Meg Cage in Space

(Unit 5 Week 5)

At Meg’s spaceship job, it was a slow day. The cold wind was gusting. Few people would be traveling into space that day.

Meg petted her cat, Ginger. Then the door flew open. A big dog raced in, wagging its tail.

After the dog came a little girl and a man with a big scarf. “We’ve got to go to the Moon today,” said the man. “Can you take us that far into space?”

Meg didn’t think twice. “Yes, I can!” she said. Meg and her passengers raced out to the field and got in Meg’s new spaceship. She glanced at the flag and saw that the wind was still gusting.

Meg was certain that there would be no problems. She urged her passengers to buckle up.

Meg gave her spaceship some gas and it gained speed. She said, “When we reach six hundred miles per hour, I’ll get us some spice cookies and cocoa.”

As Meg got the snacks, a gigantic comet zoomed by the window. “We named that comet Pig,” Meg said as she zigzagged by it.

Soon, the Moon’s space manager called. He pointed out a place to land. The girl gave Meg a big hug and said that it was a fantastic trip. A smile lit up Meg’s face. It was another job well done!

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