Accepted Student Day

Schedule of Events

8:30-9:00 Registration, McLane Lobby

9:00-9:20 Welcome, McLane Gym

9:30-10:30 Dean’s Overview & Academic Showcase

You will have the opportunity to speak with professors and ask questions about specific academic majors, course requirements, class schedules, and career options.

·College of Business - F.W. Olin Building, Room 302

·School of Art and Design - Powell Campus Center, Nevins Theater

·Inamori School of Engineering - Science Center, Roon Lecture Hall

·College of Liberal Arts and Sciences - Harder Hall, Holmes Auditorium

10:30-12:00 Academics and Beyond, Powell Campus Center & McLane Gym

Be sure to stop by one of our “Ask a Student Tables” to learn about life inside and outside of the classroom when you visit the following concurrent fairs:

·Faculty Fair, PCC Knight Club (3rd floor)

Regardless of your intended major, this is a chance for you to learn about the diversity and magnitude of the academic programs at AU. Come and mingle with faculty and advisors along with the International and Honors Program Directors. This is an opportunity for undeclared students, double majors and/or minor(s), and those interested in the Individually Structured Major to get additional information from faculty.

·Student Activities Fair, PCC Various Locations

Meet with student representatives from AU clubs & organizations. A sampling of student organizations will be available along with special performances.

·  Financial Aid is available for general questions outside of the Knight Club.


·Athletics Fair McLane Lobby (2nd Floor)

If you are interested in participating in an intercollegiate sport, coaches will be available to speak with you about athletics at AU.

·Student Services Fair McLane Lobby (2nd Floor)

Speak with staff members from, Information Technology, Public Safety, Residence Life, Student Healthtr, Special Academic Services, The Career and Development Center, The Wellness Center, Counseling and Health Services, Judson Leadership Center, Service Learning and The Writing Center.

12:00-1:00 Luncheon – McLane Gym

1:00-2:00 Concurrent Events: All depart from McLane Gym unless noted

·Art & Engineering Tours - Tours depart at 12:45 only

·Campus Tours - Tours depart at 12:45, 1:00, 1:15

**2:00 depart from Alumni Hall

9:00-1:00 Deposits & Student ID’s – McLane Fitness Center (1st Floor)

An admissions representative will be available to assist you with securing your enrollment to AU. If you have already secured your enrollment, please stop by to pick up your enrollment packet and to obtain your student ID.

**Financial Aid staff will available during this time for those families who wish to have individual consultation from 12:00 to 3:00 in Alumni Hall on a first-come, first-served basis.