RFQ No. 1746 Building Permit Record Scanning
Notes to Bidder
Appendix ‘B’ must be submitted in response to RFQ No. 1746
Appendix ‘B’ Quotation Form 1746 (Fillable Form)
Bidders should address and respond to each question within this Appendix ‘B’. Any failure by a Bidder not to provide a Response may result in preference being given to competing Bidders.
This form is provided in Microsoft word format and the table is expandable. Bidders are to provide their response in the area which is not highlighted. If your RESPONSE is considered to be lengthy, Bidders can provide an “initial” RESPONSE and then provide the details as an Appendix referencing the Question No.
Note: This Quotation Form 1746 must be signed by a person authorized to legally bind the Firm and the Bidder to statements made in response to this RFQ.
Section 1: Bidder Information
Q1. / Introduce your company and its experience with work of this nature as listed in the Requirement and Scope of Work, including years of experience.A1.
Q2. / State the physical address where the microfiche rolls will be sent for scanning and temporary storage.
Q3. / State the scanning resolution.
Q4. / Details regarding the systems and protocols designed to protect records from unauthorized access, loss, theft or disaster. This should include but not be limited to security systems, fire systems, environmental controls, and process protocols.
Q5. / State your turn-a-round-time and flexibility to a phased approach, depending on the overall cost for this project.
Q6. / Bidders are to indicate if any part of the Work will be sub-contracted. If sub-contractors will be used for any portion of the Building Permit Record Scanning, please list the sub-contractor business name and contact information and experience, including a summary of your history of working with the sub-contractors.
Q7. / Provide brief experience for all staff assigned to the project and their role in the project.
Q8. / List any sub-contractor(s) that would be used to provide the goods and service, including a summary of your history of working with the sub-contractor(s).
Q9. / References: Provide a list of former and current references for customers the Bidder has provided similar work that the City may contact. The City may also take its own experience into consideration. Information should include:
(a) Company name, contact information
(b) Telephone and email address
(c) Description of project/year, $value
Section 2: Financial
Bidders are to include a unit price breakdown. Unit pricing shall be in Canadian Dollars, delivery and include all costs required to convert the microfiche roll building permit records to searchable PDF files, which includes, scan microfiche film to produce single page tiff files, quality control and individual inspection of every image, combining of images into multipage files by permit number, renaming each file by building permit number, followed by civic address, conversion of multipage files to PDF format and includes writing images onto 3.5 inch SATA Hard Drive. Unit pricing for General Fees shall be per single page. Applicable taxes are shown as a separate line item.
In the event of a discrepancy between the unit prices and extended totals, the unit prices will govern and the City reserves the right to correct the extended totals accordingly.
*Estimated Quantity / Unit Pricing / Total*General Fees
Microfilm Scanning Costs – single page / 2,622,000 / $ / $
Scanned Images to 3.5 inch SATA Hard Drive / $
From City of Nanaimo, 411 Dunsmuir Street, Nanaimo, BC to Bidder’s Facility
§ Banker’s Box – Weight 25 lbs / Dimensions 10”high x 12”wide x 15”long / 6 / $ / $
From Bidder’s Facility to City of Nanaimo, 411 Dunsmuir Street, Nanaimo BC
§ Banker’s Box – Weight 25 lbs / Dimensions 10”high x 12”wide x 15”long (Return of microfiche rolls) / 6 / $ / $
From Bidder’s Facility to City of Nanaimo, 411 Dunsmuir Street, Nanaimo BC
§ SATA Hard Drive of Scanned Images / $
GST / $
PST / $
Total / $
*Estimated Quantities: The quantities indicated within this Appendix ‘B’ are NOT meant to be an indication of actual requirements. The quantities indicated have been noted for the purpose of establishing the unit pricing that will apply when ordering various quantities, as this project may be a phased approach over two or three years. The unit pricing provided by Bidders shall remain firm fixed for completion of the project. The actual quantities required are currently unknown and will be ordered on an “as needed” basis as required by and at the sole discretion of the City.
**Bidders are to provide unit costs for shipping; however, the City reserves the right (at its sole discretion) to use its own shipper / account. In such instance, the Bidder agrees to waive any shipping fees noted above. Any costs outside of the direct freight costs including but not limited to packing materials and handling shall be included in the unit pricing under General Fees.
Section 3: Signature
By submission of a Quotation, the Bidder agrees to enter into a Contract with the City at the unit pricing noted above in Section 2.
The undersigned Bidder, having carefully read and examined the Requirement and Scope of Work, Instructions to Bidders, Contract Conditions and having full knowledge of the services required, does hereby offer to provide the building permit record scanning in accordance with the terms and conditions of this RFQ, at the unit prices submitted.
The person signing this Quotation Form 1746 declares that they are an individual authorized to legally bind the Bidder to statements made in response to this RFQ.
Name & Title of IndividualLegal Name of Company
Legal Company Address
Phone and Fax Numbers
Email Address
Business License # (if applicable)
Authorized Signature
Authorized Signature
NOTE: If the submission is by joint venture, each member of the joint venture must sign this
Quotation Form 1746.
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