BOB EVANS FAIRS – The Festival of Antiques

Established 1972

c/o BE Furniture Ltd, Welby Road, Asfordby Hill, Melton Mowbray, Leics LE14 3RD

Tel: 01664 812627 Fax: 01664 813727


14th & 15th April - Easter 29th & 30th September

We have pleasure in enclosing our booking form for the Peterborough Festival of Antiques 2017. We hope this will be of interest and look forward to hearing from you in the near future. We often receive more bookings than we can accommodate and have to turn applicants down, we suggest therefore that you book as soon as possible. We expect a busier than usual Festival of Antiques in April as the Festival falls on Good Friday and Easter Saturday and many more people historically attend the show when it is an Easter Event.

The procedure for booking is as follows:-

1. Complete the attached booking form indicating the number of stalls required at each event. Return the form with full payment either via credit / debit card or post dated cheques to the appropriate date.

The booking system is worked on a yearly basis, therefore if you require both fairs throughout the year please ensure you book both by 31stOctober 2016.

2. After the 31stOctober 2016 we will allocate stalls and send you an acknowledgement/receipt. This will take several weeks. Stalls will be allocated immediately after the above date, if you book after this date you may lose your regular stalls.

3. Full details, passes and maps will be sent to you approximately two weeks before each event. You may cancel prior to the date on the postdated cheque without incurring any loss and have your cheque returned to you. If you cancel after this date you will have a refund of the full amount minus a £10.00 cancellation charge per stall, providing you return any already posted out passes back to us before the start of the event.If you fail to turn up on the dayyou will forfeit the full amount paid. This will be carried out as a routine with no exceptions.

The fair will open at 12.00 midday Thursday for unloading and setting out, this will be for stallholders only. Please note there will be no admission to the showground prior to Thursday morning.Please note there are no toilet facilities in the car park prior to admission and no access will be permitted.The fair will reopen at 7.00 am Friday morning for stallholders and early trade buyers.We will be open to the public from 10.00 am to 4.30 pm on Friday and from 9 am to 4.30 pm on Saturday. Indoors you will be provided with one 6ft x 2ft table plus 2 chairs, additional tables are permitted at our discretion. We normally carry a stock of spare tables which are available at £6.00 each if booked with your stall or £11.00 each if booked at a later date. We strongly suggest that you book these in advance when booking your stall.

We hope you will be interested and look forward to hearing from you.


14th & 15th April (Easter) 29th & 30th September

The Peterborough Festival of Antiques takes place at the East of England Showground using the four permanent buildings on the showground as well as the outdoor space.

MAIN ARENA: The main arena is a large indoor building being 26,000 square feet in size. The building has a concrete floor and electricity. Each stall has a maximum space of 9’ x 6’ (2.74m x 1.83m) with one table provided. This building has had a face lift during 2015 and now has a new roof, floor and walls.

NAT WEST BUILDING: The Nat West Building consists of 9 individually linked buildings each one at 186ft x 26 ft in size. Each pitch is 8ft x 8ft (2.44m x 2.44m) with a wooden wall behind. Each of the 9 bays have an unloading door at either end, solid floor and access to electricity.

CAMBRIDGE SUITE : This is a purpose built function suite situated adjacent to the Nat West building. The Cambridge suite is fully carpeted, well lit, heated and alarmed. The building can be linked to the Nat West Building and also has a link to the restaurant and its own toilets. Each stall is 9’ x 6’ (2.74m x 1.83m) with one table provided, with access to electricity. The building has loading doors at both front and back.

EXHIBITION HALL: The Exhibition hall has all you would expect from a new building, including heating, flat loading, toilets, overhead lighting and it is alarmed.Being situated opposite to Gate 15 gives it a prime location. Each stall is 10’ x 8’ (3.05m x 2.88m) with one table provided.

MARQUEE VILLAGE: New for 2015 the marquee village is situated at the back of the Nat West Building so links the buildings to the hundreds of outdoor stalls. Each marquee is 20’ x 20’ (6.10m x 6.10m) and located on gravel and comes with electricity, two strip lights and parking at the rear. Each marquee can be fitted with matting flooring or non slip poly flooring if required.

HARDSTANDING ALLOCATED OUTDOOR PITCHES: each pitch is 30’ deep and 20’ wide (9.14m x 6.10m) on concrete. These stalls are located between Gate 15 and Gate 16 facing the Exhibition Hall and also behind the foyer of the exhibition hall, leading to the marquees and outdoor grass stalls. You are not permitted to stake marquees etc into the ground in this area.

ALLOCATED OUTDOOR PITCHES:Each allocated outdoor pitch is 30’ deep and 20’ wide (9.14m x 6.10m). These stalls are named and numbered before the event along the main roads of the showground.

OUTDOOR PITCHES: Each outdoor pitch is 30’ deep and 20’ wide(9.14m x 6.10m) on grass. Although all the pitches are on grass the majority of them have a road frontage. They are filled up on a first come first serve basis.


Peterborough Festival of Antiques

AreaPrice per pitch14&15.4.1729&30.9.17

Main Arena£115 FULLY BOOKED ……………...

Nat West Buildings£112………………………………

Cambridge Suite£170………………………………

Exhibition Hall£183………………………………

Marquee Village£350………………………………

Non slip Poly Flooring for Marquees - £120.00

Matting flooring for Marquees - £72.00

Allocated Hard Standing(Front of Exhibition)£126 FULLY BOOKED FULLY BOOKED

Allocated Hard Standing(Rear of Exhibition)£126 FULLY BOOKED FULLY BOOKED

Allocated Grass Pitch£117 FULLY BOOKED ……………...

Outdoor Grass Pitch£103………………………………

Extra table (£11 if not pre booked with stall)£6……………… ………………

Stallholders badge (Two free per Stall)£21……………… ………………

Extra Car Pass (One Free per stall)£103……………… ………………

Total £……………… ………………

If the pitch you require is unavailable you will be placed at our discretion.

Mr/Mrs/Ms……………………………..Phone No:……………………………..

Surname……………………………..Vehicle Reg:……………………………..

Address……………………………..Type Of Goods……………………………..

……………………………..Name on Cheque/Card…...………………...

……………………………..Card Number……..../…..…./…….../………

……………………………..Expiry Date ……….

Post Code……………………………..3 Digit Security Code ………..

Email Address…………………………………………………………..

We often receive calls from customers trying to get in touch with stallholders after an event. If you DO NOT wish us to release your telephone number please tick here ………..


Cheques to be made payable to Bob Evans Fairs and dated

All above prices include VAT at 20%. VAT number 328 1235 76.

Please return Booking form and cheque to:

Bob Evans Fairs, c/o BE Furniture Ltd, Welby Road, Asfordby Hill, Melton Mowbray Leics LE14 3RD.

Tel: 01664 812627 Fax : 01664 813727