Criteria for Presenting your Projects


Use this format whether you are presenting an update or your final presentation.

A) Use audio-visual aids (or any other technology) to make your message the strongest.

(POWERPOINT, hand outs, overheads, slides, maps, etc.)

B) Presentation:

1. 1 person at the podium at a time.

2. Introduce yourself

group members

Your topic.

3. Introduce your topic

4. Identify the issue.

5. Explain what has been done by your group to investigate the topic.

6. Present the topic/issue itself.

What is the issue and what are the opposing sides to it?

7. Conclude - what you covered today

- Where you intend to go next in your project from what you have presented today.

- Present you recommendations for change.

C) Professional expectations

1. Know your material. You must know what you are talking about.

2. Present your material in an organized manner - using the best technology available. Remember, you want to make your message as powerful as possible. That is accomplished by the organization and presentation of you material - not by how strong your convictions are.

3. Present yourself professionally

a. Speak clearly and articulately

b. Dress professionally - dress as you would for a very important interview.

4. Identify your sources.

Present them in APA format:

Mooers, H. (1999) How to present an environmental issue.Journal of Environmental Issues.Vol. 1, No. 1.Pp 2-5. Duluth.

5. You will always present both a written report with your oral presentation. For formatting guidelines, refer to the following url:

Click on "Thesis Formatting Guidelines" under item #5.

D. For updates, present in 20 minutes with 5 minutes for questions

For Final presentation, present in 50-55 minutes with 10 minutes for questions.

E. Your group will select a team manager for each assignment. Each team member must serve as a team manager. I suggest you strategize for both presenters and team managers so that you allow for your strengths in management and presentation. For example, often, the most shy person waits until the end of the term. This puts that person in the position of presenting the most difficult material to the most difficult audience. That approach can result in a set-up for less than optimal performance.

F. Each of you are expected to present peer grades for each assignment - including a self-assessment. THESE ARE DUE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE CLASS PERIOD WHEN THE PRESENTATION IS GIVEN.

Finally, you have some great ideas! Now we want you to get them across so that you are heard!!