All Souls’, 2008
Hilda Ainley
Violet Aisbitt
Raymond Allen
Florence Olive Allott
Ruby Allport
Stephen Andrews
Allan Aston
Lottie Atwell
Lilian Ayre
Ronald Ayre
Alvin Backhouse
Michelle Barker
Audrey Barnsley
Sheila Barratt
Lucy Barrett
Laura Batten
Roy Beach
Douglas Bedford
Ralph St Clare Bedford
John Bell
William Bennetts
Donald Benson
Stephen Benson
Shaun Billington
Annie Birch
John Stanley Birdsall
James Blakeston
Doreen Bolton
Horace Booker
Ida May Bracey
Susan Carol Bradshaw
Noel George Brass
Elizabeth Brewin
Doris Brook
Harold Brook
Michael Brook
Mabel Brooks
Roy Buckingham
Bernard Buckley
Carole Alayne Murray Buckley
Maureen Alice Buckley
Frederick Henry Bull
Arthur Dennison Bulmer
Eric Burton
Margaret Burton
Florence Butterfield
Roy Butterfield
Nellie Byrom
Keith Campey
Emmie Catch
Violet Audrey Catch
Sarah Chappell
Doris Charlton
Donald Clark
Dorothy Annie Cockayne
Clarice Coleman
Margaret Cook
Emily Cooper
Olive Cordon
Janet Crapper
Emily Irene Crawford
Dean Crookes
John Ernest Crookes
Louisa Crowshore
George Crutchley
Geoffrey Darley
Lynn Mary Day
Edmund Deakin
Harold Vickers Deakin
Alfred Joseph Deane
Wendy Patricia Drake
James Alton Driffield
Beatrice Driffill
Thomas William Eckersley
Francis Edwards
Herbert Edwards
Elsie Ellis
Mary Ellis
Joyce Ellison
Whinifred Ellison
Darren England
Shirley England
Annie Evans
Leonard Exley
John Facey
John Fagg
Joyce Fairhurst
Percy Fairhurst
Ernest Fereday
Harold Fewster
Leslie Finan
Tony Alan Fothergill
Joyce Frudd
Glyn William Galpin
Esther Gaskell
Randell Gill
Alice Gillespie
Barbera Godfrey
Denis Godfrey
Margaret Godfrey
Florence Ivy Godridge
Cyril Hutchinson Gomerson
Raymond Gomerson
Leslie Gorton
Kenneth Gosney
Leonard Gosney
Mary Gosney
Edith Gough
Ephraim Gough
Margaret Graham
Frances Florence Greatorex
Olive Green
Paul Greenwood
Jean Olive Griffiths
Ben Robert Grifiths
Annie Guest
Peter Crossland Gundill
Ivy Gwozdziowski
Jan Franlesek Gwozdziowski
Solomon Hadjioannou
Julie Anne Hall
Margaret Hall
Raymond Hall
Kathleen Haller
Edward Hames
James Michael Hanby
Thelma Hardacre
Leslie Hargreaves
Terri-Ann Hargreaves
Anne Harrap
Edna Hawksworth
Marise Andrea Hayward
Raymond Headley
David Kevin Heatley
Edith Mary Hepinstall
Melvin Thomas Hepinstall
Mary Anne Heppinstall
Elizabeth Herberts
Ethel Hewitt
Josephine Iris Hewitt
Mavas Heyward
James Hickenbottom
Doreen Hickling
Joseph Hickling
Jeffrey Hird
Barrington Hirst
Dorothy Hirst
Oliver Geoffrey Charles Hirst
Marjorie Holdsworth
Agnes May Holmes
Elizabeth Annice Howard
Dean Howey
Charles Linden Howgate
George Hubbard
Dorothy Hufton
Peter Hughes
Isabella Huntbach
Fred Hurst
Sally Hussell
Honor Daphne Inman
William Ivill
John Alfred Jackson
Muriel Jacobs
Olive Jagger
Doreen Jenkinson
Joseph Henry Willie Jennings
Annie Johnston
Dorothy Jones
Gladys Lillian Jones
Josiah Jones
Maria Jones
Nellie Jordan
Frederick John Keep
Hilda Kelly
Ethel Kenningley
Ryszard Kepke
Colin Kirby
Winifred Kornicki
Patricia Anne Lawrence
Annie Lawrenson
Stephen Howard Lea
Ivy Lee
Frederick Lewins
Raymond Lloyd
Irene Lockwood
James Lockwood
Mildred Lockwood
Walter Lockwood
Constance Longley
Harriet Elizabeth Longley
Ernest William Attle Lowe
Dora Lumb
Samuel Lyne
Gwen Major
Clarence Manifield
Margaret Marsh
Alice Anne Marshall
Bernard Marston
Phyllis Marston
Sheilah Mavis Marston
David Reynolds Martin
Edward Stanley Martin
Andy Mason
Joan McNally
Barry Medlock
Alfred Meek
Barbara Metcalfe
Isobel Maud Metcalfe
Barrie Middleton
Lawrence Whitacre Middleton
Winifred Mills
Annie Milnes
Elsie Milnes
Arthur Moore
John Moran
John Murphy
Michael Murtagh
Phyllis May Newton
Winifred Mabel Nicholson
Joyce Nock
John Edward North
Thomas Derek O'Connor
Alfred Olbison
James Frederick Overton
Darren John Oxley-Bryan
Jenny Palmer
Jessie Parkin
Thomas Parry
John Parton
Darren Patterson
Catherine Mary Pawson
David Pearson
Ivy Pearson
Mary Pearson
Catherine Alice Pemberton
Maurice Alan Perry
Karen Elizabeth Philp
Ernest Crossland Pickersgill
Phyllis Place
William Poulson
Edwin Austin Powell
Patsy Price
Alice Priest
Elsie Pulford
Betty Rees
Anthony Reynolds
Doreen Reynolds
Florence Mary Rhodes
Kenneth Richmond
Reginald Colin Riley
Ruth Riley
David Robinson
Edward Rogman
Allen Rollin
Cyril Rollin
Beatrice Edith Ross
Jacqueline Rowett
June Rowett
Florence Evelyn Saunders
Mary Saunders
Horace Schofield
Michael Anthony Scott
Mabel Shaw
Stella Sheridan
Thomas Sheridan
Charles Arthur Shillito
Amanda Jane Sills
Maud Simmons
James Skidmore
Avril Glenda Smalley
Sidney Smalley
Alfred Noel Smith
James Smith
Marjorie Smith
George Samuel Snelling
Donald Speight
George Stallard
Martha Stanley
Connie Steel
Henry Steel
Ada Stones
Joseph Stones
Kenneth Storey
Betty Stringfellow
Muriel Stubbs
Marion Tams
Gwendoline Eleanor Tate
Cyril Taylor
Doris Taylor
Henry Taylor
Joan Taylor
Sidney Taylor
Thomas Henry Taylor
Joyce Templeman
Charlie Thompson
Greta Thompson
John Eric Thorley
Joan Mavis Tobin
Ernest Toulson
Derek Towler
Ernest Tupling
George Turnbull
Ernest Turner
Gladys Vaughan-Birch
Gladys Vickers
Florence Wade
Betty Walker
Sheelagh Mary Walmsley
Nancy Mary Ward
Jean Warren
Michael Watkins
Arthur Watson
Glynes Christine Webb
Harold Western
Mary Westhead
Annie Eugenia Whitaker
Louie Whitaker
Mary Ethel White
John Whitehead
Phyllis Whitehead
Christine Whiteley
Edward Anthony Wild
Mabel Wild
John Henry Wileman
Lillian May Williams
Florence Williamson
Jeffrey Williamson
Jane Ann Wilson
Jessie Wimpenny
Thomas Henry Womersley
Ruby Wood
Mary Wooley
Donald Yemm
May the departed, in the mercy and love of Christ
rest in peace and rise in glory
All Souls’, 2008
Additional people for commemoration:
Additional people for commemoration:
Additional people for commemoration:
Additional people for commemoration:
May the departed, in the mercy and love of Christ
rest in peace and rise in glory