April 25, 2008
Knight Campus – Room 3082/2083
Agenda Item / Goal / Topic,Summary of Discussion / Decision,
Next Step(s) / Person Responsible, Due Date
/ Information / Attendance sheet circulated. / Attendees:
Maureen McGarry, Peter Woodberry, Roberta Mournighan, Jeanne Nordquist, Allison Petro,
Bill LeBlanc, Beverly Pepe, Sharon Perkins, Jeanne Mullaney / J. Mullaney
2.Previous Meeting Minutes / Vote / March 27, 2008 meeting minutes reviewed andapproved. / Posted on the CCRI Web Site (Yvonne Kadelski) / Committee Members
3.Announcements/ Updates / Information / The F.I.N. Conference 5/14/08
Attendance is encouraged. Embedded assignments are the topic. Pilot project participants are sending in samples of direct and indirect evidence of students’ critical thinking ability for CCRI’s presentation. Allison and Jeanne will use these and feedback from the meeting on May 12thto prepare their presentation for the conference.
NEEAN Summer Institute, 6/5/08-6/6/08 at Keene State College, This is an opportunity for teams to work on issues specific to their institutions. / Attendance / J. Mullaney and interested committee members
Allied Health / Information / Sharon Perkins described the assessment process in her department and noted that her initial reactions to assessment requirements were “What do you mean? How do you do it? And Where do you start?” Here best advice to colleagues is to begin by writing a mission statement and then write goals from that mission. After outcomes have been identified, program directors must identify tools to assess the outcomes and can change tools if they find that they aren’t telling them what they need to know.
In Radiography, they assess all goals every year using various direct (AART, performance assessment)and indirect assessment tools, such as employer surveys and graduate surveys.
Students admitted are from all levels of ability; therefore, completion rate is set on students enrolled in spring semester of first year.
The ARRT Certification Exam is divided into sections so that strengths and weaknesses are apparent. Allied Health also uses.
Examples of changes that have been made in the program because of assessment include adding a written research project on radiography to improve communication skills, changing the order of the anatomy courses, and adding new laboratory activities.
Sharon added, “If you have a standard to which to teach, it makes it so much clearer.” And “The objectives also help to keep us on track and give students the vocabulary they need to ask questions.” / S. Perkins
5.Questions and Response / Information / Question: Could assessment information be posted on web?
Question: How do you define the cohort? / Committee Members
6.Plan for THINKing LEARNing conference 2008 / Information / The second annual Critical Thinking conference for CCRI faculty will be held on Thursday May 22nd from 8:30am to 3:30pm at the Knight Campus. There will be four main parts:
Part I: Reference Librarian’s Look at the Research Project: Making Use of the Library’s Electronic Database Collections.
Kathryn Blessing, Dorcas Haller, Catherine Poirier, and Marla Wallace will present.
Part II: The Writing Process: Developing Research Questions, Evaluating and Using Sources, Documenting Citations, and Dealing with Mechanics Althea Allard, KathyBeauchene, GinaSantoro, KarenM.Petit(directorofWarwickWritingCenter) will present.
Part III: Legal Research for Non-Law Faculty: Using LexisNexis Academic
Kathryn Blessing, Dorcas Haller, Catherine Poirier, and Marla Wallace will present.
Part IV: Constructing a Scoring Rubric for Your Research Project-Beverly Pepe and Jeanne Mullaney will present. / J. Mullaney
7. Report from Critical Thinking Subcommittee / Information / Jeanne reminded the committee that we need to present our assessment of the General Education outcomes at the August ASAC meeting of the RI Board of Governors. At that time, we will present evidence from our pilot project. When the CT committee meets on May 12, we will also discuss what worked and what didn’t and look to strengthen the project for the next year. / J. Mullaney
8. Report on presentations to RIBGHE / Information / The calendar of reports is almost concluded. The May, June and August meetings remain and then we will have reported for all of our programs. Most programs have been recommended for the first or second level of approval. Those that have been recommended for the second will be asked to return next year to discuss the implementation of their program assessments, the results and the actions they plan to take according to those results. / J. Mullaney
9. Wrap-Up / Information / Jeanne Mullaney thanked the committee for their attendance and participation and wished everyone an enjoyable summer. / J. Mullaney/
Committee Members
10. Adjournment / Closure / Meeting adjourned: 1:35pm / J. Mullaney
Learning Evidence Team
4/25/08 Meeting Outcomes
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