February 27, 2017
Present: Terry Bergeron, Chair; Tim DeMillo, Vice Chair; Tom Goding; Judy Diaz; Keith Cornelio; Shiloh LaFreniere, Town Manager
Guests: Donna Perry, Sun Journal
1. Pledge of Allegiance: 6:00pm
2. Minutes: M/M/S Tim/Tom to accept February 20, 2017 minutes as written. Vote: 5-0-0
3. Old Business: No old business.
4. Budget Committee Appointment: M/M/SKeith/Tom to appoint Marilyn Morse as Alternate Budget Committeemember, term to expire 12/31/2017. Vote 5-0-0
5. Tax Acquired Property:On January 31st the Town foreclosed on 7 properties for unpaid tax and/or sewer liens. A letter was sent to homeowners and mortgage holdersgiving the parties until March 3rd to pay outstanding balances in full. The owners of Map 29 Lot 34, Map 23 Lot 48, Map 27 Lot 2 have agreed to pay before March 1st. Neitherthe owner nor the mortgage holder of Map 15 Lot 52 intend to pay, and they are aware that the Town will likely put the property up for sale. Map 29 Lot 33 has been paid.Thenew owner of Map 6A Lot 19 has asked the Town to enter into a Land InstallmentContract in which she will pay $50.00 a week until paid in full. The owner has paid $100.00 of the $761.70 due. M/M/S Keith/Tom to approve a Land Purchase InstallmentAgreement with Susan Jones. Vote: 4-0-1 (Judy abstained) Shiloh indicated that, after the 3rd, they will be sending the notices to Margot Joly for review prior to the Board determining if they want to put them up for sale.
6. Other Business: Criminal Forfeiture – From time to time, property becomes available through theCriminal Forfeiture process. In the case of State of Maine vs. Joseph Varricchio, Jr. the item that may be forfeited is a Taurus Millennium 9mm pistol. According to 15 M.R.S.A § 5824(3) any forfeitable item may be transferred to a State Agency, County or Municipality. The municipal legislative body must publicly vote to accept the item if subsequently ordered forfeited by the Court. M/M/S Judy/Tom to accept and sign the Approval of Transfer for one Taurus Millennium 9mm pistol if ordered forfeited by thecourt. Vote 5-0-0
Notice of Public Hearing: M/M/S Keith/Tom to approve the Warrant and Notice of Public Hearing. Vote 5-0-0
Corporate Valuation:Shiloh received an agreement from Corporate Valuations, Inc. setting the fee to value the Androscoggin Mill on April 1, 2017, at $12,500. The fee is the same as last year.
March 6th Caucus: A letter was received from the Franklin County Commissionersinforming the Jay Selectmen that there are Budget Committee vacancies in all three commissioner districts. Tom’s seat is up this year. Terry urged board members to attend the Franklin County Caucus on March 6th, at 5pm, at the Franklin County Court House, for the purpose ofelecting members to fill the Budget Committee vacancies.
TowerRecreation Fund: Judy asked if money could be taken from the Tower Recreation Fund to lower taxes. Shiloh responded that the funds have been set aside for recreation and she believed a Town vote would be necessary to use the funds for any purpose other than recreation.
7.Executive Session – Union (PD):M/M/STim/Judyto go into Executive Session under MRSA Title 1 Chapter 13 Section 405, Subsection 6 for the purpose of discussing Union. Vote 5-0-0. Terry declared the Board out of Executive Session.
M/M/S Tim/Tom to adjourn at 6:45. Vote 5-0-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Bryant
Mar. 2nd: RSU Budget Meeting – SMES Gym 6:00
Mar. 9th: RSU Budget Meeting – SMPS Gym 6:00
Mar. 13th: Nomination Papers Due
Mar. 13th: Public Hearing on Warrant – SMMS Cafeteria 6:00
Mar. 16th: RSU Budget Meeting – SMMS Cafeteria 6:00
Mar. 23rd: RSU Budget Meeting – Cedar St
Mar. 24th: Absentee Ballots Available
April 6th: RSU District Budget Vote – SMMS 6:00
April 25th: Town Meeting & RSU Referendum Vote