PA to CEO and Administrator
Job Description
This is a new role, working for the charity FareShare South West. The Chief Executive is reducing her hours to three days per week, so we envisage employing a Personal Assistant and Administrator for two days a week. This post requires a range of administrative skills, including managing financial, admin and HR systems. FareShare South West has 5 full time staff and 2 part time staff.
- Job based at FareShare South West, Unit 4 Little Ann Street, St Judes, Bristol,
BS2 9EB.Community Initiatives South West Limited (which is known as FareShare South West) is a registered charity and is a franchise of the national charity FareShare (the UK's leading food charity)
- 15 hours per week. This will include 2 consecutive days, either Mon-Tues or Thurs-Fri
- Salary: £21,000 pro rata
- Holidays: 25 pro rata
Closing date for applications: 29/04/2016
Roles and responsibilities.
Policies and Procedures
- Manage, develop and review policies annually, including financial administration, food hygiene and safety, health and safety, manual handling
- Ensure all relevant staff members are updated and hold relevant certificates as above
- Develop and maintain adherence to relevant industry standards, such as ISO14001
Support for Board of Directors
- Provide administrative support for the Board of Directors, including collating and circulating relevant documents and paperwork in preparation for Board meetings
- Be responsible for submitting annual returns including HMRC, Company House and the Charity Commission.
- Oversee annual renewals including insurance, subscriptions etc.
- Work closely with the book keeper and relevant departments to manage credit control and invoicing
- Maintain and populate financial reports as requested by the CEO and Board of Directors
- Research and implement cost savings in various departments, e.g. Van leases, energy providers and other suppliers
- Be responsible for purchasing stationery, cleaning products and other equipment as and when required
- Maintain Petty Cash records
- Pay in cheques and keep financial paperwork (Remittance advice and invoices) organised for the book keeper
- Administer the expenditure of grant funds and report on monitoring requests from funders as and when needed
- Working closely with an outside fundraiser, send letters for donations, send thank you letters, keep database up to date and send seasonal cards and reports
- Research and flag up new potential funding streams and help in the development of applications
- Monitor and keep up to date contracts, personnel files and contact details of the staff team
- Manage pensions in line with government changes
- Manage monthly staff supervision meetings for the CEO
- Organise monthly strategic meetings, develop agenda, take minutes and keep staff team informed.
- Working with the CEO, manage personnel and development for thestaff and volunteer teams.
- With the team, keep websites and social media sites up to date with news and posts
- Be involved in press enquiries, press releases and marketing campaigns
Day to day admin
- Open and respond to post, emails and telephone calls, meet visitors and act as receptionist
- Be prepared to support other areas of the charity as and when needed
Person specification
Essential knowledge, skills & experience – evidence required
- At least 2 years’ experience of working in at least two of the following areas: HR, finance, fundraising, charity
- Experience of supervising/managing staff or volunteers
- Knowledge of HR processes
- Ability to develop, initiate and maintain administrative systems and procedures
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
- Experience of financial management
- Good administrative and organisational ability
- Problem solver and competent decision maker
- IT literate with a working knowledge of Microsoft Office applications
Desirable knowledge, skills & experience
- Experience of supporting volunteers
- Experience of taking responsibility for health and safety issues
- Experience of marketing campaigns, including an understanding of the role of social media
- Experience of fundraising
- Experience of health and safety in the food industry
- Presentation skills
Data Protection Act 1985
The information or data which you have supplied on this form will be processed and held on computer, and will also be processed and held on your personal records if appointed. The data may be processed by FareShare South West for the purposes of equality monitoring, compiling statistics, and for keeping of other employment records.
By signing and returning this application form you will be deemed to be giving your explicit consent to processing of data contained or referred to on it, including any information which may be considered to be sensitive personal data.
Confidential - Office use only:
Post applied for:
Home/mobile telephone no.: Work telephone no.
Please note that in line with our Equal Opportunities policy, your name will be removed from the application form before those involved in recruitment and selection of this post see it.
FareShare South West is committed to the successful development of an equal opportunities policy in relation to the recruitment and selection of employees. To assist with the monitoring of this policy, we would be grateful if you could COMPLETE THE DETAILS BELOW AND RETURN THE FORM WITH YOUR APPLICATION. The monitoring form does not constitute any part of the short listing or interview process. If you choose not to complete this section, your application will not be affected. The purpose of this section is purely to gain general information about the composition of the applicants within FareShare South West and all details given will be strictly confidential.
- I would describe my ethnic origin as:
BritishWhite and Black Caribbean
IrishWhite and Black African
Any other white background (please state below)White and Asian
Any other mixed background (please state below)
Asian BritishBlack British
BangladeshiAny other Black background
Any other Asian background (please state)
(please state)
Any other (please state below)
- I would describe my gender as:
Male Female
3.My age is:
16-1920-2930-39 40-49 50-59 60+
6.Do you consider yourself to have a disability YES / NO
If yes, could you give a brief description of your disability
7.Where did you hear about this vacancy with FareShare South West?
Thank you for your cooperation.
FareShare SOUTH WEST equal opportunities statement
FareShare South West seeks to be an organisation that serves homeless people in all their diversity. We will therefore encourage any person or organisation with whom we are connected to adopt equal opportunities practices and policies. This includes existing and potential staff, trustees, volunteers, partners, service users and contractors.
Post applied for:
PA /AdministratorWhere did you see this post advertised?
Telephone: Home Work
Can we call you at work? YES/NO
Please ensure that your name and address are included on the Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form.
EMPLOYMENTHISTORY – Please give details of your employment history. Continue on a separate sheet if necessary.
Present/ Last employers name and address / From: To(Mth/ Yr) / Job title and main tasks / Final Salary/ reason for leaving
TRAINING – Please give details of any course (external and internal) undertaken within the last ten years (including dates and length of courses etc).
QUALIFICATIONS (Academic/ professional)
Place of Education / From/To / Subject / Qualifications obtainedDISCLOSURE OF CONVICTIONS – Have you ever been convicted of any offence, which is not considered ‘spent’
YES/NO (if yes, please give details on a separate sheet)
What is your notice period and, if successful, when could you take up your appointment?
REFERENCES – Please give details below of two people whom we may contact for references, one of whom should be your present/ last employer.
Name: / Name:Job Title: / Job Title:
Address: / Address:
Phone No: / Phone No:
Relationship to you: / Relationship to you:
Please note FareShare South West will not approach referees unless your application is successful.
SUPPORTING INFORMATION - Please use the space overleaf to explain why you fulfill the requirements of the post for which you are applying and any relevant unpaid/voluntary work experience that meet the requirements of the person specification.
You may continue on one A4 sheet only.
Data Protection Act 1985
The information or data which you have supplied on this form will be processed and held on computer, and will also be processed and held on your personal records if appointed. The data may be processed by FareShare South West for the purposes of equality monitoring, compiling statistics, and for keeping of other employment records.
By signing and returning this application form you will be deemed to be giving your explicit consent to processing of data contained or referred to on it, including any information which may be considered to be sensitive personal data.
Please email to If sent by email signature is assumed.
Or print and send you application to:
Jacqui Reeves
FareShare South West
Unit 4 Little Ann Street
St Judes
Bristol BS2 9EB
Thank you.