A student may drop courses from his/her schedule through the fifth day of classes during Fall and Spring semesters (for a period of two days after late registration during the Summer semester and for a period of one day after late registration during Maymester). Students may drop via myCATS or by submitting a Course Change Card to the Office of the Registrar for processing. No approval is required on the Course Change Card to drop a course during this time period.

Students attending classes that do not meet until after the published drop/add dates are allowed 24 hours following their first class meeting to adjust their course load. Exact dates for add and drop periods are listed in the Academic Calendar.

After the drop period, but on or before the last day to drop a course without academic penalty (unless previously assigned an 'F' by the professor for excessive absences), students may drop courses by submitting the Course Change Card to the Office of the Registrar. Approval of the instructor and faculty advisor are required.

A student, who drops a course after the last day to drop a course without academic penalty (unless previously assigned an "F" by the professor for absences) will receive a grade of "WF" (Withdrew Failing) for the course.


Undergraduate students who first matriculate at GCSU in Fall 2007 or later semesters may accumulate no more than five W grades. Once a student has accumulated five W grades, all subsequent drops will be recorded as WF. If a student withdraws from the university or drops a class due to an approved documented hardship, those W grades will not be counted as part of the five maximum.


To withdraw from the University, a student must complete a Withdrawal Request. Failure to withdraw officially will result in the grade of 'F' in all courses.

A student who withdraws from the University either temporarily or permanently at any time after the last day to drop a course without academic penalty (unless previously assigned an 'F' by the professor for excessive absences) will receive a grade of 'WF' (Withdrew Failing) for each course being carried at the time of withdrawal. However, with the approval of the class instructor, the student may petition the Dean of the College of the student's major for a 'W' (Withdrew) if the withdrawal is due to nonacademic extenuating circumstances and the student is passing all courses at the time of withdrawal.

The timing of withdrawals in order to avoid academic penalty is the responsibility of the student. Deadlines are published in the University Calendar.


A student may be administratively withdrawn from the University and/or from University housing when, in the judgment of the Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students and a professional member of the University's Health Services or Counseling Services staff, it is determined that the student's physical, mental, emotional or psychological health:

  1. poses a significant danger or threat of physical harm to the student or to the person or property of others; or
  2. causes the student to interfere with the rights of other members of the University community or with the exercise of any proper activities or functions of the University or its personnel.

Except in emergency situations, a student shall, upon request, be accorded a meeting with a University official or a hearing prior to a final decision concerning his or her continued enrollment at the University. If the student requests a hearing on such a matter, the Georgia College & State University Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students shall appoint a hearing body, consisting of students and faculty.