Minutes of a meeting of the Wimblington Parish Council held on Tuesday 16th July 2013 in the small room of the Parish Hall, Addison Road Wimblington at 7.00pm
PresentM T Davis (Chairman), G Bellard, C Brown, J Clarke, P Crawford, R Wright (Clerk), M Moulton, P Hart, F Bellard,
S Morrison.
Apologies for Absence E Gowler,A R Knowles, A Swinden, E Wright, P Jolley
Pursuant to the National Code of Local Government Conduct Members are reminded that they must declare
if they have anydirect or indirect pecuniary interest in respect of any item to be discussed at the Meeting.
C Brown FYR13/ 381/O 53 Doddington Road - relation
772/13Confirmation of minutes–Resolved – That the minutes of meeting held on 11thJune 2013 were correctly recorded and that they be signed as being a true record.
773/13Police representative report–The Chairman reported that police hadadvised of a recent spate of crime in the Doddington area, entering of garages and vehicle between 26- 27th July. A speed enforcement session was held on 12th July from 12.10 to 12.55 in March Road – no motorist were recorded exceeding the speed limit.
Theft of tricycle in Chapel Lane, Air gun pellet fired at car Wimblington Road Manea, Webb Gardens damage to car screen, Norfolk Street suspicious cold caller and gun shots at Sixteen Foot bank Stonea.
774/13Matters Arising
a) CATS – Further to minute 763/13(a) the Clerk reported that CATS have not removed the items from the car park having been given 7 days notice. Arrangements for M Knight to remove the items will be made.
b)Flag Pole – Further to minute 763/13(c) The Clerk reported that the pole offered by Cllr Knowles was unsuitable and arrangements for a new pole to be sited at the front of the hall would be made.
c) Wimblington Surgery – Further to minute 760/13 –The Chairman reported that talks with the North Witchford Lodge are still progressing. The residents have agreed to the parking, Highways have agreed but the Architect needs to submit the plans again now. Regarding the eviction from Governess Close they are still being evicted on 28th June as it stands at the moment. However, they are hoping that their solicitors and NHS England can negotiate a stay at Governess Close because the solicitors are saying that they should have been given 6 months notice and not one. They will endeavour to stay at Governess Close for as long as possible. The site inspection of the car park has been done and the recommended position from the surveyor, as regards drainage and electricity, is where the recycling bins are so we may have to get plans in place to move those. The Porta cabin can be in place in three weeks.
However, because of problems related to the ownership of Governess Close the surgery is still in occupation and has allowed them further time before they have to consider relocation.
d) Vegetation – Further to complaints of over- hanging vegetation in Norfolk Street highways have written to the occupiers of
numbers 29 & 31 Norfolk Street. P Hart mentioned that she had spoken to the Estate Agent who said that a preservation order was in place. The matter would be referred back to Cambs CC. They had also dealt with issues of vegetation in Church Street.
e) Bridge Lane – Highways have noted the condition of the highway in front of the development at 11 Bridge Lane and will deal with the matter when the development is completed.The condition of the conifers etc as also been noted.
The Clerk reported upon 5 Bridge Lane and the problems related to the ownership of the property. The Clerk would check with one of the owners about cutting back the brambles which could possibly be undertaken by the Community Payback workers.
775/13Income Expenditure
a) The members considered and approved the following accounts for payment
Fenland D CHall rates 120.00
British GasHall maintenance20.00 4.00 24.00
R WrightClerks salary 633.91
Mrs M Moulton Booking Clerk 80.47
R BarkerCaretaker 123.80
Cambs CC Clerks pension 229.33
BTHall telephone55.5811.12 66.70
M DoeRepairs to fencing – allotments 73.68
M A WrightWork at cemetery, hall & recreation ground 65.00
T HampsonGrass cutting1170.00234.001404.00
Fun Day(G Bellard)Advance of funds held 460.00
Green Wood Tree SurgeryTree survey Memorial field and Church yard 395.0079.00 474.00
b) The Clerk presented the Business bank statement No 46 showing a balance of £39,660.59 and Treasurers bank statements No 50 showing a balance of £1,992.54
c) Risk Management & health & Safety – the Clerk to report that regular checks need to be made and recorded.
The Council had received the Tree survey report from Green Wood Tree Surgery which high-lighted some works that needed to be undertaken within three months. The works in the War memorial Field raised concerns as the Fun Day was to be held five days. It was estimated that the required works could cost in the region of £3/£4k and problems with obtaining quotes from other contractors could arise. RERSOLVED – The Chairman would contact Green Wood Tree Surgery to ascertain if works on 1358, 1361,1362 and 1363 could be undertaken. A programme of works should be drawn up and attempts for quotes should be sought and approval authorised by Councillors through e mails.
776/13Planning - Observations on the following applications
FYR13/0381/OS G Nichols land east of 53-57 Doddington Road – three dwellings – objections houses out of character bungalows more appropriate, comments of neighbours should be taken into account and the need for additional lighting on March Road access. Mrs Cody spoke about her concerns about access and type of dwellings.
FYR13/0276/FLand south of 41 Doddington Road – 2 bed dwelling has been withdrawn
FYR13/0396/Scope &Mw Solar Farm Coneywood South Farm Wood Street Doddington – no objection as long as it is screened
FYR13/0410/FA Hales 16 Norfolk Street – front extension – no objections
FYR13/0421/FMr Richardson Waterside 16 Foot Bank Stonea – extension, dormers and balcony – no objections
FYR13/0422/FW King 32 Eastwood End dwelling – previous concerns about removal of any trees
777/13Highway Matters/Street Lighting/Transport
a) Street lights – The old street light column outside the school has still not been removed – The Clerk reported that he had contacted FDC. Cllr Bellard reported that the street light outside 30e March Road was still not working.
b) Footpaths and highway issues
c)JFMHIS – The Chairman reported that the Council were successful in their bid to reduce the speed limit in March and Doddington Road. The estimated cost is £8,000 making the Council’s contribution £800.
778/13Recreation Ground
a) WMPF –J Clarke reported that problems with emptying the bins on the playing field arose because of the nature of rubbish contained (nappies) and plastic bottles. It was agreed that an alternative to relying upon volunteers to empty the bins was required.
The suggestion of further bins being sited in the playing field was made but concerns were raised as to vandalism, even if costly concrete bins were provided, and again the emptying of them. Resolved that the Clerk ascertains whether a contract with FDC could be arranged to empty the bins or Street Pride could arrange a regular collection pick.
The grant application was still pending and no comments from the Fisher – Parkinson Trust had been received.
b) Parkfield – The Accounts for the year ending 31st July 2012 had been circulated and a payment of £224.40 had been received
in respect of the terms of the lease. The lease was up for renewal in 2014 and any concerns that Councillors had could be identified and hopefully rectified. One issue raised was that the status of the operating licence had been altered and that Parkfield did not contribute towards the village. The Clerk reminded Councillors that Parkfield undertook repairs that were the liability of the Council and charity fund raising for village groups were undertaken.
The Chairman asked that each member be sent a set of accounts as a matter of course.
779/13New Cemetery/Churchyard
a) New Cemetery – The Clerk reported that he had spoken to Mick Knight who was prepared to undertake work in the cemetery but a problem with the removal of rubbish was an issue. At present FDC were emptying bins from the top of the cemetery but they needed to be pulled from the soil bay to the top on the day of the collection. Two green and two brown bins were
b) Wimblington St Peters Churchyard – PCC have received a report that highlights that repairs are needed to fencing and the footpath. The Chairperson reported upon the conditions affecting works to a Closed Churchyard and had the Council seen an order closing the Churchyard. RESOLVED – that the Clerk checks the position and establishes the correct status.
780/13Parish hall
a) General matters–The Chairman reported that the Pulmonary Rehab classeswill expire at the end of August 2013
b) Other matters -Cllr Davis had no other matters to report.
781/13Correspondence & Other matters
a) Heritage Lottery Fund - HLF funds a broad range of activities that help people of all ages explore their heritage together. These can range from small scale events, exhibitions and workshops to larger projects that include training, volunteering, conservation and restoration. From 2013 we have a range of new programmes with grants starting at £3,000.
Heritage Lottery Fund will be at March Town Hall on Thursday 18 July from 10am.
b) Community Champion Scheme - The Community Champion Scheme has recently been rolled out across the county thanks to a partnership between Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service (CFRS) and Cambridgeshire ACRE. The scheme has been designed to promote home fire safety throughout Cambridgeshire and Peterborough using local volunteers who are known as Community Champions. Community Champions encourage local residents to carry out fire safety checks in their homes, visit community groups and educate about fire safety and escape plans.
c) REG Power has invited Cambridgeshire Community Foundation to help with the administration of the Burnthouse Farm Wind Farm fund – Parishes that lie within a 3 mile radius of the wind farm will benefit.The Chairman reported that the radius had been extended to 5 miles and she would be prepared to represent the Council
d) Beacon – Cllr Jolley felt that if placed outside the beacon would deteriorate with 12 months and would be best left in store until required.
e) Rural Cambs CAB – Due to limited resources the August Outreach service would not take place.
f) Cambs ACRE – The Clerk presented members with the password to access the site.
782/13Date of Next Meeting- 10th September2013 – Meeting closed at 20.50
PUBLIC TIME – No member of the public had an issue to raise