1st Grade SBR Math Outline

Ideas for Assessment: The following list is only a suggestion. There are many other assessment tools for you to utilize or create.


·  Oral/Slate assessments

·  Ongoing student performance-based observations/anecdotal records (journal pages, whole/small/partner games & activities, calendar time, teacher-led small group instruction (RTI-Level 1 teacher supports)

·  Any notations/checklists from integration of curriculum (any math concepts included from science, Lang Arts, etc.

·  End of Unit Test (Part A)-Part B may be used to determine ‘exceeds’

·  Recognizing Student Achievement-* activities in EDM Teacher manuals

·  DEA data

·  ISBE Common Formative Assessments

·  Baseline/ End of Year Assessments


Skill / TR1 / TR2 / TR3
Knowledge of Numbers
Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3 / Unit 2 (Part B), Unit 3, Unit 4, Unit 4, Unit 6, Unit 7 (Part B), Unit 9 / Unit 4 (Part B), Unit 5, Unit 6, Unit 7, Unit 8 (Part B), Unit 10
Solves word problems with basic facts using coins and other manipulatives / M= Solves word problems with modeling and support using manipulatives/tools / M=Begins to solve problems independently by using strategies and manipulatives / M= Solves problems independently that are read by self or by someone using manipulatives or other strategies.
Can differentiate math vocab in word problems.
E=Solves word problems independently with manipulatives. / E= Solves word problems independently, using a variety of tools, & begins to explain how they arrived at answer. / E= Solves problems independently & explains how/why.
Demonstrates mastery of addition and subtraction facts to 10 / M= Fact families 0’s and doubles using tools and strategies. / M= Fact Families 1, 2, 3, and 4s using tools, strategies, and patterns. / M=Fact families 5-10s.
Uses tools, strategies, and patterns to solve problems.
E= Masters facts up to 4s and including doubles. / E= Masters facts up to 10s / E=Memorize all facts (+,-) and applies number sense.
Demonstrates understanding of numerals 0 – 10 / M=Begins to count forward and backward using the number line and grid. Reads/writes numbers 1-50 correctly with few reversals / M= Independently counts forward and backward using number line and grid and begins to understand more, less than and equal to. Reads/writes numbers 1-75 or higher with few reversals / M=Independtly uses 100s grid with full understanding of more, less than, and equal to and begins to apply number sense. Reads/writes place value correctly up to 100-NO reversals
E= Reads and writes numbers 1 -100 with very few errors or reversals. / E= Reads and writes numbers 1-100…NO errors & NO reversals / E=Applies place value knowledge to problem solve independently; goes beyond 100 .
Skip counts by 2, 5, 10 / M= Skip counts by 1, 5, 10s up to 100 independently with tools (i.e.-number grid) / M= Skip counts by 2, 5, 10s up to 100 with tools (i.e.- number grid) with few errors/ teacher supported. / M= Skip counts correctly by 2, 5, 10s up to 100 with number grid tool independently with no errors.
E= Skip counts by 1, 2, 5 and 10s up to 100 using tools or independently. / E= Skip counts by 1, 2, 5, 10s up to 100 or beyond independently / E= Applies “big idea” of skip counting and starts anywhere on the number line/grid.
Identifies and describes common fractions as part of a whole using concrete materials / M= Understands whole and 1/2 given a picture model. Demonstrates that fractions are part of a whole. / M= Understands whole, 1/2 , and 1/4 given a picture model / M= Recognizes fractions 1/2, 1/4, 1/3 given a picture model
E= Explains why the fraction is part of a whole and explains what is needed to make to whole / E= Explains why the fraction is part of a whole and explains what is needed to make to whole / E= Explains why the fraction is part of a whole and explains what is needed to make to whole.
Also uses understanding of parts of a whole to solve problems (i.e.- word, etc).
Identifies and expresses values of coins and combinations of coins to $1.00. / M= Identifies and expresses values of penny and nickel.
Adds and exchanges the above. / M= Identifies and expresses values of penny, nickel, and dime. Adds and exchanges the above. / M= Recognizes all coins and values. Adds combinations of coins up to $1.00 using (P, N, D & Q).
E= Identifies all coins and their values. / E= Identifies all coins and values and begins to add, subtract and exchange values. / E= Make change combos, add /subtract and exchange to $1.00 or more independently.
Unit 2, Unit 3 (Part B)
Measures length to the nearest inch / M= Uses non-standard units of measure (i.e.- unifix cubes, etc.) / M= Introduces ruler tool and recognizes inch markings. / M= Measures length to the nearest inch.
E= Measures to nearest inch using a ruler. / E= Measures to the nearest inch and half inch using a ruler. / E= Can independently apply half inch concepts and begins to explore centimeter markings
Tells time to the nearest half hour / M= Understands parts of a clock; introduces telling time to the hour and ½past hour. / M= Tells time to the hour and ½past hour with teacher support / M= Tells time to the nearest hour and half hour independently.
E=Understands clock parts and tells time independently to the hour and half hour. / E=Tells time to the ¼ hour and beyond (5’s) independently. / E=Uses and applies knowledge of time to solve elapsed time problems.
Knows calendar terms / M=Identifies all calendar terms (i.e. - days of week/months of year) and states them in order. / M=Understands the use of a calendar. Able to read a calendar and the daily date (month, date, year) independently. / M= Demonstrates complete understanding of calendar and uses skills to problem solve.
E=Understands all calendar concepts and terms and independently read the daily date (month, date, year) / E= Uses knowledge of calendar to solve elapsed time problems. Answers and explains higher level thinking problems using various types of calendars (i.e.-daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)
Patterns and Algebraic Concept.
Identifies, describes and extends patterns / M=Independently completes/ describes AB patterns and begins more complex patterns. / M=Independently completes/ describes ABC combinations. / M=Can describe and complete more complex patterns (ABCD combos)
E= Can describe and complete all complex patterns combinations (ABCD) / E= Designs and creates complex patterns (ABCD). Explains orally or in writing how they created the pattern. Also able to pattern by 1 or more attributes when possible.
Unit 3 / Unit 4 / Unit 7
Identifies , completes, and extends geometric and numeric patterns / M=Completes shapes and numbers in AB combinations (independently) / M=Completes shapes and numbers / M= Applies pattern concepts to shapes and numbers.
E=Can apply higher level thinking questions to patterns and numbers with support. / E= Creates patterns and answers higher level thinking questions regarding their pattern. All completed on an independent level.
Identifies 2-D and 3-D shapes / M= Names 2-D shapes and can describe by one attribute. / M= Names 3-D shapes and can describe them using one attribute / M= Independently identifies 2-D & 3-D shapes and can describe by one attribute
E= Names & describe 2-D shapes by more than one attribute. Begins to name 3-D. / E=Can show & describe full understanding of 2-D & 3-D shapes by multiple attributes. / E=Uses and applies knowledge of 2-D & 3-D shapes to assist classmates.
Data and Probability
Unit 2 / Unit 5 (Part B)
Reads, represents and interprets simple bar graphs, tally charts and pictographs / M= Can read tally charts and begins to understand the use of different types of graphs. / M= Read and interprets simple graphs with support; working toward independence. / M= Reads and interprets simple graphs correctly with no errors.
M= Demonstrates what graphs are for and able to read and interpret various types of graphs. / M=Independently creates graphs using given data. / M= Independently creates graphs and interprets graphs using their own data.