March 8-10, 2013
2013 Northeast District 4-H Teen REtreat
Location: City Hotel and Bistro and the Pitt County Agricultural Center in Greenville, North Carolina
Time: 6pm Friday – 11am Sunday
Cost: $85.00
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Meet Teens from Northeastern North Carolina

Outdoor Movie, Bonfire, Ice Skating

Fun Interactive Workshops

Banquet with Keynote Speaker and Dance

For Teens

Ages 13-18

For more information contact your local 4-H Agent.

PO BOX 968
517 Budleigh Street
Manteo, NC 27954

Northeast District 4-H Teen Retreat

March 8-10, 2013

Greenville, NC

Parents, please note that you must submit a4-H Enrollment Form, 4-H Medical Release Form, and a Media Release form t0 the Dare County4-H office in order for your child to participate in this event.

  • Lodging provided by City Hotel and Bistro in Greenville, NC
  • Cost- $85.00 for youth ages 13 and older (as of January 1, 2013)
  • Special Notes:
  • Dare County 4-H will provide transportation. We will leave from the Dare County Extension Office Friday, March 8that 4pm.
  • Cost includes transportation;lodging; activities and supplies;Saturday breakfast, lunch, and dinner; and Sunday breakfast. Your child will need money for dinner on Friday and lunch on Sunday.
  • Please pack warm clothing for the outdoor movie and ice-skating. Dress clothes for the dance.

Name: ____ Male Female (circle) Birth date: / /

Address: ____

City/State/Zip: ____

Youth Cell Number: Grade E-mail: ____

Ice-skating? Yes No (circle one) Special Dietary / Medical Restrictions:

Parent’s Names: ____

Parent’s Phone:______

Parent, by signing below, you are giving your child permission to participate in the above event. You are also indicating that you have reviewed and understand the 4-H Code of Conduct & Disciplinary Procedure and agree that your child is bound by its provisions:

Parent SignatureDate

All registrations must be submitted by Wednesday, February 20, 2013.

We will be staying at the City Hotel and Bistro (203 Greenville Blvd SW, Greenville, NC 27834). Other activities will be held at the Pitt County Agricultural Center (403 Government Circle, Greenville, NC 27834), a local farm (the outdoor movie, weather permitting), and Bladez on Ice (104 Red Banks Road, Greenville, NC 27858). The $85 covers the hotel stay, all activities (including ice-skating), and meals as follows: breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday. Your 4-H’ers will need money for dinner on Friday and lunch on Sunday (depending on your travel arrangements).

County reports will be read during the opening business meeting on Friday. District Officer candidates will also be prepared to give their 2-minute campaign skit.

Tentative Agenda:


5:00-6:00District Officer Meeting at Pitt County Ag Center

6:00-7:00Check in at Pitt County Ag Center/Games (*Please eat dinner before you arrive)

7:00-8:00Opening Business Meeting / District Officer Campaign Skits/ Agent Meeting

8:00-10:00Bonfire/ Movie/ Games

10:00To City Hotel and Bistro

10:30County Huddle (District Officer voting)

11:00Lights Out


7:00-8:30Continental breakfast at hotel; leave for Pitt County Ag Center (PCAC)

9:00-9:50Concurrent Workshops at PCAC

10:00-10:50Concurrent Workshops

11:00-11:50Concurrent Workshops

11:50-12:00Submit District Officer ballots


1:30-3:00Ice-Skating at Bladez on Ice

3:00-6:00Free Time and Banquet Prep

6:30-8:00Banquet at PCAC


10:00Travel back to City Hotel and Bistro

11:00Lights Out


7:00-8:30Continental breakfast at hotel

8:30-8:45Pack Vans

9:00-10:30Service Project at Pitt County Ag Center

10:30-11:00Closing Business Meeting
