Department of Environmental Conservation
Water Quality Division
1229 Portland Street
Department of Fish and Wildlife St.Johnsbury, VT05819
Department of Forests, Parks & Recreation
Department of Environmental Conservation Fax 802-748-6687
Tel 802-751-0129
Town of Burke
212 School St.,
West Burke, VT05871
Attn.: Mike Harris
Permit #: SA-7-0709
Dry Hydrant, WestBranchPassumpsicRiver
This project, consisting of installation of a dry hydrant located on the West Branch of the PassumpsicRiver off Hayden Crossing Road in the Town of Burke is hereby approved, under the above named statutes, subject to the following conditions:
- This project shall be accomplished according to the plans prepared by Troy Dare dated 08/24/10 which have been stamped "APPROVED" by the Water Quality Division. No changes shall be made to the approved plans without prior written approval from the permitting authority.
- The contractor's equipment shall be clean and well maintained, free of fuel, hydraulic and gear oil leaks, especially if such equipment is to be used to work in or adjacent to the water.
- There shall be no discharge of uncured concrete to stream flow.
- Pumping from excavation areas shall be discharged to an overland area or settling basins such that the effluent shall be essentially clarified before reentering the stream flow.
- All areas of streambank disturbed during construction shall be suitably reshaped and stabilized with stone fill or a vegetative planting prior to completion of the project. Strictly limit extent of streambank disturbance. Maintain all established vegetation possible.
- The method of installation shall be that which presents the least disturbance of stream flow and results in minimal discharge of turbidity or sediment downstream.
- Work shall be accomplished during the period June 1 October 1.
- The conditions of this permit shall be made a part of the bid package for prospective contractors and shall be made a part of the signed contract between the permittee and its selected contractor.
- By acceptance of this permit the permittee agrees to allow representatives of the State of Vermont access to the property covered by the permit at reasonable times, for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with Vermont environmental and health statutes and regulations and with this approval.
- Pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Chapter 220, any appeal of this decision must be filed with the clerk of the Environmental Court within 30 days of the date of the decision. The appellant must attach to the Notice of Appeal the entry fee of $225.00, payable to the state of Vermont. The Notice of Appeal must specify the parties taking the appeal and the statutory provision under which each party claims party status; must designate the act or decision appealed from; must name the Environmental Court; and must be signed by the appellant or their attorney. In addition, the appeal must give the address or location and description of the property, project or facility with which the appeal is concerned and the name of the applicant or any permit involved in the appeal. The appellant must also serve a copy of the Notice of Appeal in accordance with Rule 5(b)(4)(B) of the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings. For further information, see the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings, available on line at The address for the Environmental Court is 2418 Airport Road, Suite 1, Barre, VT 05641-8701 (Tel. # 802-479-4487)
- This permit expires on October 1, 2011 and can be revoked at any time inspection reveals that compliance is not being made with the above conditions.
This approval does not relieve you of the responsibility of obtaining permission from the affected property owners, nor the responsibility of obtaining other necessary State or Federal permits.
If the project is constructed as you have described, as shown on the above referenced approved plans and according to the above conditions, there is no reason to expect any violation of Vermont Water Quality Standards.
Dated at St. Johnsbury, VT this 9th day of September, 2010
Justin Johnson, Commissioner
Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation
Barry Cahoon, P.E.
River Management Engineer
cc: Reg Smith, Environmental Enforcement Officer (e-copy)
Jud Kratzer, District Fisheries Biologist (e-copy)
Marty Abair, Corps of Engineers (e-copy)
Troy Dare (e-copy)