Chairman: Cllr. Mr. Bill Rollo
Minutes of Meetings held Monday 2nd May 2017, 7pm.
Present: Cllr. Mr. Bill Rollo, Cllr. Mr John Edwards, Cllr. Mrs Joan Woolley, Cllr. Mr. Beverley Griffiths, Cllr. Mr. Tim Evans, Cllr. Mr. Keith Sanders.
Clerk: Mrs Jane Whittaker
PUBLIC QUESTION TIME: No members of the public were present.
25.17Welcomemade by Cllr. Mr. B Rollo
26.17Election of Meeting Chair - Cllr. Mr. John Edwards proposed Cllr. Mr. Bill Rollo
Seconded by Cllr. Mrs Joan Woolley.
Cllr. Mr. Bill Rollo agreed to stand.
All Councillors agreed.
27.17Annual Report by Chairman of Weston under Redcastle Parish Council: Cllr. Mr. Bill Rollo duly read out the report which was circulated.
Meeting closed 7.20.
28.17Apologies for absence – None
29.17Invitation, Election, and Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Chairman:
Cllr. Mr. Beverley Griffiths proposed Cllr. Mr. B Rollo
Cllr. Mrs Joan Woolley seconded.
Cllr. Mr. B Rollo agreed to stand.
All Councillors agreed the nomination
RESOVLED: Cllr. Mr. Bill Rollo signed the declaration of acceptance of Office as chairman of Weston under Redcastle PC.
30.17Invitation, Election and Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Vice Chairman:
Cllr Mrs Joan Woolley proposed Cllr. Mr K Sanders
Cllr. Mr. John Edwards seconded.
Cllr. Mr K Sanders agreed to stand
All councillors agreed the nomination.
RESOLVED Cllr. Mr. K Sanders signed the declaration of acceptance of office as vice chairman of Weston under Redcastle PC.
31.17Election of other officers:
31.17.1Local Joint Committee Representative:
Cllr. Mr Tim Evans proposed Cllr. Mr. J Edwards
Cllr Mr Bill Rollo seconded.
Cllr. Mr. J Edwards agreed to stand
All councillors agreed the nomination.
RESOLVED Cllr. Mr. J Edwards is the LJC Rep
31.17.2The Village Hall Management Committee Representative:
Cllr. Mr.K Sanders proposed Cllr. Mr. John Edwards
Cllr Mr. Tim Evans seconded.
Cllr. Mr. John Edwards agreed to stand.
All Councillors agreed the nomination.
RESOLVED: Cllr. Mr. J Edwards is the Village Hall Rep.
31.17.3Newsletter reporter
A discussion took place on the new format.
Cllr. Mr. Bill Rollo agreed to provide a quarterly report.
31.17.4Alc and Nalc Representative:
A discussion took place on our new membership.
The clerk – Jane Whittaker agreed to attend the meetings.
31.17.5Planning Committee
The format remains unchanged. The whole PC acts as the planning committee which was agreed.
31.17.6Highways Co – ordinator:
Cllr. Mr. K Sanders proposed Cllr. Mr. B Griffiths
Cllr. Mrs Joan Woolley seconded.
Cllr. Mr. B Griffiths agreed to stand
All councillors agreed.
RESOLVED: Cllr. Mr. B Griffiths is the Highways Co ordinator.
31.17.7 RAF Shawbury Noise Liaison Group Representative
Cllr. Mr. J Edwards proposed Cllr. Mr. Tim Evans
Cllr. Mr. K Sanders seconded.
Cllr. Mr. Tim Evans agreed to stand
All Councillors agreed.
RESOLVED: Cllr. Mr. Tim Evans is the RAF Shawbury Noise Rep
31.17.8Website Representive
Cllr Mr. Joan Woolley proposed Cllr. Mr. Tim Sargent
Cllr. Mr. Keith Sanders seconded.
Cllr. Mr. Tim Sargent agreed to stand
All councillors agreed.
RESOLVED: Cllr. Mr. Tim Sargent is the website rep.
31.17.9 Tree Warden
Cllr. Mr. John Edwards proposed Cllr. Mrs Joan Woolley
Cllr. Mr. Bill Rollo seconded.
Cllr. Mrs Joan Woolley agreed to stand.
All councillors agreed.
RESOLVED Cllr. Mrs Joan Woolley is the Tree Warden.
31.17.10 Bank Signatories
Cllr Mr. B Griffiths and Cllr. Mr. Tim Evans are already signatories.
Cllr. Mr. J Edwards proposed Cllr. Mr. Bill Rollo as the third signatory.
Cllr. Mrs J Woolley seconded.
All Councillors agreed.
RESOLVED Cllr Mr. Bill Rollo will be the third signatory.
31.17.11 Appointment of Internal Checker to carry out annual review of Governance Documents to include Financial internal controls, financial regulations and standing orders.
Cllr. Mr Bill Rollo proposed Cllr. Mr. Tim Evans
Cllr. Mr. J Edwards seconded.
Cllr. Mr. Tim Evans agreed to stand.
All Councillors agreed.
RESOLVED Cllr. Mr. Tim Evans in the Internal Checker.
Meeting closed 7.40pm.
32.17.Apologies: None
33.17Declaration of Interests:
a. Personal Interests – None
b. Prejudicial Interests – None
34.17Minutes –Cllr. Mr. John Edwards proposed the minutes as a true and accurate record. Cllr. Mr. K Sanders seconded. All councillors agreed. Cllr. Mr. B Rollo duly signed the minutes as a true and accurate record.
35.17Progress Reports
35.17.1Upkeep of Guinea Lane – A discussion took place. The estimates were circulated. RESOLVED: Cllr. Mr. John Edwards will contact residents along Guinea Lane and ask for a contribution towards the upkeep of the road surface. A decision is deferred until the next meeting.
35.17.2Kerbs outside Park Cottage. Letter from Keith Ridland 23.3.17. A letter of support was sent from Weston under Redcastle PC. No outcome has been received to date. The clerk will chase this up.
35.17.3Up keep of Village – A discussion took place. RESOLVED Cllr. Mr. K Sanders and Cllr. Mr. Tim Sargent will together collate a plan of works to benefit the parish, this will be brought to the next meeting.
35.17.4Meeting with Hawkstone Hall new owners - It was agreed that the involvement of Weston Parish will be small. No further information has been received todate.
35.17.5PC Website – No report
35.17.6Elections update – Weston under Redcastle PC will be uncontested on the 4th May, although Shropshire Councillor Karen Calder has been contested therefore a vote will take place for the Shropshire Councillor position on the 4th May 2017.
35.17.7Computer Training Sessions – A discussion took place, it was agreed that Cllr. Mr K Sanders will contact Hawkstone Park regarding using a wifi room for the training sessions. Residents are also invited to join the sessions, this will go out in the Newsletter.
36.17District Councillor Report – No report.
17/05213/ENF – Pallini Bungalow field. A discussion took place it was agreed that the clerk will contact Shropshire Council to inform them that the field still has vehicles on it, and the Environment Agency regarding the tipping of rubble.
17/00743/FUL – Erection of detached garage at Park View. Applicant Mr. & Mrs N Chesters. A planning meeting had been held before this meeting to determine the comment.
38.17- Internal Auditor Cllr. Mrs Meriel Rees-Pullman had agreed the audit. A fee of £50.00 to go to a charity had been requested. This will go on the next agenda.
39.17External Auditor All accounts will now go to Mazars
40.17Approval of Accounts year ended 31st March 2017. Copies previously circulated
Approval of Financial Statement for Auditors. Copies previously circulated
Approval of Annual Governance Statement. Copies previously circulated
Approval of Outstanding Accounts.
RESOLVED Cllr. Mr Tim Sargent proposed the above accounts and financial statements, and annual figures as correct. Cllr. Mrs Joan Woolley seconded. All councillors agreed. Cllr. Mr. Bill Rollo signed the Annual Return. Cllr. Mr. B Griffiths and Cllr. Mr. Tim Evans duly signed the cheques for the outstanding accounts.
Date / Recipient / Purpose & Power / Amount / Cheque No.2.5.17 / Salc / Affiliation Fees.
LGA 1972 S143 / £151.76 / 100312
2.5.17 / Connect Solutions / Website
LGA 1972 S142 / £180.00 / 100313
2.5.17 / Jane Whittaker / Clerk Salary
LGA 1972 s112(2) / £311.05 / 100314
2.5.17 / Jane Whittaker / Electric meter
LGA 1972 s134(4) / £3.00 / 100314
41.17Correspondence for information – All information circulated electronically
42.17Clerk’s decisions on urgent matters since the last meeting – None
43.17Councillors reports and items for future agenda. None
44.17Date of next meeting:
Monday 3rd July
Monday 4th September 2017
Monday 6th November 2017
All meetings are in Weston under Redcastle Village Hall and commene at 7.30pm.
Meeting closed 8.55pm.
Jane Whittaker
Clerk to Weston under Redcastle Parish Council
Tel 01939 200637 Email: