting

The secretary presented 32N2365 SC32 Programme of Work and 32N2366 SC32 Projects at risk. He requested the conveners to review the work program details and target dates and to mark up the document. He requested that special attention be paid to work items on which progress is lacking and to withdraw them or request extensions of time. He presented 32N2357 Resignation of PE 13249-3 and requested that WG4 nominate a new project editor.

11 Interim meeting review summary

Each of the four working group conveners presented a brief summary of their interim meetings. Sun reported on the meeting of WG1 held in Kraków, Poland. He asked what is the meaning of project stage “0”. Gordon reported on the meeting of WG2 held in Kraków, Poland, noting that the meeting was attended by 18 experts plus phone-in participants, that there were 2 study groups, and that the primary focus was on disposition of ballot comments. He also noted the initiation of work on ISO/IEC 24707 Common logic. Hare reported on the meeting of WG2 held in Kraków, Poland, noting that the meeting was attended by 8 experts, that DCORs were issued for 5 parts of ISO/IEC 9075, and that new edition CDs were expected to be issued for 9 parts of ISO/IEC 9075. Shibano reported on the meeting of WG2 held in Kraków, Poland, noting that the meeting was attended by 6 experts, that a new edition CD was expected to be issued for part 3 of ISO/IEC 13249 Spatial, and that part 7 had been published as a TS.

12 Reports on study group proposals

Hare reported that there had been no progress on the SG on next generation analytics, but that a two-hour meeting was scheduled to be held this week, and that an electronic discussion was being setup by the Standards Council of Canada. He noted that a face-to-face meeting would be held next spring. He further commented that the topic of “big data” and “data analytics” was becoming widely discussed by industry and that a taxonomy and framework were needed. Piprani added that the SG would discuss and report back.

13 Initial invitations for future meetings

Wei indicated that China intended to extend an invitation for the next SC32 plenary.

14 Organizational issues for the meeting

No further issues or new business were presented.

15 Adjournment of opening plenary until Friday

There being no further business, the Chair adjourned the meeting at 12:45 pm until Friday at 10 a.m. and announced that the tutorial session on big data would commence at 2 p.m. following lunch, and that the usual WG tutorials would be omitted due to the lack of time.

Friday, May 31, 2014

16 Continuation of the adjourned meeting

The adjourned meeting was continued at 10:00 by the Chair, Mr. Jim Melton, with delegations from 7 NBs attending. The secretary passed around a sign-up list and called attention to the updated meeting document register.

17 Reports of ad hoc groups and study groups

Piprani reported on the work of the study group on metadata and cloud computing. He requested that the chair re-constitute the study group. The chair then re-constituted the study group and re-appointed Piprani as convener.

Hare reported on the study group on advanced analytics and offered a preliminary report. The chair requested the NBs to review and edit the report. Kulkarni thanked Hare for his work on organizing the study group.

18 Reports of WGs

WG1 reported on its meeting during the week. WG2 reported that 20 experts, 2 observers, and 3 telephone participants had met during the week, and that 3 withdrawals, 2 new subdivisions, and one NWIP had been proposed. WG3 reported that 12 experts (from 6 NBs) had met and worked on comments on 9 CDs, 5 DCORs, and 3 new TRs. WG4 reported that more than 350 ballot comments on ISO/IEC 13249-3 Spatial had been received, that Paul Scarponcini had been proposed as new project editor, and that it had proposed a new edition of ISO/IEC 13249-1 Framework. The chair then thanked Mark Ashworth for his two decades of service as project editor. The reports were then accepted by unanimous consent.

19. Review of business plan changes

The secretary reported that he had received few comments on the draft business plan. The chair established a deadline of mid-July for comments, noting that the JTC1 cutoff date for their fall plenary meeting was September 27.

20. Review of SC32 level liaison assignments

The liaison assignments were discussed and certain proposals were presented. SC32 draft resolution 10 SC32 Liaison Assignments was reviewed and adopted without objection. It was noted that liaison with SC38 on cloud computing was to be renewed, that SC34 liaison was to be dropped, that TC37 liaison was to be re-assigned to Knoppers, and that SC2 liaison was finished and should be discontinued.

21. Approval of “C” liaisons

No new “C” category liaisons were proposed.

22. Future SC32 meeting invitations

China proposed to host the SC32 meeting during the week of June 3-13 in Chengdu, China.

23. Items for future work

No new items for future work were proposed.

24. Any other business

Piprani proposed that future closing plenary meetings be shifted into the afternoon at 1 p.m., and this was unanimously agreed. No further business was proposed.

25. Approval of plenary resolutions

The proposed draft plenary resolutions were discussed and voted. Resolution 1: SC32 Project Subdivisions was discussed and unanimously adopted. Resolution 1a: SC32 Project Subdivisions (15944-12 Business Operational View – Part 12: Privacy protection requirements on information life cycle management (ILCM) in EDI, Edition 1) was discussed and adopted with two abstentions. The issue raised was related to potential “scope creep” and it was noted that there needed to be some provision for subdivision scope statements. The remaining resolutions were unanimously adopted.

The final adopted resolutions and voting results were recorded in 32N2381 JTC1 SC32 Gyeongju Plenary Resolutions 2013-05-31.

26. Close of meeting

The Chair thanked Professor Dr. Doo-Kwon BAIK and Ms. Eunsook KIM of KATS for the meeting arrangements and for the excellent networking facilities and administrative support. He especially thanked KDB and the Data Governance Forum for their gracious hospitality and for the special welcome banquet on Tuesday evening. He also thanked KISTI for the congenial tour and special dinner for all the attendees on Thursday evening. The Chair then thanked the attendees for their hard work and wished them a safe return home. He then adjourned the meeting at 12:25 p.m.




Final Attendance

ISO/IEC JTC1/SC32 Plenary Meeting

2013-05-27 and 2013-05-31



JTC1/SC32 Officers / ex officio
Jim Melton *† / Chairman, JTC1 SC32
Dr. Timothy Schoechle *† / Secretary, JTC1 SC32
National Body / Organization/Affiliation
Austria (O)
Belgium (O)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (O)
Jake Knoppers, HoD *†
C. Baba Piprani *† / Canaglobe International Inc.
Metaglobal Systems
Dr Zaiwen FENG *
Dr Fei HE *
Rui SHI *†
Wenfeng SUN *†
Dr. Ms. Chong WANG
Dr. Jian WANG *
Ms. Fenglin WEI HoD *† / Wuhan University
Wuhan University
Wuhan University
Wuhan University
Czech Republic
France (O)
Jörn Bartels, HoD *† / Oracle Corporation
Ghana (O)
Hungary (O)
Indonesia (O)
Italy (O)
Tatsumi Adachi *†
Hidekazu Enjo *†
Hajime Horiuchi †
Takashi Kotera *†
Maseo Okabe *
Kohji Shibano *†
Masashi Tsuchida HoD *† / NEC Corporation
NTT Data Corporation
Tokyo International University
Hitachi, Ltd.
Tokyo Electric Power Co.
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Hitachi, Ltd
Kazakhstan (O)
Korea, Republic of
Prof. Doo-Kwon BAIK, HoD *
Dr Jangwon GIM *†
Dr Dongwon JEONG †
Dr Young-jae KIM
Eui-jong LEE *†
Sukhoon LEE *†
Taesul SEO *† closing HoD / Korea University
Kunsan National University
Korea Polytechnic University
Korea University
Korea University
Korea Institute of S & T Information (KISTI)
Netherlands, The (O)
Norway (O)
Poland (O)
Romania (O)
Russian Federation
Serbia (O)
Spain (O)
Switzerland (O)
United Kingdom
Phil Brown, HoD *†
Keith Gordon *† / Independent Consultant
Independent Consultant
United States
Keith Hare *†
Krishna Kulkarni, HoD† *
Jan-Eike Michels * / JCC Consulting, Inc.
IBM Corporation
IBM Corporation

* attended opening plenary