Form 416-4
School Librarian Performance Appraisal
/ Box 700, Rosetown, Sask., S0L 2V0
Phone: (306) 882-2677 Fax: (306) 882-3366
Toll Free: 1(866) 375-2677, / Reference / AP 416 Supervision and Appraisal
Revised / April 10, 2013
Level / Division
Submit to / Human Resources
When / Probationary or as Required
Employee Name / Probationary / Other
School Name / Appraisal Date

The Performance Appraisal will be completed and discussed at the end of the probationary period. A signed copy of the original Performance Appraisal will be given to the employee and a second signed copy will be retained in the employee’s personnel file.

Performance Rubrics

The performance rubric is a rating scale used to describe each of the responsibilities of the employee. It relates the standard of performance expected for each responsibility and provides a specific description of what a rating entails. Principals or supervisors are asked to highlight applicable phrases and add comments for each category.

Definitions of Ratings for School Librarian

Rating / Definition
Exceeds Expectations / The school librarian exceeds responsibilities consistently producing exceptionally high quality work that optimizes the effectiveness of the school library.
Meets Expectations / The performance of the school librarian consistently fulfills responsibilities resulting in quality work that impacts the effectiveness of the library in a positive manner. This rating is a high performance standard and is expected of all school librarians.
Approaches Expectations / The school librarian consistently meets responsibilities resulting in areas of work performance that require development. There is a willingness to address professional improvement through the Professional Growth Plan.
Unsatisfactory / The school librarian does not adequately fulfill responsibilities, resulting in work performance lacking quality and/or negatively impacting the effectiveness of the school library.

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School Librarian Performance Appraisal

Team Support
Exceeds Expectations / 3
Meets Expectations / 2
Approaches Expectations / 1
Advocates and encourages respectful, responsible and fair treatment of students, staff and the public. / Consistently treats students, staff and the public in a respectful, responsible and fair manner. / Generally treats students, staff and the public in a respectful, responsible and fair manner. / Occasionally treats students, staff and the public in a respectful, responsible and fair manner.
Models enthusiasm, patience and understanding when interacting with students, staff and the public. / Consistently shows enthusiasm, patience and understanding when interacting with students, staff and the public. / Generally shows enthusiasm, patience and understanding when interacting with students, staff and the public. / Occasionally shows enthusiasm, patience and understanding when interacting with students, staff and the public.
Advocates respectful and courteous communication with students, teachers and support staff. / Consistently communicates with students, teachers and support staff and directs inquiries in a courteous and respectful manner. / Requires support to communicate with students, teachers and support staff and direct inquiries in a courteous and respectful manner. / Occasionally communicates with students, teachers and support staff in a courteous and respectful manner.
Advocates and encourages positive relationships with staff, students and the public. / Consistently maintains effective and co-operative relationships with staff, students and the public. / Generally maintains effective and co-operative relationships with staff, students and the public. / Occasionally maintains effective and co-operative relationships with staff, students and the public.
Encourages others to provide a positive role model for students. / Consistently provides a positive role model for students. / Generally provides a positive role model for students. / Occasionally provides a positive role model for students.
Initiates positive interactions and provides relevant information to all team members. / Consistently acts in a positive manner with team members and provides relevant information to those when needed. / Generally acts in a positive manner with team members and provides relevant information to those when needed. / Requires support to act in a positive manner with team members and to provide relevant information to those when needed.

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School Librarian Performance Appraisal

Library Support
Exceeds Expectations / 3
Meets Expectations / 2
Approaches Expectations / 1
Consistently accesses materials as requested by teachers and provides requested materials in a timely manner and accesses additional related information to assist with the curriculum. / Consistently accesses materials as requested by teachers and provides requested materials in a timely manner. / Requires support to access materials as requested by teachers and provide requested materials in a timely manner. / Occasionally accesses materials as requested by teachers and occasionally provides requested materials in a timely manner.
Initiates communication with teachers and/or administrator regarding requirements for resources as a result of curriculum change. / Communicates with team members and accesses resources required as a result of curriculum changes. / Requires support to communicate with team members and access resources required as a result of curriculum changes. / Fails to communicate with team members and access resources required as a result of curriculum changes.
Consistently completes tasks in an accurate and timely manner prior to expected deadlines. / Consistently completes tasks in an accurate and timely manner within expected deadlines. / Requires support to complete tasks in an accurate and timely manner within expected deadlines. / Occasionally completes tasks in an accurate and timely manner within expected deadlines.
Consistently initiates processes to improve the effectiveness of the library. / Consistently ensures the library operates efficiently. / Requires support to ensure the library operates efficiently. / Fails to ensure the library operates efficiently.
Consistently and effectively completes tasks requiring the use of various software programs and initiates advanced learning of software programs. / Consistently and effectively completes tasks requiring the use of various software programs as required. / Requires support to complete tasks requiring the use of various software programs. / Fails to complete tasks requiring the use of various software programs.
Consistently and reliably uses good judgment and provides leadership in the resolution of routine problems or situations and encourages others to problem solve independently in the library workplace. / Consistently and reliably uses good judgment and provides leadership in the resolution of routine problems or situations in the library workplace. / Occasionally uses good judgment and provides leadership in the resolution of routine problems or situations in the library workplace. / Fails to use good judgment and provide leadership in the resolution of routine problems or situations in the library workplace.
Consistently and effectively maintains the inventory of the library resources and initiates processes to improve the return of resources. / Consistently and effectively maintains the inventory of the library resources. / Requires support to effectively maintain the inventory of the library resources. / Fails to effectively maintain the inventory of the library resources.
Consistently and effectively supervises students while in the library and monitors computer access and use for research and other functions and assists with research and other functions. / Consistently and effectively supervises students while in the library and monitors computer access and use. / Requires support to effectively supervise students while in the library and monitors computer access and use. / Fails to effectively supervise students while in the library and monitors computer access and use.

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School Librarian Performance Appraisal

Library Support
Exceeds Expectations / 3
Meets Expectations / 2
Approaches Expectations / 1
Consistently and effectively maintains the inventory and operation of AV equipment, etc. and initiates processes to ensure equipment is operational following use by staff or students. / Consistently and effectively maintains the inventory and operation of AV equipment, etc. / Requires support to effectively maintain the inventory and operation of AV equipment, etc. / Fails to effectively maintain the inventory and operation of AV equipment, etc.
Consistently and effectively maintains the library resources catalogued according to the system in use and initiates processes to ensure that resources are updated and catalogued accordingly. / Consistently and effectively maintains the library resources catalogued according to the system in use. / Requires support to maintain the library resources catalogued according to the system in use. / Fails to maintain the library resources catalogued according to the system in use.
Initiates processes to improve the effectiveness of the password administration and other security measures to ensure the security and integrity of the system. / Consistently manages effective password administration and other security measures to ensure the security and integrity of the system. / Requires support to manage effective password administration and other security measures to ensure the security and integrity of the system. / Fails to manage effective password administration and other security measures to ensure the security and integrity of the system.
Consistently and effectively manages the designated budget for school based library resources by seeking input for resource selection from all staff. / Consistently and effectively manages the designated budget for school based library resources. / Requires support to effectively manage the designated budget for school based library resources. / Fails to effectively manage the designated budget for school based library resources.
Consistently and effectively manages requests for shared resource materials from students, staff and other schools and initiates processes to improve the sharing of resource materials. / Consistently and effectively manages requests for shared resource materials from students and staff. / Requires support to manage requests for shared resource materials from students and staff. / Fails to manage requests for shared resource materials from students and staff
Consistently and effectively provides assistance in the delivery of library skills instruction and initiates improvements in the process of delivery. / Provides assistance in the delivery of library skills instruction. / Requires support to effectively provide assistance in the delivery of library skills instruction. / Fails to effectively provide assistance in the delivery of library skills instruction.
Initiates processes to improve the effective review of library resources and continually reviews the resource inventory to ensure materials are retained or removed according to protocol. / Consistently and effectively reviews the resource inventory to ensure materials are retained or removed according to protocol. / Requires support to effectively review the resource inventory to ensure materials are retained or removed according to protocol. / Fails to effectively review the resource inventory to ensure materials are retained or removed according to protocol.

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School Librarian Performance Appraisal

Library Support
Exceeds Expectations / 3
Meets Expectations / 2
Approaches Expectations / 1
Initiates and shows leadership in bringing the library’s needs and perspective into school discussion and decision making. / Consistently brings the library’s needs and perspectives into school discussion and decision making when requested. / Requires support to bring the library’s needs and perspectives into school discussion and decision making when requested. / Fails to bring the library’s needs and perspectives into school discussion and decision making when requested.
Exceeds Expectations / 3
Meets Expectations / 2
Approaches Expectations / 1
Consistently and effectively ensures the confidentiality of information acquired during the course of employment and encourages others to ensure the confidentiality of information acquired during the course of employment. / Consistently and effectively ensures the confidentiality of information acquired during the course of employment. / Requires occasional support to ensure the confidentiality of information acquired during the course of employment. / Fails to ensure the confidentiality of information acquired during the course of employment.
Consistently and effectively promotes and encourages others to promote a positive image to parents, community members and the general public. / Consistently and effectively promotes a positive image to parents, community members and the general public. / Requires support to promote promotes a positive image to parents, community members and the general public. / Occasionally promotes a positive image to parents, community members and the general public.
Models and encourages others to demonstrate responsible behaviors towards attendance, work schedule and appropriate use of time. / Consistently and effectively demonstrates responsible behaviors towards attendance, work schedule and appropriate use of time. / Requires support concerning attendance, work schedule and/or appropriate use of time. / Occasionally demonstrates responsible behaviors towards attendance, work schedule and appropriate use of time.

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School Librarian Performance Appraisal

Exceeds Expectations / 3
Meets Expectations / 2
Approaches Expectations / 1
Demonstrates positive contributions to the school division’s functions and activities. / Consistently supports the school division’s functions and activities. / Occasionally support to the school division’s functions and activities. / Rarely supports the school division’s functions and activities.
Promotes and encourages others to be flexible and adapt to change. / Consistently demonstrates a willingness to be flexible and adapt to change. / Requires support to be flexible and adapt to change. / Occasionally demonstrates a willingness to be flexible and adapt to change.
Principal/Supervisor’s Comments
School Librarian’s Comments
Principal’sSignature / Date
School Librarian’s Signature / Date

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