Chapter 39

Student: ______

1. The structure of the spinal cord that carries motor impulses out is the:

A. ventral root

B. dorsal root

C. dorsal root ganglion

D. dorsal horn

2. Spinal nerves carry:

A. motor information

B. sensory information

C. both motor and sensory information

3. The structure that functions to integrate sensory input from the eyes and joints with motor information concerning the movements of various muscles is the:

A. cerebrum

B. cerebellum

C. brain stem

D. diencephalon

4. An animal with a simple netlike nervous system is

A. earthworm.

B. cat.

C. hydra.

D. octopus.

E. planarian.

5. An animal with a ladder-like nervous system is the

A. earthworm.

B. cat.

C. hydra.

D. octopus.

E. planarian.

6. An animal with a brain and a single ventral solid nerve cord is the

A. earthworm.

B. cat.

C. hydra.

D. octopus.

E. planarian.

7. An animal with a brain and a dorsal hollow nerve cord is the

A. earthworm.

B. cat.

C. hydra.

D. octopus.

E. planarian.

8. The Greek root word for "circumference" underlies the term

A. neuron.

B. cerebellum.

C. central.

D. cerebrum.

E. peripheral.

9. Which statement is NOT true about the human nervous system?

A. The somatic nervous system controls skeletal muscles.

B. The autonomic nervous system controls the skin and joints.

C. The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord.

D. The somatic nervous system is part of the peripheral nervous system.

E. The autonomic nervous system controls glands and smooth muscles of the viscera.

10. The Greek root word meaning "nerve" underlies the term

A. neuron.

B. cerebellum.

C. central.

D. cerebrum.

E. peripheral.

11. Which statement is NOT true about the cells of the nervous system?

A. A neuron can have only one axon.

B. A neuroglial cell supports or protects a neuron.

C. There may be multiple dendrites on a single cell.

D. A dendrite is a cytoplasmic extension of a neuron.

E. A dendrite is the cell part that carries an electrical impulse away from the cell body.

12. We can define a nerve impulse as

A. an electrical current that moves along one nerve cell as if it were a copper wire.

B. a collection of sodium ions that start at the dendrite end and individually move all the way to eventually arrive at the brain.

C. a change in sodium ion concentrations on the nerve cell membrane(a change that moves generally from dendrites to axon).

D. a change in sodium ion concentrations on the nerve cell membrane(a change that moves generally from axon to dendrites).

13. The Greek root word for "tree" underlies the term

A. axon.

B. neuron.

C. pons.

D. dendrite.

E. peripheral.

14. The Greek root word for "axis" underlies the term

A. axon.

B. neuron.

C. pons.

D. dendrite.

E. myelin.

15. The Greek root word for "spinal cord" underlies the term

A. axon.

B. neuron.

C. pons.

D. dendrite.

E. myelin.

16. Dendrites

A. carry impulses away from a cell body.

B. are always myelinated.

C. are found only in the CNS.

D. are solely responsible for nervous conduction.

E. carry impulses toward a cell body.

17. Use the following key.
There is a trigeminal sensory nerve that lets you feel what is happening to your face, and there is a separate facial motor nerve that allows you to control the movements of each side of your face. Also consider that the routes for these two nerves are separate but converge at the same general "facial" region in the brain.
You have no facial control but feeling is present (known as Bell palsy).

A. blocks at "facial" area of brain

B. blocks facial nerve

C. blocks trigeminal nerve

D. no block

18. Use the following key.
There is a trigeminal sensory nerve that lets you feel what is happening to your face, and there is a separate facial motor nerve that allows you to control the movements of each side of your face. Also consider that the routes for these two nerves are separate but converge at the same general "facial" region in the brain.
You can neither feel one-half of your face nor control its movement; the physician is concerned about possible stroke or brain tumor.

A. blocks at "facial" area of brain

B. blocks facial nerve

C. blocks trigeminal nerve

D. no block

19. The inside of the neuron membrane at rest is

A. negatively charged.

B. positively charged.

C. neutral, or equal to the exterior charge.

D. None of the choices are correct, since neurons are never at rest.

20. How fast a person can type or play the piano keys depends upon the ultimate limitation to the number of nerve impulses she or he can send to a muscle per second. This is determined by

A. primarily the type of muscle.

B. whether the signal is pain, sound, motor, etc.

C. the magnitude or strength of the nerve signal.

D. the number of neurons and synapses involved.

E. the speed with which sodium ions can be pumped back outside the neuron membrane.

21. Which statement is NOT true about the neuron cell membrane?

A. The resting potential of a typical neuron is -70 mV within the neuron.

B. There is a difference in electrical potential between the sides of the cell membrane.

C. There is a voltage difference between the inside and the outside of the cell membrane.

D. The resting potential is the difference in electrical potential between the sides of the cell membrane when the cell is at rest.

E. The action potential is a rapid change in the electrical potential, making it more negative inside the cell than it was before.

22. In the axon, the nerve impulses travel

A. toward the cell body.

B. away from the cell body.

C. in both directions.

D. away from the synapse.

23. Which is NOT a correct association of structure and function?

A. axons--outgoing signals

B. sensory neuron--delivers signals to control sensory organs such as eye movement

C. cell body--nucleus and organelles

D. dendrites--incoming signals

E. interneuron—conveys signals to other parts of the CNS

24. Which statement is NOT true about the cells of the nervous system?

A. Sensory neurons are unipolar with one short axon.

B. Motor neurons have one axon and many short dendrites.

C. Sensory neurons carry information toward the central nervous system.

D. Motor neurons carry information from the central nervous system to the effector organs.

E. Interneurons are found in both the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system.

25. When a finger or other appendage is severed in an accident, it is possible to surgically rejoin most tissues (bone, skin, etc.) and most will grow back together. However, in a cut through an appendage nerve, it is currently very difficult to reconnect what are primarily severed

A. axons.

B. synapses.

C. cell bodies.

D. dendrites.

E. interneurons.

26. Which statement is NOT true about the development of an action potential?

A. It can be produced by an electric shock or a sudden pH change.

B. There is a rapid change in polarity from about -70 mV to about +40 mV.

C. The action potential ends when the polarity across the membrane reaches +40 mV.

D. Depolarization occurs when sodium gates open and allow sodium ions to enter the cell.

E. Potassium gates open after the sodium gates and allow potassium ions to leave the cell.

27. Which statement is NOT true about the action potential of the neuron?

A. Large fibers in neurons of some invertebrates carry very rapid nerve impulses.

B. The action potential travels the length of the axon in a self-propagating fashion.

C. Repolarization occurs as movement of potassium ions occurs across the cell membrane.

D. The action potential moves more slowly along a myelinated nerve fiber than along one with no myelin sheath.

E. Saltatory conduction occurs from one neurilemmal node to another along a myelinated neuron.

28. What keeps a nerve impulse from flowing "backward" in a neuron?

A. The synapse receptors form a one-way gate.

B. The sodium ions can only move toward a synapse.

C. The neurolemmocytes keep impulses flowing in only one direction.

D. The axon and dendrite have completely different membrane structures.

E. All of the choices are correct.

29. The connection space between the dendrite of one cell and the axon of another cell is called

A. a synapse.

B. a neurotransmitter.

C. an axonic connection.

D. a threshold.

30. The Latin root word for "hopper" underlies the term

A. axon.

B. neuron.

C. pons.

D. dendrite.

E. saltatory.

31. At a synapse,

A. synaptic vesicles fuse with the postsynaptic membrane.

B. synaptic vesicles fuse with the pre-synaptic membrane.

C. neurotransmitters diffuse across the synaptic cleft.

D. neurotransmitters are actively transported across the synaptic cleft.

E. synaptic vesicles fuse with the pre-synaptic membrane, and neurotransmitters diffuse across the synaptic cleft.

32. The summing up of excitatory and inhibitory signals in a neuron is called

A. repolarization.

B. inhibition.

C. synapse.

D. integration.

E. sympathetic response.

33. The likely effect on a neuron of two excitatory signals and twenty inhibitory signals is

A. transmission of a nerve impulse.

B. transmission of a nerve impulse releasing inhibitory neurotransmitters at the next synapse.

C. prohibiting the axon from firing at all.

D. confused integration.

34. The enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine within the synaptic cleft is

A. acetylcholinesterase.

B. monoamine oxidase.


D. lipase.

E. maltase.

35. In dissection, most nerve fibers appear gray to white because

A. the neuron is gray to white colored.

B. sodium ions are part of the salt compound and they flow along the surface.

C. they rapidly die and dead tissues soon become gray or white.

D. it is mostly myelin sheath made of lipid or fat molecules.

E. they consume large amounts of energy in the form of sugar.

36. Which of the following structures does NOT pertain to neurons?

A. neurolemmocytes

B. Schwann cells

C. myelin

D. neurofibril nodes (of Ranvier)

E. glomerulus

37. Which of the following is NOT true about the myelin sheath?

A. It is composed of layers of cellular membrane containing myelin around nerve fibers.

B. It gives nerve fibers their white glistening appearance.

C. It is surrounded by the neurilemma.

D. It decreases the speed of nerve impulse conduction.

E. It is formed from Schwann cells.

38. The sodium/potassium pump is primarily responsible for the

A. resting potential.

B. action potential.

C. excretion of salts.

D. contraction of muscle fibers.

E. maintaining isotonic water balance.

39. A nerve impulse is

A. movement of a sodium ion all the way from dendrite to axon tip.

B. movement of a potassium ion all the way from dendrite to axon tip.

C. movement of an electron all the way from dendrite to axon tip.

D. a change in the difference in positive and negative ions on the outer and inner surfaces of the neuron membrane, a change that opens adjacent channels and propagates its flow.

E. a change in the difference in sugar molecules on the outer and inner surfaces of the neuron membrane that opens adjacent channels.

40. The difference between a weak stimulus and an intense stimulus is

A. the action potential is gradated and a weak stimulus causes a small change in polarity.

B. weak stimuli only open sodium gates, strong stimuli also open potassium gates.

C. the axon fires at a greater frequency.

D. a strong stimulus does not allow repolarization but sends a constant flow of ions.

E. All of the choices are correct.

41. Generally, nerve impulses do not move "backward" along a series of neurons. Which is NOT a correct reason?

A. There is a short refractory period during which sodium gates cannot open and an action potential cannot move backwards.

B. Sensory organs are at the dendrite end of neurons.

C. At the synapse, the pre-synaptic membrane releases transmitter and the post-synaptic membrane has receptors.

D. Sodium and potassium gates are one- directional and cannot open in the direction toward the dendrites.

42. Neurotransmitters are molecules that cross the synaptic cleft and

A. always inhibit the postsynaptic neuron.

B. always excite the postsynaptic neuron.

C. either excite or inhibit the postsynaptic neuron.

D. integrate the pre-synaptic action potential.

E. are carried along the membrane surface of the next neuron.

43. Transmission of a nerve impulse from one neuron to another neuron is NOT dependent on

A. the presence of calcium ions.

B. a neurotransmitter substance.

C. a synaptic cleft.

D. a pre-synaptic and postsynaptic membrane.

E. a depolarization and repolarization wave.

44. You spray an insect with a common insecticide that destroys the ability of acetylcholinesterase to recycle acetylcholine. What then happens?

A. This kills the neuron directly.

B. The lack of recycled acetylcholine brings cell metabolism to a halt.

C. The insect loses control of body functions as nerve impulses flow continuously.

D. This prevents the synapse from restoring its ability to "reset" itself for the next impulse.

E. The synapse is prevented from restoring its ability to "reset" itself for the next impulse, therefore, the insect loses control of body functions due to a continuous flow of impulses.

45. Carpal tunnel syndrome is due to damage to one nerve and results in lack of control to the wrist and also numbness. This indicates that the

A. nerve contained sensory neurons.

B. nerve contained motor neurons.

C. nerve contained both sensory and motor neurons.

D. damage was to a central body in a ganglion.

E. damage was to the spinal cord interneuron.

46. The peripheral nervous system consists of the

A. nerves.

B. ganglia.

C. nerves and ganglia.

D. brain and spinal cord.

E. brain, spinal cord, and nerves.

47. Which statement is NOT correct about the peripheral nervous system?

A. The nerves contain the cell bodies of the neurons.

B. The nerves contain nerve fibers consisting of axons and dendrites.

C. The somatic nervous system sends motor impulses to the skeletal muscles.

D. Effectors include the muscles that carry out the instructions sent from the central nervous system.

E. Receptors are stimulated by changes in the environment to send an electrical impulse toward the central nervous system.

48. When the dorsal root of a spinal nerve is cut,

A. the organism is killed.

B. incoming sensory nerve impulses are lost.

C. outgoing motor nerve impulses are lost.

D. impulses do not cross over to the other side of the body.

49. Spinal nerves contain

A. only sensory fibers.

B. only motor fibers.

C. both sensory and motor fibers.

D. only parasympathetic fibers.

E. only interneurons forming ganglia.

50. The primary functions of the spinal cord involve

A. intelligence and memory.

B. speech, taste, smell, vision, hearing.

C. reflex actions and communication between the brain and spinal nerves.

D. controlling muscle activity and maintaining balance.

E. local control and decision-making for local anatomy.

51. A nerve is

A. a neuron.

B. composed of sensory axons and motor dendrites.

C. composed of the long fibers of long axons.

D. a part of the central nervous system.

E. any cell located in the brain or spinal region.

52. A reflex action

A. is an automatic, involuntary response.

B. does not require the central nervous system.

C. is normally controlled consciously.

D. has no protective value.

E. is only found in humans.

53. Which statement is NOT true about the autonomic nervous system?

A. The autonomic nervous system is a completely motor system.

B. The sympathetic nervous system deals with "fight-or-flight" responses.

C. The functions of the autonomic system are generally involuntary and subconscious.

D. The parasympathetic nervous system promotes actions associated with relaxation.

E. The neurotransmitter associated with the parasympathetic system is norepinephrine.

54. For the most part it is proper to associate the

A. sympathetic nervous system with acetylcholine and emergencies.

B. parasympathetic nervous system with norepinephrine and emergencies.

C. sympathetic nervous system with norepinephrine and emergencies.

D. parasympathetic system with acetylcholine and emergencies.

E. sympathetic nervous system with feelings of compassion and sympathy.

55. There are two major groups of nervous system drugs. Drugs in one group retard heartbeat, promote digestion, contract the eye pupil, etc. The other drugs have the opposite effect. These drugs are affecting the

A. motor and sensory nerves.

B. cerebrum and cerebellum, respectively.

C. central and peripheral nervous systems.

D. neurostimulatory and neuroinhibitory synapses.

E. sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

56. Administration of norepinephrine would

A. dilate the bronchi and increase oxygen for blood.

B. slow heartbeat.

C. stimulate the digestive system to supply more sugar to the blood.

D. cause the pupil of the eye to contract.

E. promote an overall relaxed state.

57. Which of these is NOT true of the autonomic nervous system?

A. It controls heartbeat, peristalsis, and secretion of glands.

B. It is composed of sympathetic and parasympathetic systems.

C. It is composed only of fibers that have an inhibitory function on various organs of the body.

D. The impulses require two motor neurons to reach their destination.

E. The system coordinates organ responses.

58. The preganglionic fibers of the sympathetic nervous system

A. arise from the thoracic-lumbar portion of the spinal cord.

B. arise from the craniosacral portion of the spinal cord.

C. terminate in ganglia far away from the spinal cord.

D. have a long length.

E. are the brain's main source of feelings of compassion for others.

59. Which of the following is NOT true about the autonomic nervous system?

A. It uses two motor neurons and one ganglion for each impulse.

B. It uses preganglionic and postganglionic axons.

C. It is a part of the peripheral nervous system.

D. It functions automatically and consciously.

E. It innervates all internal body organs.

60. Which of these pairs of phrases is mismatched?

A. synaptic vesicles–neurotransmitters

B. ganglia–cell bodies outside the CNS

C. autonomic nervous system–mixed nerves

D. nodes of Ranvier–unmyelinated regions of a nerve fiber.

E. membrane potential–Na+ and K+

61. The Greek root word for "membranes covering the brain" underlies the term

A. medulla oblongata.

B. meninges.

C. reticular formation.

D. diencephalon.

E. thalamus.

62. Which of these statements about the parts of the unconscious brain is NOT correct?

A. The pons is the lowest part of the brain, just above the spinal cord.