Agency Sustainability Tracking, Reporting and Plan Update form

Fiscal Year 2005 (July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005)

MA State Sustainability Program

Section 1. FY05 Operational Data


Name:___Joanne Soczek______Agency/Department: Fitchburg State College

Phone: (978)665-3756______Email:__

* Please remember to indicate units of measurement used if different from measure listed



FY05 Data



/ Cost / Notes
Building Energy Use
Electricity / 9,637,273 / KWh / $1,407,173 / Includes $354,064 for Energy Management System provided by NORESCO
Natural Gas / 122,719 / therms / $707,797 / All fuel expenses– natural gas, #6 and #2 oil combined
Fuel Oil #2 / 77,308 / gallons / $
Fuel Oil #4 / N/A / barrels / $ N/A
Fuel Oil #6 / 549497 / gallons / $ N/A
Biodiesel / N/A / Gallons / $ N/A / e.g. B20
Renewables / N/A / $ N/A / Type:
Other (e.g. Steam) / N/A / $ N/A
Vehicle Fuel Use
Gasoline / gallons / $23,249 / Gasoline and diesel fuel for vehicles, grounds equipment and emergency generators.
Low Sulphur Diesel / N/A / gallons / $
Ultra low sulphur Diesel / N/A / gallons / $
Regular Diesel / 375.5 / gallons / $ / 5 diesel engines/generators
Biodiesel / N/A / gallons / $ / e.g. B20
CNG / N/A / gallons / $
Propane / N/A / gallons / $
Ethanol / N/A / gallons / $
Gasohol / N/A / gallons / $
Water Use
Water / N/A / $
Sewer (if separate) / 33,519,675 / $190,211 / Waste water metered by City of Fitchburg
Solid Waste and Recycling (see Appendix I for common volume/weight conversions)
Solid Waste total * / 12,981.5 / yds / $65,229 / Maximum capacity of all dumpsters for solid waste, no exact tonnage available from BFI.
Recycling total * / 181.47 / Tons / $3,643 / $3,643 for electronics, lamps and batteries only.
Recycling Programs / Y/N / Amount / Units / $ Cost / Notes
Mixed Paper / Y / 68.7 / tons / $0 / Picked up at no cost by BFI
Cardboard / Y / $ / Picked up at no cost by BFI
Mixed Cans & Bottles / Y / $ / Deposit b/c collected by clubs and staff; no quantities available.
Toner Cartridges / Y / $ / Donated to local charity; no quantities available.
Lawn and Yard Waste / Y / 92.5 / tons / $ / Most composted on-site, some brought to landfill composting site
Food Waste / N / $
Scrap Metal / Y / $’ / Two 30 yd dumpsters, no tonnage available.
Other C&D Waste / Y / 1.63 / tons / $ / Included in solid waste cost
White Goods / Y / 2.59 / tons / $ / Included in solid waste cost
Electronics/Computers / Y / 14.55 / tons / $ / Recycled through IRN.
Batteries / Y / 0.49 / tons / $ / Recycled through IRN.
Cell Phones / Y / $ / Donated to local charity; no quantities available
Other__Fluorescent Bulbs / Y / 1.01 / tons / $ / Recycled through IRN.
Section 2. Sustainability Plan Update

Instructions: This part of the form is designed to help state agencies meet the requirement in Executive Order No. 438 to provide annual Sustainability Plan Updates (SPUDs). The purpose of these SPUDs is to ensure that agencies are engaged in a process of continuous improvement and that sustainability efforts do not halt or become stagnant. This checklist is meant to facilitate provision of annual updates on these plans to the State Sustainability Coordinating Council. If you are not required to submit a plan, please proceed to section 3. If you do not know whether your agency is required to submit a plan, please contact state sustainability staff.

Agency Name: FitchburgState College______

Agency Sustainability Coordinator: Joanne Soczek______

I. Sustainability Team Activity:

Our agency/campus has a sustainability teamX Yes No

Our sustainability team meets:

At least every other month

X A few times a year

We have met only once or twice

Our team does not meet:

But we have plans to meet within the next several months

And we do not currently plan to do so

Team members:

The name and title of the chair of our Sustainability Team is: Joanne Soczek______

We have ___4 (number) members on our Sustainability Team. (Please list members below)

NamePosition/ Title

Jay Bry______Assistant Vice President of Administrative Services______

Joanne Soczek______Environmental Health & Safety Officer______

David Petrucci______Chief Engineer- Power Plant______

Doreen Ares______Director of Procurement______




II. Sustainability Plan Review:

Our agency/campus has submitted a sustainability planX Yes No

If you have said no and you are required to complete one, please say if and when you plan to complete your plan: mo/day/yr ______. Then please proceed to Section 3 on page 7.

Section 2. Sustainability Plan Update Checklist Cont…

If you have submitted a sustainability plan, have you reviewed the plan since it was written?

YesX No

If No, do you have any plans to review your sustainability plan during FY06?

X Yes No

Please describe plans: The Team will meet in January 06 and review the goals set out in the Plan.

If yes, has the plan been amended/revised in any way? YesX No

Please check how the plan has been changed:

Deadline/timeline has been altered

Personnel responsibilities have changed

Sustainability objective has been modified

Please provide more detail if available:______


Do you have a process in place to review your Sustainability Plan on an annual (or more frequently) basis? X Yes No

If yes, please describe:

The Team will meet at least quarterly and review internal audits and gather data to assess goals. Goals will be reset, adjusted as needed.

If you have amended or revised your plan, please provide that document electronically to:

Eric Friedman: or Ian Finlayson:

III. Sustainability Plan Objectives

Have one or more of your sustainability plan’s short-term objectives been achieved?

YesX No

If no, have you initiated efforts to achieve one or more objectives?X Yes No

We have applied for a grant to enhance our recycling capabilities.

Have you achieved any sustainability objectives not listed in your plan? YesX No

Please list all objectives achieved here:

Objective Achieved /

Date Achieved

If you have specific information about any of the above objectives listed, are you included this information in the Sustainability activities section below (Section 3 of this form)?

Yes No

State Sustainability Reporting Form and Plan Update FY05 Page 1 of 7

Section 4. Future Plans and Projects

To help the Commonwealth develop a simple model of likely future trends and progress towards meeting our State government goals for GHG reduction, waste reduction and water conservation, we are requesting information on any agency level future plans that are likely to affect your environmental impacts . The primary impacts come from new capital projects and retrofits driven by expansion and modernization plans that might be described in a Strategic or 5-year plan.

  1. Agency Strategic / Long-term Plans

1.1 Does your agency/college have a Strategic or long-term plan that impacts facilities and or staffing? XYes No

1.2 If YES, does this plan include expansion or contraction in staffing and facilities, and over what time period? X Expansion Contraction

Time period: 2004-2009
  1. New Construction / Capital Projects

2.1 Does your agency/college currently have any new buildings under construction? Yes XNo

2.2Does your agency/college have any plans for new building construction or expansion in the next 5 years? XYes No

Feasability studies are ongoing to evaluate our sciences building.

  1. Retrofits for Existing Buildings / Facilities Maintenance
  2. Does your agency/college have any plans in place for future energy and/or water retrofit projects (not including existing projects with DCAM)?

YesX No

  1. Renewable Energy/Water/Waste reduction

4.1 Does your agency/college have any plans for future Renewable Energy installations? Yes X No

4.2Does your agency/college have any planned projects for Water conservation? Yes XNo

4.3Does your agency/college have any planned projects for Waste reduction and/or Recycling? XYes No

If you answered Yes to any of the questions above, please describe the project details, and provide data where available, on the anticipated impacts on energy/water use and waste generation that you anticipate using the forms on the next page.

Section 4. Future Plans and Projects Details

Current / Future Project Name:FeasibilityStudy-CondikeSciencesBuilding

Project Type: / New ConstructionRenewable EnergyWaste/Recycling
Building Retrofit Water Conservation XOther
Facility Info:
(sqft, Bldg type) / CondikeSciencesBuilding
Contact Name: / Joanne Soczek
Contact Phone: / 978-665-3756 / Contact Email: /
Project Description: / Feasability studies are ongoing to evaluate our sciences building, to determine if a remodel, renovation or a new science building will meet our needs best
Capital Cost: / Savings (if relevant):
Expected Results (env. and other benefits) / No further details are available at this time.

Current / Future Project Name : FSC Recycles

Project Type: / New ConstructionRenewable EnergyXWaste/Recycling
Building Retrofit Water Conservation Other
Facility Info:
(sqft, Bldg type)
Contact Name: / Joanne Soczek
Contact Phone: / 978-665-3756 / Contact Email: /
Project Description: / Expand mixed fibers recycling capacity, and increase recycling by 25%.
Capital Cost: / $9385 / Savings (if relevant):
Expected Results (env. and other benefits) / This goal will be achieved with the funding requested in the FY06 SustainabilityPilot Project Application for Fitchburg State College.

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