Dear Cheerleaders & Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to the2015 WYFC SEASON.The Wildcat Youth Football Club believes that cheerleading is a rewarding and exciting sport that teaches teamwork, dedication, sportsmanship, leadership, school spirit, and hard work. Both you and your parent/guardian should read the following information to ensure you fully understand both the responsibility and commitment expected of you as a WYFC cheerleader.

Please remember and consider the time and commitment this sport will require from both the student and parents. Your commitment will require active participation in the pre-season clinic, all practices and weekly games. There may also be a few other opportunities during the season to represent our City and our Club. These include the Community Days Parade and the Mayfield High School Varsity Game that we have been a part of in past years. Due to the fact that cheerleading is a team sport, one person’s inability to follow through on their commitment affects the entire squad. This means being committed to the football team and your squad.

Michelle Shaw

WYFC Cheer Director

Wildcat Youth Cheerleaders:

The purpose of the WYFC Cheer program is to promote school pride, unity and to lead the club in demonstrating spirit and support for our teams, coaches, and all athletes. WYFC Cheerleaders are expected to demonstrate excellent sportsmanship at all times.

Rules, Regulations, and Guidelines

  • There is NO tolerance for any type of bullying (any issues must be brought to director /coaches immediately)
  • No profanity while in or out of uniform
  • No chewing gum while in uniform or during practice/games
  • There will be no eating while at practice or at games (halftime snack only)
  • Hair must be all pulled back if long enough to be in a pony tail
  • No cell phone use during practice/games
  • No negative and /or bad attitudes
  • You will treat coaches and team members with respect at all times
  • Tardiness affects the entire team, be on time available for the entire practice/game
  • Each cheerleader is responsible to bring a water bottle to each practice/game


  • Everyone must attend all practices. One person’s absence disrupts the entire squad
  • Practices will normally run from 6:00 -8:00 p.m. Coaches will make the girls aware if any changes need to be made or if more practices are added to the schedule.
  • Cheerleaders are required to attend each end of practice CLUB HUDDLE
  • Cheerleaders/Parents/Guardians are expected to notify a coach, IN ADVANCE, if they are to going to be tardy or miss a practice.


  • Cheerleaders must be dressed in full uniform for every game.
  • Uniform top and skirt
  • BLACK shorts only under skirt
  • WHITE socks only
  • All WHITE shoes
  • Hair pulled back
  • In colder weather ONLY BLACK or WHITE long sleeves and/or leggings are to be worn under the uniform. WYFC Spirit wear may be worn over tops if the weather is cold.
  • ALWAYS have your rain coat with you in case the weather changes
  • Arrive to all games 30-45min. prior to game time.
  • Cheerleaders are responsible for bringing appropriate equipment to all games.
  • Cheerleading is your only concern during the game.
  • You are required to sit with team during entire game.
  • Go to the bathroom prior to game time and there is a break after half time show.
  • Snacks are given after half time show. Each Squad member is responsible to bring something to share during the season. Schedules will be made by coaches
  • All cheerleaders need to be back in line and cheering before half way through the third quarter.
  • The cheerleaders/families are to attend the huddle at the end of every game.

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I agree to the above requirements of the WYFC CHEERLEADING CONTRACT: