New Testament Honors
Spring Semester 2016Syllabus
Instructor: Ms. Abby Johnsen
Hours: 7:25- 3:45
Room # 111
Course Description: In this course students will explore key themes, characters, and events in the New Testament and recognizing Jesus Christ as the fulfillment of the messianic covenant. Students will also gain a deeper understanding in Biblical inspiration, the Gospels, Pauline Letters, and course text.
Course Materials: Textbook (Understanding the Scriptures), Holy Bible, Praying Scriptures with a Change by Tim Gray, notebook, planner, writing utensil, folder
Spiritual Read: Each student will need to purchasePraying Scriptures with a Change by Tim Gray. Throughout the course of the semester, each student will read this prayer book on an introduction of Lectio Divina. There will be notes, quizzes, and reflections which correspond with this outside class assignment. Students will need to purchase this book at Holy Trinity. The cost is $12.53 including tax, cheaper than elsewhere. This book will be needed byJanuary 11th.
Projects: Students will be completing multiple projects throughout the semester includingparable & epistle projects, and multipleresearch and reflection papers.
Class Policies:
A. Assessments
1. Class work:notes, discussion, assigned readings, small group work
2. Home work:written assignments
3. Projects:multiple throughout semester
4. Quizzes:frequently, unannounced
5. Tests:after each major section of material, midterm, and final exam
B. Grading
1. Your semester grade for this class is comprised of 10% the final and 90% total points of all assignments, quizzes, projects. Below is the diocesan grading scale.
2. Work that is not readable or not done according to the directions will not receive full credit
A+ 99-100A 94-98A- 92-93
B+ 90-91B 85-89B- 83-84
C+ 81-82C 76-80C- 74-75
D+ 72-73D 67-71D- 65-66F Below 65
C. Late Work
1. Excused Absences:
- It is the student’s responsibility to get all make-up work (notes, assignments, quizzes, and tests)
- All work, quizzes, and/or tests must be completed within two days of returning from an excused absence
- Work not turned in after two days on returning from an excused absence will receive a zero
- See me about scheduling a day to make-up quizzes and test
2. Assignments
- Late assignments will receive half credit for the first two days after the due date and will then not be accepted.
- Work submitted late due to unexcused absences will receive zero credit.
D. Appointments
- As stated above Miss Johnsen’s office hours are 7:25-3:45. I have meetings every Tuesday morning so will be unavailable to students. Feel free to make appointments or stop by for tutoring, questions, comments, or to make up quizzes/tests.
E. Inappropriate Behavior
- Students are to follow the Bishop Carroll Student Handbook.
- Students are to be respectful of the teacher, neighbor and property.
- Cheating: copying homework from another student, cheat sheets on tests and quizzes, any communication during a test or quiz, plagiarism
- The use of profanity is disrespectful, offensive, and contrary to Christian values and will not be tolerated.
- Any student sleeping will receive first a warning and the proceeding incidents of occurrence will result in a school detention.
- Students causing consistent disruption, disrespect, or lack of cooperation will result in just punishment in the following order:
1st Offense: Warning
2nd Offense: After Class Discussion
3rd Offense: Detention
4th Offense: Parent Conference
5th Offense: Meeting with Administration
* I have a right to distribute demerits at any time for any school violations or misconduct.
- Consequences: Will vary depending on the nature of the behavior: time after class or after school, demerit(s), detention(s), a written essay, an apology, an email or phone call home, or other consequences that better suit the behavior.
F. Classroom Procedures
- Before the bell to begin class or after class: Ask questions about assignments, getting make-up work (bathroom – drink) before or after class
- Beginning class: In seat when bell rings, stand to pray, begin immediately, have materials out and ready to go
- Turning in work: Due at the beginning of class – last minute completion (stapling papers, filling in unfinished blanks) is considered late
- In class work: Individual, pair work, small group – low volume and on task
- End of class: Even if the bell has rung, wait to pack up until you are excused, ladies will leave the room first!
G. BYODP: Bring Your own Device Policy
- Any student interested in using an electronic device (laptop, kindle, ipad) for note taking or other studying methods must sign the BYODP before the use of any electronic use.
- Miss Johnsen does not tolerate cell phones of any kind to be used as part of the BYODP. If any cell phone is SEEN or HEARD it will immediately be confiscated and a school detention must be served before its return to owner.
H. Accommodations
- If you have a need, special accommodations, seating, medical condition, etc. please communicate it to me early so that I can do whatever I need to in order to help you.
- If you need extra help before or after school just let me know – I am here to help you!
------(Due Back on ______) ------
Parents:Please read through this with your child, and then sign it and print your email address below.As a Catholic school, we recognize parents as first educators of their children. During this course, I will be building on the faith foundation that you have established in your family. I look forward to teaching your child and hopefully meeting you at the parent walk through and conferences.My school email is posted on top of syllabi and BCCHS website if you need to contact me for any reason.
Student Name (PRINT): ______
Parent Signature: ______