Minutes of OASIS SDO TC Inaugural Conference Call
Call date: 29November2007
Call time: 11:30AM to 01:30 PMEasternStandardTime
This meeting is the kickoff meeting for the SDO 3.0 TC in OASIS.
Welcome by Shawn Moe (IBM), TC convener. Most of the TC members have come from the OSOA SDO work group. It is good to see some new members, however. We look forward to working together to make SDO 3.0 successful in the industry.
- Cesar Andrei (BEA)
- Bryan Aupperle (IBM)
- Fuhwei Lwo (IBM)
- Shawn Moe (IBM)
- Frank Budinsky (IBM)
- Henning Blohm (SAP)
- Stefan Bunning (SAP)
- Ulf von Mersersky (SAP)
- Ron Barack (SAP)
- Francois Huaulme (Xcalia)
- Eric Samson (Xcalia)
- Christophe Boutard (Xcalia)
- Jessie Davis (Progress Software)
- Charlton Barreto (Adobe)
- Blaise Doughan (Oracle)
- Mike Johnson (Data Direct)
- Jamie Clark (OASIS)
- Mary McCrae (OASIS)
Proposal for 2 co-chairs – proposed by Ron, seconded by Charlton, unanimous agreement
Nomination for Ron Barack by Shawn Moe
Nomination for Frank Budinsky by Henning Blohm
Co-chairs unanimously accepted
Meeting hand off to Frank and Ron as the new co-chairs
OASIS rules discussion by Jamie Clark
1)Charters can be changed, but this is highly discouraged. Charter is very important to se the scope of the TC.
2)See the TC policies and Procedures link from OASIS home page
3)Intellectual Properties Rights (IPR) policy
4)Mary McRae is resource for standards and any spec release
Standing Rules -
Bryan suggests that binding web ballots will be accepted. Seconded by Charlton, unanimous approval
Roles on the project -
- We’d like to identify people responsible for certain tasks. Ron suggests we have “editor” positions that are responsible for executing the resolution of the TC. In other TC’s, the editor (editorial team) have wide latitude to make the changes; the TC would vote on the resulting text.Charlton (Adobe) is interested in helping coordinate this. Shawn (IBM) would also be interested in helping. Let’s not assign permanent roles for a short while, after the team has had a chance to “gel” a bit. Also, there may be technical writers involved that are not active members of this group.
Scribe – rotating system is proposed. There is no great interest by anyone to be a permanent scribe. More details on how to do this shortly – company by company, is the duration one meeting, one month, etc.
What is process for bringing technical content into OASIS?
- How do we get information from our OSOA JIRA to OASIS? The SCA TC’s are using JIRA. These appear to be new JIRA databases however – some OASIS restrictions/requirements would be needed in order to bring OSOA JIRA in. SCA has not just continued with their current JIRAs.
- Issues get tracked and state managed via JIRA, but all discussions are via the SDO list. (Can the JIRA be configured to email to the new SDO list?)
- Wiki can also be used. OSOA has a wiki that we can use
- SCA JIRA’s are not hosted by OASIS as the OASIS IT staff can’t support this. They are hosted by OSOA. It is not clear that Xcalia cannot continue to host this. Mary indicated that it is not possible for JIRA emails to be automatically forwarded to the OASIS SDO mail list. Mike Edwards (IBM) can help us create a JIRA system on OSOA (it might already exist)
- We’d need contribution statements for any of the documents that are in the YahooGroup/OSOA that are to be moved to OASIS.
- We’ll need some volunteers to look at this issue.
There is some interest in a "Subcommittee for each language". Historically we’ve had problems keeping Java and C++ specs, for example, in sync. We’ll need a new process to accomplish this, going forward.
Current SDO meeting time conflicts with 2-3 SCA meetings. It is recommended that we change the time to not overlap with any of the SCA calls. Proposal is to move it to 12-1 PM (Eastern Time) on Tuesdays. Motion carries. Ron proposes that we use a better web conference/chat room for our meetings. It is being used in the SCA TC’s. This is an OASIS approved web based chat room. The link will be something like http;//webconf.soaphub.org/confrom-sdo-TC. This will need to get set up and then be linked in the OASIS calendar, etc.
There is no set ownership for hosting the calls. Some TCs rotate call hosting. Currently Oracle hosts the OSOA SDO calls on Thursday. We will work out the details of the call offline. Adobe has donated Acrobat Connect (Flash based) which provides for joint editing of documents, etc. Mary will send information to TC list on how to use this.
F2F meeting has been proposed during second week in January. Berlin and Toronto have been previously proposed as locations. Jan 10-11 in Berlin is the current proposal on the table. OASIS symposium (theme is SCA) is in late April in SF Bay area is also a possibility. TC has now formalized on the F2F on Jan 10-11 in Berlin. Details will be available very soon.
Next meeting will be at the new time next week – Tuesday, December 4 @ 12-1PM (Eastern). Ron will distribute the call in information.
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